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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Welcome from Iowa! (I'll be visiting the Philly burbs this weekend for my college reunion, I'll wave to you in spirit!). Most of us use Photobucket for pictures -- it's really easy to put them on there, then you just paste the image link URL in your message here.
  2. Poor Elsie, poor you, and poor beautiful white carpets! I hope you get it all sorted out soon, and it's just a passing thing (so to speak!).
  3. Hey, I see you got a Figgy siggy (signature) already -- wow that was fast! Not excited at all, are you??
  4. I am very sorry for your loss.
  5. He is GORGEOUS. I hope he works out! I thought he looked a touch familiar somehow in the face/eyes . . . turns out he has the same two granddaddies as my girl! http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=oneco+fi...&birthland= She likes kids very much (way more than I do!) so I hope that's a good omen.
  6. Welcome to GT! Beth is another I'm Slippy great-granddaughter.
  7. Welcome to GT! You'll love it here!
  8. All seems OK this morning, whew! Both Beth and her poop seem normal. (And I guess she isn't horribly intolerant of wheat -- funny how many of us religiously keep it out of their kibble, then shove bread down their gullet at the first sign of trouble.) Live and learn, and dog-proofing the house better is now prioritized if I want to try leaving her out of the crate more when I'm gone.
  9. Beth is a bit of a chewer, and I still crate her when I really go out, but lately I've been leaving her uncrated while I do stuff in the yard for relatively short periods. Tonight I made the mistake of leaving a bag full of clothes-shopping purchases on the floor, and when I came in from watering the grass seed, I found she'd chewed half of a plastic hanger (a small one, for two pairs of underpants!) into fragments. They're small and sharp, and I'm afraid they'll hurt her if she managed to swallow some. Is there anything I should do, and what should I watch for? She seems to be behaving normally -- she's panting some, but it's very hot here today, and she seems to pant whenever the house is about 70 degrees. I just put on the A/C so any heat-related panting should stop pretty soon. I guess I should try muzzling her when I don't crate her, though I know she doesn't like wearing the muzzle. I've been planning to wean her from the crate this summer, but at the moment the crate--which she's quite happy in--still seems like a very good idea.
  10. Welcome, can't wait to hear more about Reggie! I'm a never-owned-a-dog before person too and sure do know about the worrying, though I'm starting to feel a little more confident after nine months. GT is great, you'll be able to get reassurance and information on tons of things, and soon you'll be an expert! And it's a truly wonderful community. Most people here use Photobucket for posting pictures; it's pretty easy to use!
  11. Robin, I know nothing about choking noises in dogs, though on occasion Beth coughs/gacks after running or eating, so take this for what it's worth, but just sharing a thought that crossed my mind: isn't Chloe with one with hypothyroidism? In people, thyroid issues can produce a feeling of fullness or pressure in the throat. So if it isn't just allergies as it sounds like it probably is, the thyroid might be something to check out, though I really have no idea if this applies to dogs.
  12. Restricting exercise might raise the risk?? Holy moly, that's new to me.
  13. Welcome! I second the pictures. Love your user name . . . but which grey is the lazy one??
  14. I thought the most recent studies showed that a raised feeder does not, in fact, help in preventing bloat and might even make it more likely.
  15. I am so terribly sorry. Abby is beautiful, and looks like an amazing, happy, special, much loved girl. I love the postman pictures, and the pictures of her cuddling with the black and white kitty. So lovely how she leapt through the water, too!
  16. Welcome -- Popper's a cutie (and a cute name)! He looks very happy. We're glad to have you!
  17. Ditto yet again! And OMG, that third picture with her bum propped on the pillow! :lol
  18. I am very sorry. Rest in peace, Tansi.
  19. I'm so happy Beau is doing well. My friend's dog with IBD has been doing JUST FINE now for several years on another hypoallergenic food, and I hope it's the same for beautiful Beau!
  20. My dog is on Sentinel (what the vet recommended). In what universe wouldn't I want to prevent her from getting heartworm, most all the other kinds of worms, and to further protect her against fleas as well?
  21. Sooo cute! I want to give scritchies to that fuzzy butt! She makes me think a bit of a greyhound who's turned into a (very sweet) werewolf! I hope you'll post LOTS more pictures of her!
  22. Welcome from Iowa! I think Bea is a lovely name, and I'm also looking forward to the pics!
  23. Oh, I am so, so sorry. I just can't imagine losing two back to back this way. Rest in peace, sweet Mouse.
  24. :banana Both that she did fine with the procedures, and that she's FINE!! Now you can enjoy her without worrying!
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