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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I can't believe it has been a year. Jilly Bean was such a special presence.
  2. My vet calls these instances wellness checks for the owner. When I lost my first girl to osteo, I called him every time Morgaine showed anything that might, in any universe, resemble a limp or a change in her gait. He would always tell me to breathe, give it 24 hours and then if I still thought he needed to come see her, he would do so. Sometimes, the visit is worth the peace of mind it brings you.
  3. Agree completely. I have to admit (and I am somehat ashamed of myself) that at Aquitaine's checkup following her dental surgery ordeal in August, the vet who did the surgery was agreeing with me that while her weight was fine, it was a tad low and in her situation, it wouldn't hurt to put a bit of weight on her. He then said that I would have to keep it low protein, at which point I just blew up and said that I wish they could all agree on the protein issue. Some say keep it low, some say keep it high/regular but of the best quality. And we poor pet parents are out here doing our darndest just to give our fur kids the best possible chance but could use some consensus! He did say that the protein/no-low protein continues to be an ongoing issue within the vet community.
  4. carronstar

    Unka Lee

    I am so sorry. He sounds like a truly wonderful friend to have.
  5. I am so very sorry. Fly with the wind, Molly.
  6. carronstar

    Widow Wallace

    I am so very sorry. Fly fast and free, Widow.
  7. Aquitaine has been dealing with this for 16-18 months now. We are still on the Azotemia side of the scale, not crossing over to the Uremia side and I am fighting that tooth and nail. She is on K/D and Purina N/F. She also gets dried liver treats since she has only 5 teeth at this point. She gets some Fresh Pet in her dinner several nights a week. I reached out to the company to check their phosphorous levels since they listed all the other levels on the package and they are within the acceptable range. Her blood and chem levels have remained remarkably level this whole time. Her albumin is really low. That said, it was low 2 years before she was diagnosed so it does appear that she runs low in that area. I am not downplaying that, it is not a good thing, but until it dips below its long time "normal" rate, I try not to hyperventilate. She is on a bucket load of supplements as well as some essential oils. Something, everything, we are doing is working. My vet is happy and her specialist commented at her last blood test that he was surprised she was still here. He isn't callous, we had a bad dental emergency in August where she managed to not only get an abscess, but the roots of that tooth wrapped around a vein and she hemmoraghed quite badly and had to have a complicated dental surgery as well as some teeth removed. I don't know about Renal Advanced or Renal Essentials but I plan to look into them. My girl is on - among other things - COQ10, Fish Oil, Rhemannia, Raspberry Powder, Cranberry Powder (as a preventative), Zantac (following splenectomy 2 years ago), Coconut Oil, Denamarin. My girl will be 11 in March. After my initial panic, I did learn that this can be managed. As my vet said when I told him I was going to fight this as hard as possible, we can't cure it but we can hold it back for as long as possible. She doesn't seem to be aware that there is any problem at all so I do my level best to take my cues from her and act as though everything is just as it should be.
  8. I am so very sorry to hear this. I will be holding you and Molly in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. I am so sorry this happened, and thankful that it was not worse. I had to deal with an "almost the jugular" puncture when Aquitaine was attacked a few years ago. That is truly terrifying. Muzzling and crating maybe be your best bet right now.
  10. Good luck sweet boy. And a little kiss for your kissie spot.
  11. Prefacing this to say that it might sound stupid, but if smell is the issue, and you don't want actual smoke, maybe you could try balsam incense or a balsam candle. That way you can instantly extinguish it but you do still get the smell of a "fire/fireplace". I know use them in the winter when I want to smell a fireplace smell. Maybe the poor guy was in or near a fire. I know you can find the incense at Vermont Country Store and/or eBay.
  12. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, EZ.
  13. Thanks, Dr. Kellog. I will forward your note to my vet. We know there are no fleas which is part of why this is so puzzling to me. Being an overachiever, I actually left him a choice of 3 samples and an ice pack. We do speak frequently, text, email, etc. so I will continue to do so.
  14. Home with people, siblings and toys is just what Henry wants. He will be so happy to be home with you!
  15. The vet says that they are whipworms. Teensy tiny white things that peek out of her poop then go right back in.I shudder to think what people think when they see me holding it under streetlights and examinging it. I tell myself it is NYC and no one actually wonders about anyone. So, when the fecal was done, no eggs but I have seen live ones. If this last course of Panacur doesn't work, I will ask about the Drontal.
  16. I am so sorry to hear this. Hugs to Cooper and his humans. Fly with the wind, Bess.
  17. I am so very sorry. Fly fast and free, Phoenix.
  18. Thank you so much for this explanation. My girl will be 11 in March. She got worms three months ago, seemingly out of the blue. Her fecal test was negative but I have seen the little stinkers so I know they are there. We are about to go into month 4 of a three day treatment and I really hope I can get them out of her. There seem to be very few but I want there to be none! She in a CRF/PLN patient and I really don't want her having to deal with anything else.
  19. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for your baby.
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