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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I'm so sorry to read this. Run free Gabe.
  2. All you need is a little wackiness and a couple huge freezers ... You left out the need for a strong gag reflex......
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free Dawn.
  4. Time4ANap


    I'm so sorry for your loss. There are never enough words.
  5. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  6. Diane, I'm so sorry for your loss of Grace. That was a beautiful tribute to your gorgeous girl. Run-free Grace. :f_pink
  7. Time4ANap


    Hilda, I'm so sorry that Pipi-Francine had to leave. She was one of those GT pups who seemed like she belonged to all of us. You were her Momma, but even those of us who never met her felt like she was one of our own. She will be greatly missed. Run-free Pipi-Francine. :f_pink
  8. Time4ANap


    Fantastic photos of your gorgeous girl. I'm so sorry she had to leave.
  9. Thank you for taking in Jimmy and making him part of the pack. Even though his time with you was short, I'm sure that he knew how much he was loved. I'm so sorry that he had to leave. Run-free Jimmy!
  10. What a handsome boy. I'm very sorry for your loss. Run-free Bacchus.
  11. For those who have a turnout area and are thinking about the astroturf, I found this website several years ago that is a supplier to sports teams, stadiums, and other large institutions. They sell used astroturf when the fields are refurbished. As long as you're not worried about it being perfect, the price for the used stuff can't be beat. The only downside is that the freight is usually as much as the turf itself depending on how much you're ordering. This stuff is heavy and you will need muscle or a tractor / forklift to unload it if you get a large quantity. I got a quote from them and it was reasonable - we just haven't gotten to this project yet.. The used stuff may have some chunks out of the backing, or might have lines on it from a football field or baseball diamond. They do have some types that will drain better than. You may need a layer of gravel under it for proper drainage. For me, the price still beats buying seed and running up my water bill every year trying to keep grass in the area..
  12. We fenced an area behind the garage just for this purpose. Rocket still has to ask to go out, but there is one room where a doggy door could be cut into the wall if we want. The area is an L shape along the side of the house and back of the garage, and is aproximately 26 long x 12 wide. We just fenced in the other 2 sides with a 6 foot privacy fence and a locked gate, so there was no magic formula to come up with that measurement. The only use of that area is a potty area, so he knows if he is out there, that's what he's out there for. We left the grass and some mulched areas that were already there in place, with plans to eventually buy some used astro turf to eliminate the mud and mowing. It's not muddy very often, but the ground has not frozen here this winter for more than a day or two, so it is muddier than usual when it rains or snows a little. He has 3 large traffic cones to use as "targets." At least that's what we'd like him to use them for. They are actually for doing circular zoomies with an occasional Figure 8 thrown in. The rest of our yard cannot be fenced easliy without blocking views of the pond, which is why we bought this lot. We do a walk or two each day, with the potty area being used for the remainder of the times that he needs out.
  13. Susan had / has one that she was using to help George of Noo England to get up 3 flights of stairs when he had some weakness issues. Not sure which one she used, might want to check with her since the one she used had to work for all of those stairs. She could provide you with info as to how much it "cut in" to him.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run-free Tally.
  15. I'm so sorry that EZ had to leave. Run-free EZ.
  16. Many have tried before you. All have failed..... We are going to eventually buy some used astroturf for the fenced turnout area. No more mud, no more mowing - win-win.
  17. I'm so sorry . Just can't find any other words at the moment.
  18. I would have the leg checked again just to make sure she isn't straining it or having some pain from the increased walking. If you can rule that out, then I would think it's still adjusting to the routine. A month isn't that long to adjust. We can't even say the words "Car" or "Ride" around here or we have a crazy boy on our hands who runs to the garage door waiting to go. Edited to add - the car sickness point is a good one. Maybe a ginger snap or two before a ride to settle the tummy. How long before the walk is she eating?
  19. I think I would want the ultrasound, but like you I would be here asking for second opinions. Hopefully, some of the people who have been through similar issues will chime in shortly. Fingers crossed for Joe.
  20. I'm very sorry for your loss. I don't know many pups who have a forever home and a vacation home. What a great tribute to him.
  21. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/201558-signs-of-bloat/
  22. Time4ANap


    I'm so sorry for your loss. That was a beautiful tribute. Run pain-free Silver.
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