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Everything posted by GreyKarma

  1. Sending good thoughts and prayers for you and your family. They are like babies that cry and can not tell us why. Try to nap today.
  2. Well wishes for Polli, and congrats Beau on gaining weight.
  3. I tend to agree with what Batmom found. Liquichlor was around for years, since newer things have come out Evsco apparently stopped making it. We used it a lot in previous years for bad ear infections. I believe the tetracaine in it is for pain (numbing), Pred for the inflamation, ceremume to break down the wax, chloramphenicol is antibacterial. Was there a manufacturer name on it? Ingrediant list?
  4. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  6. Gosh Robin I wish I could send more than a virtual hug. Your dedication to your babies is awesome, but please take care of yourself too. Hopefully Beau will start that uphill climb soon and start eating again. So here is the hug, Here is the Calgon Here is the wine (no emoticon) and lastly here is lots of good luck coming your way.
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  8. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  9. I have seen it work on a lick granuloma, bad skin and on an elderly Chi. It smells like vanilla and they love it. The liquid form for Cats is amazing, there is nothing in the NSAIDS for cats but the Duralactin really helps their arthritis. The horse people use this too. For people I believe it is called Miralactin.
  10. Time moves fast and time moves slow. Next month will be a year since Molly became a star. I know she and Ember are tossing down little hearts & kisses today from above. There is an old Gene Pitney song that comes to mind. (showing my age again) Only love can break a heart only love can mend it again
  11. Henry is going to be one sleepy boy. My gut feeling is he will be OK. Keep us posted. Molleigh says habs some gud dreams ma frend Henry.
  12. My thought and prayers are with you.
  13. What an awesome story. My eyes are leaking, it is like Stepper is passing the baton to Stepper to carry on the love of a hound. I still feel that my Molly sent me Molleigh, why else would I have looked online that day and saw that fawn face named Queen Molly. Then to top it off I got her exactly 10yrs to the day that I had gotten Molly. Stepper is very handsome and regal and the name suits him well.
  14. Little candle please keep burning you are needed.
  15. I am so glad she is home. I have been thinking about her all day. My novicaine is just wearing off from an extraction I had today so I sympathize with Misty. Dogs are amazing, she will be bugging for food as soon as her anesthesia clears. Give her a hug for me and tell her I am eating instant mashed potatoes....not bad. Carol
  16. I am so sorry about Stepper. Once they are in your heart they will never leave. Reading your story brought back so many memories from last year, but as you said quality of life is a gift we have to give. Please take care.
  17. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, please take care.
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