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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. No advice. Only hugs, prayers and good thoughts foryou.
  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Morgan today.
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Maxx.
  4. I am so very sorry. Godspeed Renie.
  5. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Annie.
  6. carronstar

    G Man

    My Aquitaine's half-brother. Godspeed Mr. G.
  7. I'm so sorry. Enjoy every moment you can with Shotzie. Sending good thoughts and prayers for all of you.
  8. Sending healing thoughts for Willie and his family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. Keeping Bonnie Twist and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. I am so very sorry. I will hold you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. carronstar

    The Samurai

    That was a loving and beautiful tribute to your girl. Run free Betsy.
  12. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for your boy!!!
  13. So happy to hear that Sammy is home. Sending lots of prayers and good, healthy thoughts for Sammy. Bacon. Bacon is good. Who needs biskies when you have bacon.
  14. Sending positive thoughts for Sammy. Hugs for you both.
  15. Oh Ranchie, I stayed away from GT this weekend because it was Morgaine's anniversary. You left on her anniversary day so I know she was there to meet you. Ranchie, you were loved by so many who wanted only the very best for you. You touched our lives so very deeply. I know that you are happy and healthy now so please run free sweetie. You were so very lucky to have been smart enough to find your wonder people.
  16. Sending lots of prayers and healing thoughts for Renie.
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