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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Beth had something like this one morning lying in bed with me, I took her to the vet and he did an ECG; it showed a minor irregularity but when she was retested in a month (I think it was) the ECG was perfectly normal. She shows no signs of any cardiac problems otherwise, so I've more or less just chalked it up as one of those passing things, if it doesn't repeat itself. Hope you have a similarly non-threatening outcome.
  2. Welcome to GT! Maverick is very and cute and looks like he has a fun personality! I look forward to hearing more of his doings!
  3. Beth, age three, has yelped a few times while lying down in the past week too, which she never did before . . . no moving or anything after, and she's full of energy otherwise. At least one time it looked like she had been sort of lying with her foot tucked under her chest. She hasn't done it for the past few days that I recall -- since it cooled down a bit, now that I think of it. This isn't any help to you, but I'm interested in tracking what you learn!
  4. I've had laser treatment myself on a bad knee, and it does seem to help -- have no experience with laser and dogs, though!
  5. Might be worth exploring this as well: http://www.musherssecret.net/ It's very easy and non-greasy to apply. I've used it in the winter but not the summer yet -- I'm planning to try it tomorrow, though, when Beth is going to be in a parade (as part of a float promoting greyhound adoption, of course!). I can't say I understand how it would really protect against hot pavement -- has anyone used it for that?
  6. Oh, I'm so sad to read this. Poor sweet baby, I hope he felt really loved in those last days.
  7. Oh shoot, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'm glad you were able to treat it right away, though!
  8. Welcome! Asher is beautiful and I too love the name.
  9. Sending good thoughts to beautiful Beau and to you.
  10. I know nothing about dogs and thyroid meds, but (temporary) hair loss is a standard listed side effect with human thyroid replacement hormone.
  11. PrairieProf

    Sweet Hurry

    I am very sorry for your loss, and so wish you could have had more time with Hurry. You are very welcome to GT -- I hope you'll stick around to share happier times as well.
  12. Just read your last two updates -- what wonderful news! I'm so happy for you.
  13. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious boy. I wish you could have had more time with him, and he with you.
  14. Welcome to GT! I'll look forward to all your pictures and stories about your pretty girl -- I hope everything goes wonderfully well for you!
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. What a gorgeous boy. If and when you feel up to it, I'd love to see more pictures.
  16. A pretty spooky grey from our group shakes/quivers in the hind end at Meet & Greets -- it's totally nervousness/stress, not anything medical. (A few months ago she shook all over, now it's just in the rear, while the front is coming up for attention!) Do his legs shake at any other times? If not, I doubt it's anything physical to worry about.
  17. Also the vet needs to check that it's not a corneal abrasion or anything else . . . it's not just going to get a prescription! (Beth had this last winter.)
  18. Most likely thing is conjunctivitis, but needs to be checked by a vet. If that's what the problem is, some drops will clear it up fast.
  19. PrairieProf


    I am so sorry for your loss. But also happy to hear of a houndie who had a long, happy life.
  20. I'd say it took about 2-3 months. My cat is quite assertive and confident, and had lived with dogs when she was a kitten, but not since then. One thing that seemed to help was feeding the dog and cat in view of each other, with the dog behind a babygate -- it helped lure the cat out more and I thought it would help them associate positive things with each other's presence. I did not force the cat to be in the same room otherwise -- I figured getting more comfortable had to be on her terms and timeline. I did lead the dog by her on leash periodically. They're not best friends now (I think my cat prefers people to other animals), but they coexist very happily, for instance both lying with me on the bed at the same time.
  21. PrairieProf


    I am very sorry for your loss.
  22. Welcome to you and Conan! I'm glad your adjustment is going so well. Beth is my first dog too -- I've found learning about dog training really interesting. I have a senior cat too, and she did adjust fine, though it took a few months for her to really be comfortable. I hope you'll post more updates on and pictures of your sweet boy!
  23. Oh how terrible and frightening! Sending good thoughts for your sweet girl and you this morning.
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