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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I'm going through the same thing with 11 year old Phoenix. I took him to the vet yesterday and she thinks it's arthritis. The problem seems to be somewhere around his rear right knee. He is on Metacam for a few days to reduce inflamation and is returning for xrays in two weeks. Please don't panic. It may not be anything serious. It's easy to get scared because we read about bad things here on GT, but try to relax until you know more, OK?
  2. Kerry, Ali was beautiful and so special
  3. I'm sorry for your loss. I agree that a vet visit should be in order. as Duffy been tested for Tick Borne disease?
  4. robinw

    Shilo (Aol)

    I'm so very sorry
  5. You're so lucky to have known her all of her life. I'm so sorry
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss
  7. Dogs usually adapt to vision loss so well, it's hard to pick up on. The first signs are usually hesitation going in/out (light changes) or going up/down stairs. One test you can do at home is to take some cotton balls and (when you have his attention) gently toss them at his head and see if he moves/flinches/tracks them. 5 is when something like Progressive Retinal Atrophy will start showing up, so I'd at least do some home vision checks. PRA isn't common in greyhounds, but there are a couple prolific sires that are carriers, so it's not an impossibility. Exactly. The first sign that Phene was losing his sight was he stopped going upstairs. He can still see, but we think he only sees movement. A test like Heather described wouldn't work with him because he still tracks movement. The vet determined that something was wring by looking into his eyes with a bright light. Does Jack have a vet appointment in the near future?
  8. This is the simple human trash can I have. It cost a fortune but it was well worth every penny. It is completely dog proof. I had a dog who was an expert at getting into trash. Even she couldn't crack this can.
  9. I think sometimes chiro makes them feel uncomfortable. Phene went Monday morning and hasn't seemed right since. I guess the same happens to us. Is it possible that her meds may be upsetting her tummy?
  10. I remember them. They were both beautiful :groouphug
  11. What a cutie! Great ears, too!
  12. Dr' Couto deals with all greyhound health problems. Please, please forward the results to his team, OK? I'm so sorry for the news contact info
  13. Thanks for posting that. I wonder of their greyhounds were NGA, AKC, or a combination, and if that would make a difference. Just thought...
  14. Why didn't think of that? Phene is acting the same way, and he's ging blind.
  15. How did your DH try to catch her? Did he chase her or follow her through the house? That may have scared her. Maybe a better approach would be to have him relax and sit someplace that is totally unthreatening, such as on the sofa. Once she settles down and realizes that he's not trying to hurt her, she may relax and approach him. She's probably scared. I feel bad that she is crated for such a long time. I really recommend that your DH stop trying to catch her, that he give her meals and treats and that he stops approaching her except to feed. Let her get used to him and see that he won't hurt her.
  16. Absolutely amazing!! She looks fantastic!
  17. I took a leash and made it into a harness. I had Treasure lean against the staircase wall to help increase her confidence while I moved one foot at a time. I stood behind her and kind of helped push her along with my knee from the rear. It took about a week but it worked.
  18. Lucy, that was a beautiful slideshow. I still remember when I met you and Riley at Dewey. It was so exciting as Riley always seemed larger than life. He was beautiful, gentle, and was the dog I think we all wanted. He lived the perfect life with you. I miss him, also.
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