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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Great news about Albi! Hoping for a quick, uneventful recovery
  2. Thanks, all! I'm off to the vet to get pain meds and the store to get rubber backed rugs for my floors Now if only I could do something about rambunctious, playful Treasure, who just wants to play. I hate this!! Poor phene and I feel like the whiniest person in the world. Thanks for putting up with me
  3. Robin, I don't come here much, but wanted to answer a question you had. Our Jamey had 3 FNA's and all were inconclusive. The OSA was only diagnosed 2 weeks after his front leg had been amputated (after it had broken at the vet's) and the path. report had come back. From end April 2009 through June 4th, 2009 we were never really sure, even Dr. C's team wasn't. To encourage you, if you are thinking of amputation, on June 4th Jamey will be 2 years post amp. Thank you! That's fantastic news about Jamey! Phene is 11.5 years old and I suspect he's been ill for a while. It's becoming increasingly difficult to get him to eat and I can see the discomfort with his right rear leg. My vet kept thinking it was arthritis until I insisted on the x-rays. Earlier diagnosis wouldn't have made a difference, as he's been on metacam as needed for a while now. I guess the good thing about this is that my vet is learning a lot about greyhounds and osteo
  4. We've decided to cancel the biopsy since Dr. Couto's second email seems pretty decisive. We've going to concentrate on pain management. This sucks.
  5. Thanks, Jen. He's terrified at the vet. I will talk to him today about a third opinion, but Phene is having a very bad day today.
  6. I'm sorry, I'm going to keep bugging you guys. Phene is scheduled for a FNA tomorrow, but I received another email from Dr. C this morning and he's pretty confident that it's osteo. Should I put him through the FNA? I received an email from my vet, also, who said that he would support me if I didn't, and this was before it occured to me not to do it. thanks
  7. It sure has. You and Albi are in my thoughts today.
  8. Thank you so much, Liz. I worry because Treasure is so rambunctious and has knocked over Phene a couple of times. I think we're OK as long as I let then out separately. Having said that, I just might have to take you up on that, especially if Tina has difficulty keeping Phene safe when I'm out of town.
  9. robinw

    Our Sweet Mickey

    I'm so sorry Please don't question any of your decisions and whether she knew how much she was loved. I'm confident that she did.
  10. Looking for a positive update...
  11. I agree with taking him to the vet. Swelling doesn't always mean osteo, just as osteo doesn't always have swelling.
  12. I just received an email from my vet saying that he trusts Dr. Couto's findings and that if I don't want to put Phene through the FNA, he'd support my decision. Also, the chiro just dismissed him from treatment as the only area with tightness is that rear right thigh. Jen, I will email Dr. C now with your suggested questions. Thanks. ETA: I would do palliative care. Damn, as much as I like everybody here, this is so not a club that I wanted to belong to
  13. OK, so what do I do now? Does a needle aspirate hurt? Does it give a definitive diagnosis? How much do I protect Phene? Should I still let him out with Treasure? I'm sorry; I'm still kind of in shock.
  14. From Dr. Couto: damn, i really wasn't expecting this.
  15. Melissa, I don't have any answers. I'm just really sad that Ruby is doing so poorly.
  16. I'm sorry to say that it looks like Phene and I have just joined this club
  17. Just heard back. It looks like osteo. Dr. C recommended a needle aspirate
  18. Just left another voice mail and emailed Dr. C. This is getting annoying.
  19. I called OSU yesterday and never heard back. I just spoke to my vet, and he hasn't heard anything, either. I'll call OSU again.
  20. I'm sorry. Our hounds are so stoic, it's difficult to tell how much pain they're in. You're in a heartbreakingly difficult situation. You're both in my thoughts.
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