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Posts posted by GreyKarma

  1. I agree with Batmom that eventually going to HA or Z/D would be a good idea, depending on the pathology report.


    Research has shown the three main allergens are beef, dairy and wheat, but that does not rule out other proteins as a possible cause. The hydrolized proteins are broken down so small that the immune system does not recognize them as allergens.


    Until then, I have not seen you mention pasta, not rice but an easily digestable pasta like plain spagetti. Your vet can also teach you how to give Sub-Q fluids at home to get through the crisis.


    I am praying too for an answer for Beau will be revealed in the reports. Are the reports due back today?


    Molleigh is sending some :clover:clover:clover:clover:clover for good luck.



  2. Hey, how do we know where the vet is getting his meds from?


    Licensed Veterinarians are monitored and licensed with their state pharmacy board. Most medicines are ordered through Veterinary Distributors. That being said, some of the major manufacturers Novartis, Merial, & Bayer pulled everything back "in house" a couple of years ago. This is to track the illegal selling of products to online pharmacies.


    I do not want to debate this subject, but I worry that some day because of these pharmacies Vets will no longer carry meds in house. This will mean for whatever drug a pet needs, they will have to wait for a script to arrive. Me, if my pet is sick I want the medicine to start immediately.


    That said, the pharmacy income helps your Vet open his doors each day, and be there for his patients with a staff and the diagnostic equipment needed to run a hospital. He is not a warehouse with people taking phone orders.

  3. we just came back from our big walk. 35 minutes. she immediately settled onto a pillow and coughed maybe twice. she didnt seem to have any problems during the walk, i heard no coughing.


    That sounds good. Tom, by chance have you tightened her collar or added that tag bag yet?

    The reason I am asking is because dogs have a reflex in the neck that if pushed on will make them cough.


    Vets use it to hear make a dog cough to hear lung sounds. My old girl would do it to herself rubbing her neck on my wing chair.


    It was just a thought I had, here is hoping it is something as simple as that.

  4. So far the only non-adjuvented vaccine for Rabies is the feline PureVax by Merial.


    The way it was explained to me is that when a manufacturer first gets the approval for a vaccine it is usually the 1yr label. If later they get approval for a longer duration or more species a different label is used to separate the two.


    I have never seen an injection site carcinoma in a dog and only a couple of cats in 20yrs.

  5. I checked all my resources today and could not even find a rumor of injection site carcinomas related to a 3yr Rabies vx in canines. The major manufacturers of the vaccines offer the same vaccine with a 1yr label and 3yr label. The vaccine itself is the same.


    Most hospitals pull the label off the vial and put it into the chart, some must like having label match the validation of the certificate. Like Deanna we use Imrab 3 for all, but do offer the PureVax Feline adjuvent free vaccine. The core vaccines like DHPP can also given with a 3yr protocol after the initial series.


    Lepto is not common in our area, but I wish more would do the Lyme vaccine, we have had a bad tick season. Bordetella is another good vaccine to have on board.


    Molleigh was given the "Dental Vaccine" by NGAP. I will be interested to follow her mouth to see if it does help. :D

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