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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Absolutely........................................................................................
  2. duncan41


    I am so very, very sorry. The joy that Martin experienced with you just leaps out of the photos. At least he left this earth having experienced what life should have been like all along. Godspeed, Martin. Run like the wind! Thank you for giving him the best part of his life.
  3. "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." Beautiful tribute and the article on TGHG site is positively inspiring! What a beautiful girl she was. I am so sorry for your loss and yet grateful that she was able to meet Courtney.
  4. There are some that touch your heart. There are some that touch your soul. Then there are those that leave a scorch mark on the essence of self. Rachel's memory will forever burn in my heart. Run free sweet girl. I hope you know how many people loved you from afar.
  5. It does, but everyone has their own way of grieving. My reaction has always been to fill the void immediately. Others wait for a sign or symbol that fate has stepped in and taken over before they adopt again. In the meantime, it's going to hurt like he11. Hang in there. So many here on GT have been down this road and will share their experiences. I hope that the happy memories of Leopold will serve to smooth the rough edges of your broken heart.
  6. So glad things appear to be returning to normal. Hint: Have read that rice may actually be a gut irritant in some dogs. Potatoes or pasta might be a little easier on the gut in combo with the chicken.
  7. Glad everything went well for you! I adopted litter sisters and then 2-1/2 years later took in an 8 year old bounce. I have raised, double feeders/waterers for each. One of the sisters has a little food aggressions, so this arrangement works out fine. Everyone inhales their food, so they are all pretty busy and no one wanders around once the bowls are set in the feeders. There are 4 Victoria Peak beds in our living room - Simon the newest kitty usually claims one - so there is lots of musical beds going on. They are walked in our sub together 4 times a day and take at least one potty break in our yard ONE AT A TIME. Since Anna is 10 years old now but very, very "enthusiastic" in everything that she does, there is just too much chance for injury if all 3 are let out at one time. Plus with the hot, hot weather, letting them out one at a time keeps the zoomies at a minimum. Good luck! You're going to have so much fun! Congratulations!
  8. Gosh! I was hoping that this thread wouldn't be this long..............he would just poop it all out and be good to go. Hoping that he turns the corner in the right direction today. Here we go again! Praying for good poop!
  9. The girl is a walking miracle! What wonderful news! Hope she continues to improve and this will soon be just a bad memory.
  10. Progress is everyone being on the same page! Now if the process of elimination can go a little more quickly in order to get Rocky some relief, that would be success! Praying for a dx!
  11. Your tribute to John was not only touching and heartfelt, but your desire to adopt again after you recover from surgery is the highest honor you could bestow upon his memory. Adopting quickly helped me get through the days, but it didn't diminish the pain of loss. That took time, but the distraction of two two-year-olds fresh off the track made the time pass very quickly! Praying for a quick recovery from surgery.
  12. Oh, nnnnoooo! I am so very, very sorry. Please know that you and JoeJoe will be tucked tightly in our prayers. We are here for you.
  13. Oh, don't get me started. I have been lurking on this one because it's just so frustrating - before each update, I have been convinced that the next update will be that "Ah-Ha" moment! You and Ken have gone the distance and beyond to get a diagnosis or at least a plan. I agree. Time to sit down, face to face, eye to eye and ask the difficult questions and don't stop asking until you have a satisfactory answer(s) - including case management responsibilities when one of their Drs is not available regardless of the reason. Will continue to lurk and pray for you and Ken and poor hurting Rocky. He has been through so much already!
  14. duncan41


    So many hearts are breaking with yours. So many tears being shed to pool with yours. So many of us have lost our heart dogs and can resurrect the excruciating pain just by reading your post about your beloved John. I am so sorry. Please don't beat yourself up over this. I know you were fascillating about the surgery to begin with but faced with his agonizing pain, you made the best decision with the facts presented. You could never have known about the consequences of that decision. You did it out of love, wanting him to be relieved of the torturous pain. My heart is breaking for you. I wish there was something I could do to cushion the blow. Just know that there are many here on GT who are ready to comfort you, walk this path with you, grieve with you, be angry with you and hold your in their hearts and prayers. We are a community of love for our hounds. Please know we are here for you. Godspeed, John Curly. Your Mom loved you best. Send her a kiss on the wind.
  15. duncan41


    What a gorgeous Princess! Godspeed, Brookie. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute was very heart wrenching but beautiful.
  16. She was beautiful. Godspeed Sassy. Run pain free at The Bridge! Send your Mom a sign that you're ok. Will look for a new star in the heavens tonight.
  17. {{{{{{{{{{{{Dylan}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} There are no words that convey the sadness of this turn of events. I hope that Dylan realizes how important it was that Katie was loved - finally. Regardless of how long or short, she was in her forever home - finally. Godspeed, Katie.
  18. Godspeed Wally. I am sure my Anna will be delighted to roo to the heavens Tuesday morning! The thought of Bill's losses is heartbreaking and I pray that he is able to keep in contact with whomever opens their hearts and home to Charlie and Reggiie. What an unselfish act.
  19. Longevity from Springtime Products (it's a combo of all of their products except the garlic) and fish oil caps with a high quality kibble.
  20. Every home should be so lucky to have a Leopold. I am sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Leopold.
  21. I am so sorry Diane. She saved the best 8 months for last! I just love those photos of her trancing in the foliage! Godspeed, Princess!
  22. All appendages crossed for Mercedes! Hope she heals quickly.
  23. Sending prayers for Pilot and his family. I am so sorry for this horrible diagnosis.
  24. Just catching this update. I am so sorry this is happening! Praying for Chase, you and your family.
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