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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Very well put. You know that you can, and will, fall apart after. What will remain after that is the joy of having had them in your life, the lessons you learned with them, and the bittersweet feeling of them not being there physically anymore.
  2. I hope they are wrong. I was told when I took my Scarlett in for tests that if they came out to ask for extra x-rays that the news wasn't good (my girl was in her late teens at the time). It sounds like that was what you have heard. The reality is, they could just want a better/clearer scan or a scan from a different direction. Don't send yourself to a scary place. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Dodge.
  3. That picture just makes my heart melt.
  4. Romeo is gorgeous!!! Welcome from NYC.
  5. What a cutie. Happy to hear she is doing so well.
  6. I am so sorry that your time together was so short. You found each other for a reason. Treasure the love and lessons she gave you.
  7. It is hard. That is too true. Sending you lots of thoughts and prayers. You know your girl best, if a second opinion will help you to make this decision, then by all means see another doctor. If you trust your vets opinion, work with her to make the best choice for your girl. Know that we will all be here to support you.
  8. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts. Open a window or two!
  9. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Cheer.
  10. That was so beautifully said.
  11. Owie! I'm clenching just thinking about that!!!!!!!
  12. carronstar


    It's just not right. It never, never is. My heart is breaking for you. Run free, beautiful Kyle.
  13. My heart is breaking for you. This is definitely one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make. You love Ebony, so you will make the right choice for her. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Keeping Cafe in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. There are just no words. My heart is breaking for you. Misty had the perfect mom. Run free regal girl.
  16. Great news that she is healing so well and adding to her circle of devoted slaves! Sending more good thoughts and prayers.
  17. Welcome from NYC. Those are some gorgeous pups!
  18. We used mustard powder mixed into a light paste/liquid with our pups when I was growing up. It did work but now I wonder if it also burned their throats. Then again, a burned throat beats a poisoned dog. We also used to keep a syringe of atropine in case anyone tried to poison our dogs again. It apparently acts as an antidote to most poisons given to dogs. My dentist gave it to us because his neighbors kept killing his Samoyed's in an effort to get him out of their lily-white neighborhood.
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