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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. It's hard enough to lose them, heartbreaking when we can't be there to hold their paw (been there, done that...it sucks hard).


    Beau sure was a character! Perfect, beautiful dog. Eating the water, then scolding it...priceless!


    Peace to your aching heart. Roll in something stinky, Beau, until you guys meet again. :beatheart

  2. Lola has been home for two weeks now and is settling in very well. She is potty trained, is a great eater with text-books poops (so important!). She walks like a dream on lead and has not needed to be crated, sleeping quietly through the night on her bed in our bedroom. She gets a little anxious when left alone, but not overly so. Lola discovered toys at 4:28 a.m. three days ago. There's a basket of toys in the dining room which she had sniffed but had not played with anything. Suddenly that morning we were awakened by the thunder of giant paws and the screeching of a Screaming Monkey stuffie! Best sounds ever!


    It is such fun watching our girl reveal more and more of her true self as the days go by. Another perfect match from Friends of Greyhounds.

  3. Bone pain is hellish! Get with the vet and load your boy up on pain meds. Better he's dopey from the meds than in pain. The news is very encouraging. I'll be keeping you and your beautiful Dawson in my prayers through this difficult time. The waiting for results and seeing our hounds in pain is very stressful. Stay strong and positive. Sending gentle hugs.

  4. We introduced Lola to my son's cat, Romero, last night. They sniffed each other and then each went their own way. Score two for Lola! There's one more introduction pending; Linda, my MIL's little terrier mix. That might happen this weekend. Lola, Luna and Linda - three versions of the same dog- black girls with white chests and feet. Lola, tall and lanky. Luna, a stocky pittie mix, and Linda, a tiny, chubby girlie. What fun!

  5. This morning, after observing Lola in the yard, I realized that she is simply afraid of all the strange sounds. Airplanes, lawnmowers, dogs barking; all the sounds of a neighborhood.

    Then, to top it off, thunder and rain. Poor girl! I'll have to get her buddy, Luna, from next door next time we venture out. Luna's presence seems to make the yard a less scary place.

  6. We introduced my Lola and my son's Luna on a walk last night. Both girls behaved very well and greeted each other appropriately. After a nice walk together we went home and let the girls out into the yard. Perfection! Lola was much more at ease with Luna there. Luna wanted to play but Lola ignored her advances. Since my son lives right next door, I'll be letting the girls out together more often. Well done, Luna and Lola!

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