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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    Lolita must've been a lovely dog. I can't begin to imagine the pain and shock of losing her the way you did.
  2. Even when muzzled, if he wants something badly enough, he can still get at it. Treasure ate three pounds of onions and an avocado while muzzled. Muzzle never came off.
  3. damn! thank you! i live alone and didn't even think of this stuff. thank you thank you thank you
  4. I'm so sorry, Beryl. It's hard to believe that it's been two years. My thoughts continue to be with you.
  5. ugh. plan? my dog sitter (TinasTroops) has permission to do whatever is necessary when I'm away, as I travel a fair bit for work. What other kiind of plan?
  6. I did ask Dr. couto. His reply was to highlight the words "strongly consistant" with osteo .
  7. That was a lovely tribute. I'm so sorry
  8. Thanks, Kristin. I agree. Sorry about the dumb questions. I'm feeling kind of lost here.
  9. I remember reading about this happening to another dog. IIRC, it was either his pancreas or bloat, but it was a long time ago. Good luck and keep us posted, ok?
  10. I have a question for all of you...Phene still wants to take little gallops around the yard and play soccer. He loves his soccer ball. Do I still kick it around with him and let him gallop (with supervision) or do I stop all play in case he breaks a leg? What did you all do?
  11. Phoenix is 11.5 years old. I'm going the pain management route. No radiation or anything like that. I'm just going to do my best to keep him comfortable. He stopped putting weight on his rear right leg and had a couple of falls. Vets thought it was arthritis. After his second fall I requested x-rays, which Dr. Couto said were highly consistent with osteo. My vet and I decided to forego the FNA since management wouldn't wouldn't change and Phene is terrified of going to the vet. I've covered all of my floors with non-slip mats and he's eating well when I add lots of chicken broth to his food. It has been a bit of a chore getting him to eat, however. My biggest concern is greyhound #2, who is a playful lab disguised as a greyhound. She's already knocked Phene down once. Luckily a very special friend has offered to look after Treasure when Phene's condition deteriorates. I still let them in the backyard together but I'm always there to supervise. He seems happy and was digging yesterday and throwing his soccer ball around. I certainly understand how difficult thismis for you. Please don't hesitate to pm me or we can chat through Skype. This might be a bit easier to handle if we lean on each other since we're both new to this and both newly diagnosed. Once again, I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. I'm here for you. Just let me know if you want my Skype name. Hijack over . P.S. I typed this with my iPad so I don't take responsibility for any weird, inappropriatevwords it may have substituted ;lol
  12. I'm sorry you and Ranger are going through this...
  13. Good luck! I really hope it's nothing serious. Sending positive thoughts straight to Holmes.
  14. I think there's been a misunderstanding. We decided not to do the FNA because no matter what the results (which don't seem completely reliable), nothing would change. We're going to manage Phene's condition with meds and keep him comfortable for as long as it seems the right thing to do. He's doing really well today. He's eating his meals with the help of chicken broth and wants to play. In fact, he was digging a little while ago. Thanks so much for so many good thoughts and please, keep em coming
  15. My Phoenix was diagnosed with osteo earlier this week. After discussing medication options with the vet, I decided that when it gets to the point that I'm mixing meds and giving large doses, it might be time to say good bye. I'm not convinced that doping him up would provide the quality of life that I want for him, so I'm giving him 25ml of Metacam daily and Tramadol as needed. Having said that, he's not yet at that point, so who knows what I'll think when we get there.
  16. Good idea. I know that after spending time in Health and Medical it starts to look like every dog has osteo. That isn't the case; we only post about injuries and illnesses. Hope it's nothing serious.
  17. robinw

    Ww Kool Kirston

    I'm so sorry for you loss of your beautiful girl, Hope
  18. Not at all. I'm extremely grateful for your help. Thank you
  19. What a beautiful smile! I'm so sorry for your loss
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