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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Thank you all for your prayers. I spoke to the vet briefly this morning and she said that Wendy was doing well - spends most of the time sleeping in her crate - How unusual! :P There has been no more bloody urine - :clap or coughing - :banana They're going to keep her awhile longer until all the labs come back. Most likely Wendy will come home tonight with antibios and an antihistamine. :pepper


    Just because inquiring minds want to know, I did some research last night regarding Greys, tonsillitis, labored breathing and bloody urine. In the book Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound and various sites online (notably Greyhound Data) there is a correlation between all of these symptoms. The dog licks an infected vagina, sheath, or wounds. The bacteria from this infects the tonsils which in turn causes a UTI with blood-tinged, orange-ish urine. [Not] coincidentally Wendy has been licking wounds on her feet which she gets frequently from racing around the yard. The tonsillitis can cause labored breathing/excessive panting because the inflamed tonsils constrict the airway and the irritation causes coughing.


    Fascinating stuff. Please keep my old girl in your prayers that nothing serious pops up. I'm so blessed to have my GT family!

  2. Well, we ended up going to the ER. Wendy's breathing became labored and she was in obvious distress. The vet did a complete blood work-up and took x-rays a her whole body - nose to tail. Heart and lungs sound good and look good on x-ray. All other organs look fine. Musculoskeletal, perfect. Temp. normal. I mentioned the possibility of laryngeal paralysis so we peered down her throat and discovered that Wendy has tonsillitis. I never knew dogs could get that! OK, that explains the coughing and panting (restricted airway) but then, to make things really exciting, Wendy pees blood tinged urine. Not bright red; more orange-ish. So we get a sample for urinalysis, too.


    Long story short, she's staying overnight to get intravenous antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, analgesics and something to flush out her urinary system.


    Please pray for my girl. I'll keep ya'll posted.

  3. My 8 year-old Wendy has begun doing this 'haaaack' sound; somewhere between a cough and a throat clearing. Of course, my mind is already going to the bad place - megaesophagus, paralyzed larynx, cancer. The fact that she's frequently declining breakfast doesn't help ease my mind. The vet appointment has already been made, but any insight from GT'ers is always appreciated.


    Praying it's just springtime allergies! :hope

  4. I still offer breakfast every morning and leave it down for 1/2 hour. After that, it goes in the fridge and is served for dinner. It must be said that Wendy is a weirdo in that she won't eat if anyone is in the kitchen with her, or if a meal is served later (or earlier) than usual. When I start to worry is when she refuses breakfast when all seems right with her world.

  5. Melatonin for hair growth? Does it make them sleepy? That stuff knocks me out! :nappy I have tons of it (5mg i believe) but i dont want to make him drowsy (he's already a low activity guy) We call him our little old man, he has cute grampa-like mannerisms.

    I almost wish it did! Wendy gets it at night with dinner but she's as lively as ever even then. DO consult your vet first, though.

  6. Wendy has never bitten, but she is very obviously perturbed when my husband, son and grandson engage in any kind of rough play. She will bark loudly and vigorously at them. I can tell she becomes anxious and is not happy with this type of play. Maybe she sees it as aggression? Anyway, we now make sure not to play this way in her presence to avoid an unpleasant situation.

  7. Batmom can probably comment more on lineages, but every Kiowa dog I've seen has the same short face, stocky build look.

    Yup, that's my Wendy....a Kiowa girl. Raced (briefly and badly) at 48 lbs. and looked starved and emaciated. Now, at 55 lbs.,24" at the shoulder, she's built a lot like Miami. Barely a shadow of a rib, nice tuck and 4-5 vertebrae showing.

  8. My 7 year-old Wendy will stand over my MIL's little 3 year-old jackhuahua (we think she's a JRT x Chihuahua mix) and bark her head off. Little Linda just assumes a submissive posture and takes it until we break it up. Most of the time they coexist but are not besties.


    Any idea what that might be about?

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