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Posts posted by GreyKarma

  1. Come on Ember maybe once those itchy pulling sutures are out you will feel more like moving around and getting your appetite back.

    Two weeks post surgery a lot of internal healing is going on.


    I agree that maybe a change in pain meds might be worth a try, and there are liquid meal replacers your Vet may carry. (Enteral Care is one I know of)


    Keep the faith as we are all rooing for you. :clover

  2. Congrats on your new girl. My first girl came to me the day her cast came off from a broken hock. She had surgery and a screw to facilitate healing, she was 2.5yrs old.


    Once she healed, she ran, she jumped on the furniture, did all the fun things a grey can do like counter surf.


    In later years (age about 8) she would limp alittle after jumping down from the furniture or running hard but it never stopped her. Yes arthritis forms at the injury site but there are great meds for that when needed.


    Enjoy her

  3. Sometimes it does get frustrating dealing with "clueless" people. But the more that we talk about and pass on the knowledge there is hopefully one less "clueless" person.


    I deal with this daily,

    Me: "your dog can get breast cancer if not spayed"

    Clueless: Really!

    I could go on and on.


    I applaud all of you tackling difficult situations and teaching others along the way.


    Yes, veterinary medicine has come along way in 20yrs. It is fantastic what we can offer our pets today.


    But there are still those that want a "crystal ball diagnosis and a pill to fix it" They decline bloodwork, or xrays for a limping or vomiting dog etc etc.


    And the worst is the "its just a dog" person, but they will always be there frustrating all of us.


    I have been following Henry's story because my co-worker has a GSD in the same situation. In fact Lilly had a bad cluster two weeks before Henry. I mentioned Henry and showed her your Blog.

    Last night she emailed me when she found out that you both were on the EPI board and already had communicated.....small world.


    Keep up the good work

  4. Robin, take it easy on yourself. You are doing a wonderful job. Yesterday I said Polli would do something to make you smile. I bet when she was laying in the sunbeams you were smiling.


    Molleigh sends you lots of 4-leaf clovers for continued good luck.


  5. Sometimes it is just the drugs used for surgery and pain management that can cause this. It eventually is flushed by the system and things settle down.


    My Angel Molly always had a reaction to a Torbutrol Injection, pacing, pacing, panting,panting etc. But after a few hours things returned to normal.


    Each animal can react differently to the same drug.

  6. Keep the faith that Polli will be back. She has done fantastic from the medical aspect. By day 8 the healing process is in full gear. Her muscles may be sore and the sutures may start to itch. Any medications may make her "fuzzy"


    I think she has shown remarkable recovery skills, she just needs to let Mommy know and wag that tail. :clover


    She will do something today that will make you smile....just wait and see.

  7. Am sorry Nelly and you had to experience this. I have not posted much on this board but I do manage a Veterinary Hospital. I would be livid if my staff had meds hanging on the cage door and did not give them.


    That said, we all need to be pro-active in our pets healthcare as well as our own. Wishing you and Nelly the best and that with her pain meds she will be comfortable.

  8. Congradulations he is so handsome. Can't wait to meet him. :yay:yay:yay


    Coming off the track he may be a little nervous, so many things in his life have just changed.

    If those planes from the air show today are not bothering him that is great.


    If you need anything just let us know.

    Molleigh sends a :kiss2

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