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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Was the dog standing or lying down both times? I have one with space aggression and she will decide where her space is and act accordingly. She gets corrected. The other dogs just ignore her, but she has never snapped at a person for that. Interesting comment about whether it is the wife or the couch.
  2. dante2zoe


    Oh no. I am so sorry.
  3. Good news about the shoulder! Zoe has calcifications in her shoulder, too, and it periodically causes issues. As for the toe, that does sound puzzling. Let us know what else you find out. Hope Merlin is feeling okay!
  4. I am so sorry. Keeping you and Sweetie in my thoughts.
  5. My heart breaks for you. I loved the Wabi stories and pictures. Rest well, sweetie.
  6. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry.
  7. dante2zoe


    I am so sorry. Rest well, sweetie.
  8. If you had it done at the evet, call them and ask if they will remove them without charge. I was able to do that with an evet once when I explained why I couldn't get to my regular vet.
  9. I have been following and wishing things could be better. I am so sorry.
  10. I am so very sorry. May her passing be peaceful. You and Gracie will be in my thoughts today.
  11. I am so very sorry. What a special lady and friend. My condolences to her family and to all who knew and loved her.
  12. I don't have any experience with a face wound, but my whippet has had the top of his head stapled twice. Gave him a valium, a couple shots of local and bang, bang, bang. He was good to go. With staples, you need to return to have them removed. I had another dog with staples in the front of his leg, healed great, no scar. He didn't even get a local, it was so fast. (Not my call, but the evet) Maybe it depends on the type of wound. Both dogs had flap tears, not chunks missing. Hope he heals fine!
  13. Maverick found, killed and ate a baby bunny. It happened too quickly to stop. Anyway, while my dogs are raw fed, their food is frozen first. Do I need to worm him? Dante has chomped on a few birds that came too close, but this is my first experience with this. Thanks in advance! Cindy
  14. I am sorry. You both will be in my thoughts tomorrow.
  15. Yup, they can bite. I have been bitten by my own dog. She had sleep startle and slept with her eyes open. I learned a lot from her very quickly! I was lucky, she didn't do serious damage - especially considering it was my face that made contact. I suppose that she could have if she wanted to, so I guess she had more restraint than I gave her credit for.
  16. I am so very sorry. May her now being pain-free bring you some comfort during this time.
  17. Welcome aboard! You have beautiful dogs.
  18. My 14 YO whippet gets leg cramps, especially in warmer weather. I know in people, bananas can help with that. Does this hold true for dogs, too? They can be quite painful and seem to last a long time. I have found that making him walk works them out faster, but he is sore from them. I will also massage the leg, but walking works better. Any suggestions on other ways to help or to prevent? Poor little guy. He has enough problems without this. Thanks!
  19. I am sorry that by making the well-being of Mable a priority, that your friend felt compelled to criticize. In the past, I have had a dog injured and could not navigate the stairs. My college-aged son was here on break and insisted on sleeping downstairs to keep an eye on him. So, if you are eccentric, I raised my children to be that way! Please give your girlie a scritch for me.
  20. Nancy, I am so very sorry for your loss. It is comforting to know that she left with dignity and surrounded by those who loved her. Cindy
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