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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Adding my prayers and good thoughts for you and your Girly Girl. You are definitely not alone.
  2. Adding my thoughts and prayers that the lovely Sweet T heals well and swiftly so she can go to her new home.
  3. Robin, there is no way on earth that Ollie isn't happy there with you. That is just impossible. I hope that the new meds help him to feel all better soon. You all need a break.
  4. I took Aquitaine out for her morning walk. She wandered the park and headed for the dog run. Two of her pup friends were leaving so we visited for a while and then went in to the small run. I unhooked her leash, walked about 10 feet ahead and turned around. At that point I noticed a gaping hole in her back left leg between the bend (bone) and her foot. She hadn't made a sound. Neither dog went near there. The only thing I can think is that she somehow scraped the fence. I got her out of there and home. On my way through the lobby I asked my doorman to call a friend upstairs to help me. She came down and held her while I cleaned the wound with water. Then I cleaned the wound with saline. It was bleeding but not at all badly. I threw her couch/bed cushion onto the floor and called my vet while my friend sat with her. While I was leaving him a message she took a photo and we sent that to him. He called back in about 5 minutes. He said he wanted the wound looked at and told me where to take her. We got her to the first vet who looked at her and said they would have to do a full out surgery to do sutures. I was begging for a local and a light sedative. (I lost Morgaine suddenly 3 years ago this month and the thought of surgery completely terrified me.) The vet nicely asked me to wait a few minutes, went and called my vet and another hospital. The other hospital said they could do it with the local if she was calm enough and the wound would bear it. We walked her quickly through the rain for 12 blocks and met with the new vets. She was looked at by 2 doctors, both of whom were amazed at how calm she was. They took her off to do the blood tests and get her ready. They brought her back in an hour all finished. They had me wait there with her for another 45 minutes to keep her awake while the sedative wore off. They wanted to check her heart before releasing us. They released us after the 45 minutes. My friend who went with me (and paid for this since I'm broke) tried to get a cab but getting a cab in a snowfall on a Manhattan Saturday night with a large dog is nearly impossible. It took close to an hour and two avenues. None of the pet taxi services had cars, nor the regular car services, my friends with cars were carless for the moment. Finally, we started seeing cabs and Carolyn ran outside and one wonderful driver said yes. So, we are home. She is resting. She is not thrilled that I keep waking her up every so often but that is what they told me to do. I'm sleeping on the floor on my seriously fat yoga pad (think bedroll) with her tonight. My vet will come over on Wednesday to change/remove the bandage and then 10 days later he will remove the sutures. I sure hope the insurance people are feeling generous! I am so thankful to have good friends who will stay with me at times like this. Today was supposed to be a lazy day hanging out with Aquitaine and finishing the decorating of my Christmas tree. Maybe tomorrow... Please say a prayer that my girl heals well and without any complications. ------------- Aquitaine slept well through the night. Me a little less so on the yoga mat but at least I could feel/hear her breathing and be sure she was okay. She ate her bacon and breakfast this morning and a few cookies. I tried a brief walk to the park across the street but she was more interested in visiting than in doing her business. She does not like the plastic bag over her bandage or her tall snowboot. So far, no poop. I know that will change but I'm sure she would feel better if she pooped! The evet sent us home with Tramadol and instructions to take 1 every 8 hours. When I spoke to my vet he said I only needed to give her one if she showed any stress or pain. So far there has been no panting, no circling, no indication of any pain. She is sleeping a lot which seems fair. If anyone has any suggestions about the Tramadol, please feel free to weigh in. Poor girl missed her NYC greyhound Meet-Up party in Central Park this morning. She does love to see her friends. Thank you all so much for your good thoughts for my girl. ________________________________________________ I am doing my very best not to panic. Today Aquitaine's front leg/ankle swelled up. I have let her vet know this and he says it has to be seen. They told me at the hospital to watch the cathether leg but didn't tell me why. Can someone, anyone, please let me know the "why" of this. I really am doing my best not panic but I am jumping out of my skin. I will work remotely tomorrow so that I can be home with her. I've canceled my plans for tomorrow night. For at least 72 hours she will not be alone at all. I am trying desperately to tell myself that the front leg is swollen because it is taking extra weight to compensate for the bag leg being sore but the vet's email saying "that needs to be seen" has me very frightened. Any prayers and good thoughts for my darling girl are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
  5. What a wonderful tribute to a truly special girl. Happy, run free darling girl.
  6. My heart is breaking for you all. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts. Know that you are being held in a great many hearts today.
  7. I am so sorry. Sendings good thoughts and prayers for Hobbes and those who love him.
  8. Ramping up my prayers and good thoughts for your girl (and you).
  9. Adding my prayers and good thoughts for Hershey and for you.
  10. carronstar

    Cousin Minnie

    Minnie sounds wonderful. Godspeed, Minnie.
  11. Lots of good thoughts and prayers for Tigger.
  12. I am so sorry. I remember Maggie's story. Thank you so much for giving her a loving home. Run free beautiful girl.
  13. I've been lurking on here watching how Happy is doing. I hope that even this little bit of eating is a turn for the better for your girl. I think that cranberry juice and vodka would be medicinal for you!
  14. carronstar


    I'm so very sorry. Godspeed, Balley.
  15. Adding some Thanksgiving good thoughts and prayers for Miss AB. Feel better sweetie.
  16. Thank you for this posting. Sendings lots of prayers and good thoughts for your girl.
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