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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. carronstar

    My Sweet Lucy

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Run free sweet Lucy.
  2. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  3. That was a beautiful tribute. Know that he is still with you. The person you are now came about because of the lessons you learned with Sterling. You can't lose that.
  4. My heart is breaking for you and your boy. I think we're all saying 4 letter words for you.
  5. carronstar

    S Go Unruly

    Thank you so much for giving Rudy a loving home. Rudy, you and my girl have the same sire. When I look at her, I will send up a prayer for you. Run with wind beautiful boy.
  6. No answers for you but keeping you and Soldi in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Poor Sully. Adding lots of prayers and good thoughts from NYC.
  8. Just saw this. Adding my prayers for Hero.
  9. Poor Harley. I hope he feels better very soon.
  10. Happy to hear that Teddy is doing so well!
  11. Sending prayers and good thoughts for a quick diagnosis and a speedy recovery.
  12. Great update. I'll bet Ady Bea can't wait to be home with you!
  13. That is a wonderful photo of a girl who knows she is truly loved. Keeping Bebe and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. I am so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like she had a perfectly wonderful "normal" last day with the family she loved. Godspeed Dessi.
  15. Lots of good thoughts for an event free dental for Choo.
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