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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. It may take another 24 hours for this "bug" to work its way out of her system. Hopefully that's all it is. Sending healing white light, prayers and hugs for Beth and Mom. :grouphug :hope
  2. Still praying as fast and as hard as I can! Unbelievably scary! Would you happen to know which brand of vaccine was used? Edited to add: Not attempting to "bash" any one brand or vaccines in general, but my Vet is a big believer in a particular vaccine due to the adjuvant - just as he is about the vaccines his infant daughter is getting and will get in the future.
  3. Ouchie! That had to hurt when she did whatever it was. So glad that they were able to use what's there. Now, let's all say a prayer that healing is quick and easy.
  4. Ugh - how awful! Sending boat loads of prayers and healing white light to you and Cash. Poor baby girl - come on, honey. Don't scare your Momma like that! She needs you! Will pray for an uneventful night. :grouphug
  5. What a gut wrenching decision to have to make for a youngster like Sasha. I am so very sorry! It sounds as if you did everything you could and I am sure she knew it. It's amazing how they hang on despite of a debilitating condition like Sasha's. My heart goes out to you. :grouphug
  6. No wonder she has been on my mind lately! Poor baby! Anything is possible, but I would be inclined to get her stools softened up and see how she does. But I think the anticipation of pain can't be ruled out as a contributing factor, either. Hugs and prayers for beautiful Deeni!
  7. Just seeing this. I am sorry the test results weren't better or at least the same. As long as the kidney values are just a little elevated, hopefully they will stabilize and won't cause any future issues. Sending prayers that there are no more bumps in the road! :grouphug
  8. I am very sorry for your loss! Pharaoh is now running pain free, whole and healthy at the bridge. He knows you loved him best and did everything you could. May your memories help to heal the raw edges of your broken heart. :grouphug
  9. This is just so sad. I am so sorry about Flashy! Godspeed, big guy.
  10. Much to young to leave. I am so sorry! Godspeed Cosmo! :grouphug
  11. duncan41


    Oh, he knows. I am so sorry! Beautiful boy. :grouphug
  12. I am so sorry. Godspeed Ferris. :grouphug
  13. Yes, please contact Dr. Couto and ask your Vet and the oncologist to contact him, too, as it help for everyone to be on the same page. I am so sorry this is happening. GTers are here for you. :grouphug
  14. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to give it a try since it's all natural and I can't/don't want to give Proin or DES to one of mine.
  15. One of mine is like that; all excited when asked if she wants to go for a walk and then acts like she's on the Batan death march once we get going. Most of the time I can coax her along using my "excited to be walking" voice, but sometimes not so much. To make matters even worse, she's usually the first one of the three to take care of business, so then it becomes "why-am-I-being-forced-to-endure-this-hardship" while being "dragged" around until the other two do their thing. Things improved after going through obedience training because she is very food motivated, so treats became my best friend for about 6 months. It took another 6 months to wean her off of them while maintaining some enthusiasm for going through the basic obedience commands while on our walks. She's still bringing up the rear, but it's much better. Assuming that there's no physical reason (sore/tender pads, cold, arthritis), it make take some motivating to overcome her reluctance to walk. Hope things improve for you and Dory, after all, walks are supposed to be fun!
  16. I wonder................since Suze has been increasingly incontinent for about 4 years with no irritation and that's the same length of time that she has been on Longevity, could it be that since one of the side benefits of Longevity is no grass "burn" that it's helping to reduce the irritation factor, too? Copied from the Springtime, Inc website: "Helps neutralize acidic urine to reduce yellow grass spots*" With three girls who like to cover each other's pee mail, I can vouch for the "no burn" claim since all three are on Longevity.
  17. Owie, owie, owie! That has to be very painful! Poor baby, poor Mom! Hoping that Jake heals quickly and that life quiets down to a dull roar for you, Janet. :grouphug
  18. I use generic baby wipes, all "natural", fragrance free, alcohol free, hypoallergenic for sensitive skin.
  19. Please do not let him run until you have a dx. I know it's hard, but at this point it sounds as if he doesn't need to be put at risk for further injury. Here's hoping that whatever "it" is, is easily corrected. Hugs and prayers in the meantime.
  20. :yay Greyt News! Happy Thanksgiving and continued uneventful recovery for Hunter! :yay
  21. Aw! Kisses for Striker. Good thing they live "in the now" and can enjoy every day while we humans take on all the worry for them. It's gotta be hard to keep that thought while squinting at xrays. :grouphug
  22. Once again, "wif bait on my bref", I opened this thread and let out a HUGE sigh of relief after reading the update! HAPPY THANKSGIVING and HOORAY DARCY! :yay :yay
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