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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. I don't have any advice, though I'd really love to hear what others have to say. My girl, Wendy, is almost 10 years old and has been an only dog for 8 years so I have never really seen her play with other dogs. For the past year or so she has had play dates with my son's lab-mix, Luna. Their play sounds exactly like you describe above. Wendy seems very rough compared to mild mannered Luna who just takes it all in stride and tries to keep up with Wendy when she races around the "track" she has created in what was once our yard. :)


    Is this typical Greyhound play?

    "Lots of kangaroo boxing, jumping on each other, body slamming, spinning and twirling, a few mid-air collisions, muzzle-butting, play bowing, growling, crazy running and chasing"


  2. Remolacha,


    I guess it could be the heat; La Duquesa Wendy does not do heat! I'm also thinking that since it is so very hot here she definitely isn't as active. Butt tuck zoomies in the yard are almost non-existent in this weather. Perhaps Wendy is self-regulating her intake.

  3. Because of the radical weight loss, I would run, not walk, to the vet. My 8 year old grey has begun eating less but her weight stays steady at 57 lbs. and a recent check up with bloods, fecal, urine and x-rays gave her a clean bill of health.


    I'm so sorry that you're worried about your girl. We just love them so much, don't we?

  4. My 8 year old girl, Wendy, has always been a good eater. Lately, though, she goes through cycles of eating her two meals a day with gusto to occasionally skipping breakfast and/or showing little interest in dinner. Last night, I put her dinner down at 6 pm, and because she had skipped breakfast, left it down until she finally ate it at 8 pm. In the past, I would give her 1/2 hour to eat then remove uneaten food. Today, her breakfast remains uneaten at 11:17 am. She will, however, accept treats or people food readily, the brat, so she does have an appetite (right?).


    Wendy just had a check-up and is healthy. Her weight is stable at 57 lbs. The vet is not concerned, but I am paranoid!


    Do any of your seniors go through this cyclical eating pattern?

  5. Went through the same nightmare with Wendy about a month ago. She got up from her bed in obvious discomfort. Panting, hunched over, pawing at her side, belly tight as a drum. Rush to the E-Vet. By the time we got there she is in severe discomfort and was having trouble breathing; then she pee'd bright orange urine. We did blood work, urinalysis, head to toe x-rays; she stayed overnight, got IV fluids, etc. Next day, everything was fine! All tests negative and Wendy seems fine. A complete mystery! She is 8 years old so we monitor her very closely, but the girl is as spunky as ever.

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