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Everything posted by GreyKarma

  1. Wishing you and Polli a better day today. I know eating has been hard but I am concerned about her fluid intake. I went back through the posts but could not find anything. Sometimes people use Pedialyte instead of water. Your Vet may also carry Enteral care a liquid food. Sorry about your kitchen spill, that extra stress you did not need.
  2. Wow, those are exactly the words/feelings I had in March when Molly passed. Mac and all his friends are already working on a plan for you I am sure. When you see the right one, your heart will jump and fate will take over.
  3. Hope you both get the needed rest and have a nice fall weekend. The I/D is very good in managing colitis I have seen it work too many times not to believe in it.
  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you. My beautiful Molly will be waiting to welcome Bodie.
  5. Sending healing thoughts to a handsome boy. The light in his eyes is still there he is a fighter.
  6. Sounds like a great team. Most don't know that UPenn vets are the only ones that have VMD instead of DMV afer their names.
  7. How is her hydration? is she drinking anything? I am having luck with baby food lamb, it is soupy and for some reason jumpstarts the appetite on our old cat when her liver is in crisis. I think of you and Polli through out the day and check in when I can. Maybe instead of a chant she wants a dance
  8. Good to see she is eating and doing well. So...you have a team of VMD's on your side.
  9. Sending wishes that your stress eases. I have something to make you smile (I hope). Last night I had to give our old cat about 150cc of fluids SQ. She had 3 "kitty boobs" and is still a little lumpy. As others have said the fluids should absorb as the body needs them. I am skipping fluids tonight because she has eaten 1 and 1/2 jars of Baby food lamb. HGE takes time to resolve, and you have done all the proper support towards recovery. Hang in there and rest while Soul is.
  10. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  11. This is just a thought... but you might have her anal glands checked. The tucked tail, panting and restlessness are common symptoms.
  12. Glad to hear she is eating something...that is a GOOD sign.
  13. Keeping you and Soul in my thoughts tonight. Hope it is just stress colitis and treatment helps him mend.
  14. Sending thoughts and prayers lucky charms, anything to help Soul. Hoping it is stress diarrhea due to his tummy issues.
  15. Hope he is feeling better this morning. I know this must be scary.
  16. Cerenia (maropitant citrate) is an anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) product indicated for the treatment and prevention of acute emesis (including emesis induced by chemotherapy) and the prevention of vomiting due to motion sickness in dogs. This is from the Pfizer literature. It works on the emesis center in the brain for vomiting. Hopefully her nausea passes naturally on its own, but you might ask your vet about it. I will keep my fingers crossed she will like the chicken noodle soup.
  17. This may sound odd but you might try some chicken noodle soup. Hope her appetite picks up atleast she has eaten something today so that is good. Oops forgot my chant.....Come onnnnn Polli
  18. Needed to light one for our 15yr old cat...not doing well
  19. That is so good to hear. Medicine can only heal part of a problem, LOVE does the rest and she sure has that.
  20. She looks great, continued good luck wishes and healing thoughts.
  21. Keeping Hobbes in my prayers. I do hope they xray his neck too.
  22. Keeping Misty in my thoughts today. We use Wedgewood Pharmacy in NJ for our compounding. They list Trilostane in their inventory. Most drugs they can add flavor to. Let me know if you want anymore info.
  23. Prayers she continues to get better. Baytril is a good antibiotic. I think the Pork issue is for some smaller breeds, terriers etc. for some reason their systems can react to it.
  24. Bravo Ember The bunny hop up the steps looked absolutely greyhound normal. I see someone else uses bathmats under the food stand too
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