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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Just thought I'd post an update . . . It's been about 2 1/2 weeks, and Beth just had her third acupuncture appointment this morning. She's been done with the Deramaxx for two days now. Anyway, no more yelps after just one a couple of days following the first appointment, and my vet says her neck muscles feel much looser now; she doesn't show any pain response to neck manipulation etc. He said she could do brief runs last week, and we did that several times; he says that now I can gradually step up the amount. So things are looking good, though I'm still quite anxious especially now that we're off the meds (I've read so much about disc issues here, I'm still expecting her to have that and constantly looking for signs). We'll go back for another acupuncture treatment in about two weeks now. And he gave me some more Deramaxx to just keep on hand. Anyway, wish us good luck for continued good health!
  2. I was going to mention acupuncture too! I've had laser therapy myself on a problem knee, and it does seem to help.
  3. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  4. I am so very sorry for your sudden loss. I lost my precious kitty Quinn (whom we often called "Q Man"!) at age 12 just around a year ago, and I miss him every day.
  5. I am so very very sorry. That is one of the most beautiful tributes I've ever read. Rest in peace, sweet Thane.
  6. Oh, I'm very sorry about your bad news. I hope Iris is able to heal well and enjoy more good time.
  7. My thoughts are with you. "I think it's cancer, but you shouldn't worry"?? Yeah right!
  8. PrairieProf

    Puppy Oliver

    Oh, how awful. Poor little guy, how undeserved to be gone so soon. I'm so so sorry.
  9. I am so very sorry. Looking at Lexie you can tell she felt happy and loved.
  10. PrairieProf

    Cosmo Kitty

    Oh, I'm so very sorry. Rest in peace, sweet Cosmo.
  11. So happy for the good update, and to see a pic of the beauteous boy (looking very pleased with himself and his bling, I must say).
  12. Welcome Eleanor! You are a gorgeous girl and you appear very quick at figuring it all out! I look forward to hearing about all your adventures in your new life.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. I loved watching the video, and in every shot how happy and loved Kane was shone through.
  14. Yikes. Beth has still been yelping too periodically from some neck issue, and I've begun working with a vet on it. I think we're still working on the soft-tissue injury idea, though I'm suspicious. She's on Deramaxx and doing a course of acupuncture (will have her second session tomorrow). So no advice, but I'll be following this with interest and some anxiety. It does seem like there might be a number of more conservative measures to try before the surgical option....
  15. Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. But I'm sure you did the right thing.
  16. Just seeing this now, and adding a and a for Elsie!
  17. Elton and Eleanor -- what a cute pair of names! Elton looks like he will be a good running buddy for her -- not as fast, but no doubt more nimble on turns.
  18. I am very sorry for your loss.
  19. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. You are among friends here on GreyTalk.
  20. I am so very sorry for your sudden loss.
  21. Welcome to GT! It's a great community. Here's a thread you might find useful: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...buys+worst+buys Eleanor is very pretty! Oh, and teach yourself how to post pictures here (most use Photobucket, it's very easy) because everyone will be clamoring for pics when you bring her home!
  22. Oh, I am so sorry -- this is my worst nightmare, the waiting as much as the potential diagnosis. You and Reggie will be in my thoughts.
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