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Posts posted by GreyKarma

  1. Emily I hope things go well for Riley. If it is any help, my son's Shar-pei was diagnosed over 2yrs ago. His left rear leg is full of the tumor but amputation was never an option because of his skin folds and where it was. It does not seem to bother Romeo, other than some oozing that has just started, he was a rescue and is probably 12yrs old now.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Cats are different, they creep into your heart and know your soul.

    He was a beautiful feline and definetly a survivor, we just can't cure aging. :f_pink


    Carol, Molleigh & Six Kitties (2 are 16yrs)

  3. Oh boy do I feel for you. A couple of years ago the kitten my daughter rescued had it. Despite all she and I both got it, as well as the other cats. Then I found the Health Guard Products.


    You might want to check out the website for healthguardproducts.com. They make a laundry additive that you put in the rinse water. It can also be made into a spray. They also have shampoos and lotions.


    Their products were developed when they used to breed and show persians. She is very nice to talk to and I really feel the stuff helped.



  4. Glad she is feeling better. Drooling is very common after dentals. What you don't know is the anesthesia protocol they use. My angel Molly could not tolerate Torb, which is sometimes given for pain pre-surgical. She always paced, panted for hours. Once we stopped using Torb never had the problem again.

  5. I tend to agree with what Batmom found. Liquichlor was around for years, since newer things have come out Evsco apparently stopped making it. We used it a lot in previous years for bad ear infections.

    I believe the tetracaine in it is for pain (numbing), Pred for the inflamation, ceremume to break down the wax, chloramphenicol is antibacterial.


    Was there a manufacturer name on it? Ingrediant list?

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