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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Continued prayers for your girl. The teaching hospital here has greys in residence (I don't like it but they are well cared for) as blood donors. Is there a teaching hospital near you? Maybe it would be worth a call to see if you could get the blood there.
  2. Aquitaine sends kissies to her half brother. Hoping the shots and pills bring you lots of relief.
  3. I would be taking her to the vet. She will need a wellnes, first visit in any case. There have definitely been times that my vet has known that the visit was for my peace of mind as much as it was for the regular check up.
  4. I am so sorry you and Watson are going through this. You have already gotten lots of good advice so just adding good thoughts and prayers.
  5. I am so very sorry. Run free, Cleo.
  6. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Truman.
  7. So very happy that Lucky is coming home. Holding very good thoughts for him.
  8. Another aspirin and Zantac splitter here. The pill splitter is definitely going to be your friend. So glad Pinky is home and doing better.
  9. Keeping Lucky in my thoughts and prayers. Questions are only ever good.
  10. Sending prayers and very good thoughts for Frank.
  11. Just seeing this now. Prayers and very good thoughts for Lucky.
  12. I am so very sorry. Cancer stinks. Run free, Summer.
  13. I think Duncan41's suggestion is good. I know my vet had me set up Aquitaine's treatment plan with an internal medicine specialist and then my vet manages the regular care and tests. Keeping Legs in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you get an answer soon.
  14. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Run free, Gigi.
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