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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    I'm so very sorry, Jen
  2. Enjoy your time together and please give him lots of hugs and kisses from us
  3. Ok. This is how I look at it...we adopt our dogs to enhance our lives, not to run our lives. I think that if we stop doing the things we love, we will become unhappy, which will make everybody within a 50 mile radius of us unhappy, also. Have fun, and that includes doing things that don't include dogs!
  4. That comment is crazy. I regularly leave my dogs for weeks at a time. In fact, right now I'm in Spain and she isn't. She stays at a friend's house and they consider her part of the family. She always remembers me when I pick her up. I strongly feel that you have to continue to live your life and do the things you love to do, even if that means leaving your dogs with others.
  5. robinw

    Elmo Kitty

    What a funny guy he was! I'm so sorry
  6. He's very handsome and he looks so comfortable! Congratulations!
  7. This is a fun thread GT at it's best Chad gives really good advice in this thread and personally I don't think it matters whether the dog was a good racer or not, or if it ever raced at all. That is completely irrelevent. I think dogs need exercise. I also think you have to know your dog very, very well before making a decision to let it off leash. I thought I had a dog who would be fine off leash. Turned out I made a huge mistake and was lucky that there weren't any consequences. One last suggestion: for anybody considering letting their dog off leash, take a look at the Amber Alert thread first. I have a wee yard. Treasure is perfectly happy running full speed around the big oak tree. I take her for long walks and occasionally meet friends for dog walks. that seems to be enough exercise to keep her happy and healthy.
  8. I'm so very sorry. Even when letting them go is most humane option, it's very hard on those of us who are left behind
  9. The video had me in tears. It was great seeing Riley and Jabari together again, even through video. Happy birthday at the bridge, Riley! Hugs to you, Lucy
  10. Oh no, Knuckles this is so sad. I hope he and Kathy had a joyous reunion at the bridge. Please give my condolences to his dad. I'll never forget when we all got to met him via the Today Show.
  11. Oh no, I'm so very sorry, Emma
  12. Happy Birthday Lewis. You're missed by many
  13. Happy Birthday to lovely, lovely Cosmo
  14. That is a beautiful tribute to Iberia, something you can always have with you. I can't believe he left so long ago. I remember it like it was yesterday
  15. Lovliest, sweetest, gentlest Booker. I loved him, too. I'm so very sorry, Tina and Eric
  16. I've had a huge soft spot for Magic ever since his incredible recovery a few years ago. I'm so glad that it wasn't anything more seriously I hope to meet you guys at GIG.
  17. I'm so very sorry. I want to scream every time I see another one of our hounds taken by osteo
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