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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Good morning, all! Finally, lab results are in and, ironically, tell us nothing..."no infectious process found". I knew beforehand that this non-diagnosis was a possibility. Although I'd like to know what caused this episode, so to perhaps avoid another occurrence in the future, in the grand scheme of things I really don't care as long as Wendy continues to improve. This "whatever-it-was" was so bad that I actually asked for a referral to a vet who does home euthanasia, just in case. God willing, my old lady won't be needing those services any time soon.


    Wendy's vet did not deliver the news herself as she is out of town until Monday when, I was told, she will call me. I won't be at peace until I hear from her directly.


    Thanks to all of you who followed this thread and kept Wendy in your thoughts and prayers. Words cannot express how much your positive, healing energy meant to us. :beatheart

  2. Wendy seems to be improving. She ate breakfast this morning and snacked on some cheddar cheese with me. Frustratingly, the lab results are not back yet. Since we went to the EV on Saturday evening and Monday was a holiday, it's taking longer than usual. I am truly grateful for all the good thoughts and prayers. I'll let you all know what the final outcome is as soon as I know.

  3. I am very interested in this conversation. My 11 year old, Wendy, has begun to show symptoms of arthritis in her right, front elbow. Tramadol makes her catatonic and she absolutely cannot take Nsaids. Gabapentin seems to work well even though it's for nerve pain. What alternatives are there?

  4. Still no results back from the lab. ARRRGH! Wendy is incrementally improving. She is moving around more and is more interactive. Voluntarily went outside 3 times today! Did her business and sunbathed a bit. Did not eat dinner last night nor breakfast this morning. <sigh> I'm hoping it's all the meds. causing her lack of appetite. Made a fresh batch of bone broth to tempt her with tonight. One day at a time.

  5. I am glad she is home, :candle that they can find the cause and fix things

    Thank you so much. She seems a teeny bit better today. Temp. remains normal and she had the strength to climb up on "her" loveseat. She ate a bit of Greek yogurt for breakfast and quite a bit of bone broth with scrambled eggs and the meat from the broth at about noon. She would not eat from the bowl, but ate with gusto from my hand. Brat. I took her out to the back yard where she peed and did a tiny poop. She always does a happy dance after she poos and was able to do a short version of it this time...so sweet.

  6. Prayers going up for Wendy. I had a incident similar to that with Bobber but Bobber's temp stayed around 104-104.5 for days! Drugs would bring it down and then as soon as they started to wear off the temp spiked again. They couldn't figure out what was causing it-had her on IV antibiotics and everything-nothing was working until I took her sick as she was to my holistic vet and she got acupuncture. As soon as she did the antibiotics started working. It turns out it was a systemic kidney infection, very serious. After that she always had 500+protein in the urine. After a few years of that one day she went down, probably from a blood clot, and the incompetent uncaring now former vet told me she would be fine and sent her home with prednisone & Robaxin-where she suffered and died ~4 hours later. Maybe it was just the flu that you said was going around. That would fit what has experienced. Tell her we all love her and are sending a speedy recovery her way.

    OMG! What a horrible experience...poor Bobber...poor you! Dumba** vet. Thank you for the prayers...keep 'em coming. I'll give Wendy your love.


    Sending special ear scritches to Miss Wendy.

    Awww, thank you. I am loving on her super-extra today.

  7. Checking on your girl and hoping she is home now!

    So good of you to check! I cannot express how much the words of encouragement and caring from my GT family mean to me. Thank you!


    Wendy is home but her vet and I are still very concerned. She is eating very little and not moving much. The light in her eyes is flickering. Unless she rallies soon, it may be time. We are still waiting for the results of the FUO (fever of unknown origen) test. She's on 2 antibiotics, an antacid and pain medication. I thank God that I am retired now and can spend all my time with her. :hope:sad1

  8. Sounds like your son was just trying to save time feeding her twice.


    How would you like to go 23 3/4 hours between meals? I wouldn't like it much.


    I'm sorry you lost a dog to bloat, but spending too much time worrying about it isn't helpful to you or the dogs. We also lost a dog to bloat, and we did NOTHING WRONG. It happened, we had him put to sleep because of his age and the severity of the torsion (the vet said IF he survived the surgery it might very well kill him later), but since we did nothing to cause it, we never worried about it happening again.


    Stick to what you've always done and try to relax! :)

    :bow Susan, you are so wise and sensible and a natural at reading people! I had the same thought ("Sounds like your son was just trying to save time feeding her twice."). And, yes, I am over-thinking things (I always do!). I will definitely take your good advice and not fix what isn't broken. :)

  9. Since you are in Miami, ask your Vet to consider consulting Animal Emergency and Referral Clinic here in Fort Pierce and ask Dr. Lyman about our Disco.


    Sending healing energy and comforting hugs.

    Great resource; thanks so much. I spoke to the vet early this morning. Wendy's temp. has remained normal for 2 days now and she finally ate last night - some boiled chicken I left for her. The vet techs were laughing at her attempts to "nose-bury" the bits of chicken in the kennel blankets. Doofus. While we don't have the FUO test results back yet, so we don't know the cause of this episode, Wendy might be coming home today.

  10. At her age I would not consider reducing the number of times she is fed. Increase if needed, decrease no. If she is not hungry one morning, don't worry unless it continues. After all some mornings, I'm not hungry for breakfast. I've also heard, but don't know if it is true, that giving a large meal once a day can lead to bloat.

    I agree. Bloat is my fear as is her advanced age. I feel better offering food twice a day and let her decide if she wants it or not.

  11. if your vet can not find out what it is, ask them to send blood, urine and stool samples to the CDC. When I was at Hope in Rockville, that is what the Neurologist wanted to do.

    Great idea! Thank you!

    I sure hope Wendy gets all better! My Sir Elton had a pouch under his chin that turned out (when he spiked to 106) to be a blocked salivary gland. I wonder if she has a blocked something. It sounds like she's trending in the positive direction so fingers crossed.

    Did your vet diagnose Sir Elton based on the swelling under his chin?

  12. Last night's status update gave me nightmares; temp. at 103.1, weak and wobbly when walked. &%$@!!! This morning, however, better news; temp. normal at 101.2 HURRAY!, walking normally and just looking all-around better. My old lady is still not over the hump, so please, please keep the prayers coming! And, thank you all.

  13. Thanks for the feedback. Maybe skipping that morning meal is a Greyhound quirk. One large meal a day still scares me, especially with a geriatric hound.

    We feed twice a day. Sometimes they skip meals. It isn't a big deal if they skip a meal here and there but still maintain good weight and condition. In fact, three of my hounds will skip a meal if they don't get enough exercise in a day.

    My thoughts, exactly. She keeps her weight even when she skips the occasional breakfast.

  14. For the past 9 years, I've fed Wendy twice a day, 1 1/2 cups of food at each meal. My son and I were just discussing Wendy's quirk of occasionally leaving her breakfast uneaten. He says that when he dog-sits her, he feeds her the 3 cups of food, once a day, in the evening and she scarfs the whole meal down. Feeding her one big meal a day scares me because our Ridgeback barely survived bloat (with surgery) and I have PTSD from that; he was fed once a day and I've always blamed the heavy meal for the bloat. Intellectually, I realize that it could have happened regardless, but.....Anyway, how many times a day do you feed your Greys? And, is it okay to switch an 11 year old dog from two meals a day to one?



  15. great to hear she is still improving! do they have any ideas of a cause?



    Thank you! The scary thing is the not knowing what the cause is. All her labs are normal and they did every test known to mankind that could be done in the clinic's lab . The vet ordered a test for fever of unknown origin but it has to go out to a lab and takes a couple of days to get the results. There is a canine influenza outbreak here in Miami, but Wendy's symptoms don't correspond to that, Bordatella or tick-borne diseases. <Sigh>

    So happy for you!


    We just went through this with not a good outcome, so I know how scary it can be. Sending all our good thoughts for Wendy and your family. :hope

    Thank you! I'm so very sorry that you went through something similar. You lost your Grey? How horrible! Would you mind sharing what the diagnosis was, in your case?

  16. The power of prayer, especially GT prayer, is amazing! Wendy is better still today. Her temperature at 102.1. Still on IV fluids and antibiotics, of course. They've put some cooling fans in front of her kennel - my girl does run hot even on a good day! She is urinating (yay for pee!) and just looks all around perkier. They're going to offer her a meatball sized glop of food at 1:00 p.m. I can just imagine her turning up her needle nose at that! Please keep the prayer chain going till my girl comes home and thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

  17. Wendy is currently at the EV hooked up to IVs. She spiked a fever of over 106. So far, tests are all within normal parameters with a very slightly elevated white cell count. Blood work will go out to get a diagnosis. Praying she can come home today with antibiotics on board. She can't take Nsaids so the fever needs to come down with the IV fluids. Please pray for my old lady.

  18. You couldn't pay me to feed Tumeric to my dogs again. The smell coming out of their pores is awful, regardless of the "pros" there may be to adding it to their diet. No thank you.


    Broth, for sure. It really encourages non-eaters and is great for a bland diet. I use a pressure cooker, which supposedly is even better for getting marrow out of bones, and more of the good stuff, etc.

    EEK! I didn't know about the Turmeric reek! I'll give it some time and see how it goes.

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