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Posts posted by GreyKarma

  1. I wish I could get the care my pets do--human medicine is horrible--one hand never knows what the other is doing--horrible front desk staff--never, ever a follow up call....... Do I think my vets are over paid--gezz, can you guess what their overhead is--what their schooling had cost them?? Vets overpaid--a simple answer-NO. JMHO :P


    Thank you for saying that. Believe me in our hearts we would do it for free but that is not practical.

    Yesterday afternoon one of our Greyhound patients came in with a severe laceration that required surgery and a drain. I had a Dr., an LVT, two assistants and myself making sure she had the best care,

    none of us left at our scheduled time.


    Those of us in the business not only worry about our own pets but the pets of our clients. Most have no idea how many of us cry when one goes to the bridge. My young assistants have had a rough week with a lot of tears, but we pull ourselves together to help the next one.


    It does cost a lot to run a fully equipped hospital and have a caring staff, again thank you for your statement.


    P.S. February is National Dental Month,a lot of us run special pricing, check with your vet.

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