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Posts posted by LaFlaca

  1. Lola has been home for 3 days. She's still a bit unsure about this whole retirement thing. Eventually, I want to introduce her to Luna, my son's sweet dog. It seems too soon on one hand but I wonder if Lola will feel less anxious about going out to the yard if she has another dog with her.


    Please share your thoughts on this. Of course, introductions will be made appropriately and off premises.

  2. They usually feel the need to renew their pee marks and sometimes poop marks as well in order to keep their territory markers in place. So best not to clean up too thoroughly at first. Having another dog visit helps in that way too.


    If the yard is safe with the door open, just go out there yourself and be busy doing something even if its just having a cup of coffee on the patio. The dog will usually come out to see what you're up to, and when she does, don't make a big deal of it. Just offer a treat or part of a biscuit.

    My son's dog uses the yard, too. They live next door. The girls have not met yet as I was giving Lola time to settle in. I was wondering if having another dog with her in the yard might make her feel more confident. Maybe it's time to introduce them to each other off premises at first, of course. I've been doing the open door routine all morning leaving the door open while sitting outside having a cup of coffee and while doing laundry. I even filled the bird feeder so the birds and squirrels would come to feed and maybe that would get Lola's attention...no go. <sigh> Back to the drawing board.

  3. Hubby's answer to that is embarrassing. :unkn He sprinkles his pee out there and even our stubborn ones can't help but want to mark it.

    Huh...I wonder if my pee will work? Pee in a cup? Anything for my girl.





    When faced with this problem I usually attach the leash to the collar and step back and gently tug to get her up and moving. I think she might be testing her boundaries to see how much she can affect you early on in her days ;)

    This is what I finally ended up doing. I had to tug her all the way out the door then rewarded her with the raw turkey neck. So they do test boundaries (like any 2 year-old)! I'm just worried she'll start to dislike me if I am constantly dragging her outside. I think something scared her out there. She seemed very nervous and reluctant to go out to the grassy area to pee.


    Thanks for the ideas. Keep 'em coming!


    Wendy (my girl who passed last week) was such an easy dog. She seemed to intuit exactly what to do and when to do it. Was never afraid of anything. I actually asked Michelle at Friends of Greyhounds adoption if Wendy had previously lived in a home she seemed so unfazed by things.


    Lola is more like what I imagined a retired Greyhound to be; a bit nervous, timid, unsure - everything is new and startling to her.

  4. After being home for 3 days and using the yard to potty with no problem, this morning Lola refuses to go out to the yard. She's been a 6:00 a.m. potty girl, coming to get me out of bed when she has to go. It's now 9:00 a.m., she has eaten a good breakfast but will not go outside. Her bladder must be bursting since the last potty at about 11:00 p.m. last night. I've tried luring her out with a raw turkey neck, tossing it out the door. She'll go as far as the door and no further gazing longingly at the turkey neck.


    Any tips would be appreciated. Lola has not had a single accident in the house and I don't want her to have one now.

  5. Saying goodbye to the beautiful greyhounds and their friends who left us in August 2017. As you run with the wind send a caress to wipe our tears.


    Gone but never forgotten. Loved forever. Run free with those who have gone before you. Greet all those that will follow.



    Sir Snowy

    Gigi, the galga





    Java Bean

    Finn, the lab

    Annie, the springer spaniel






    Rudy 1



    They'll always be with us, just slightly beyond the point that we can see with our eyes. In our heart, though, they'll be bright and clear, as they always were.

    Thank you for remembering my girl, Wendy.

  6. My new girl, Lola, has hooks, not surprisingly. We just adopted her almost straight off the track. My previous girl, Wendy, needed three rounds of Panacur to get rid of the little critters.


    We've used Trifexis for flea, heartworm and intestinal parasite prevention here with great success. It does not prevent ticks but, fortunately, these have never been a problem for us.

  7. Once again, thank you all for your condolences on the loss of my girl, Wendy. We miss her desperately. I have finally learned how to post pictures! So, here's Wendy when we first brought her home almost ten years ago:




    Here she is towards the end of her beautiful life:


    Wendy's indoor memorial ( sorry, a bit blurry):




    I'll post a pic of her outdoor memorial once she comes home.


    AMF Won't Forget ran 39 races all at Sanford Orlando. She never won a race. LOL She ran 35 maiden races and once you are two years old you can't run in maiden races anymore so the dog runs D races and is designated on the program as an overage maiden.


    Since she was never on top in any of those races I can't say for sure that she needed the front to win because I don't know if she would have been caught.


    So she had no early speed nor any late speed so she is in the right place and that is on your couch.


    The way the story goes and I have never seen a different story about the AMF so as far as I know it stands for Adios Mother Fu. With the owner of the AMF dogs being Tom Ferris I used to think the F could have been for Ferris, but like I said I have seen a number of stories about the AMF and the stories are always the same.

    Thanks, Dick! Judging by the hours she spends lounging in her bed, my guess is that Miss Lola does not enjoy moving much less running! Lazy girl. Yes, Thomas Ferris was her owner; I, too, thought the F might stand for Ferris. I like Fu better!

  9. Congratulations to you and Lola! She sounds like an absolute gem. I believe my Pearl is from the same trainer (Thomas Ferris)- her name was AMF Repo Girl when she came to the rescue. Perhaps they're distant relatives!

    Her trainer was Bryan Fulginiti and her owner was Thomas Ferris. What a small world! Do you know what AMF stands for?


    No luck at all posting pictures. Tried imgur, Flickr, tinypic, postimages. All I get is an X-in-a-box. I will keep trying. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. :dunno Even my son couldn't figure it out.

  10. Welcome home Lola! Someone posted on another thread this link to an image hosting site - I bookmarked it as it looks nice and easy to use and has no ads, but haven't tried it yet. Maybe your mum will be braver: https://postimages.org/

    DocsDoctor ~ Thanks for the lovely welcome and for the image hosting site link! So far, I've tried imgur, tinypic and Flickr with no success. This should not be so difficult! :riphair Off to try postimages.org.


    Everyone, your welcoming words mean so much - thank you! Lola is doing well. No accidents in the house, no destructive behavior. She has rejected her crate and now much prefers her dog beds which took her very much by surprise the first time she climbed on. Lola was startled by the poofyness, I guess, and flew off the bed like a rocket! I tried hard not to laugh. :haha


    On Sunday morning, a huge thunderstorm rolled over our house at about 6:30 a.m. Needless to say, that totally ruined breakfast for my poor, terrified girl. She was so scared that she tried to climb into the (open) refrigerator! Again, I tried really hard not to laugh. :rolleyes:


    Odd Greyhound thing ~ Lola has climbed up on DH's desk 3 times. :dunnoThis girl is going to be fun!


    P.S. Please, God, make her stop farting soon! :wow:puke

  11. After losing our girl, Wendy, last week DH and I desperately needed to fill the Greyhound shaped hole in our hearts. So, we drove out to Friends of Greyhounds ~ Hi, Michelle and Jerry! ~ to see if any of the available hounds would be a good match.


    Happily, we made a love connection with Lola! Lola is a big, shiny black girl with a white blaze on her chest, white tipped HB's Commander tail and 4 white paws. She was formerly known as AMF Won't Forget. Her sire is DJays Octane and her dam is CTW Wild Flower. Lola turned 2 years old on April 29th of this year.



    She did very well her first night home and we look forward to seeing her true self shine through.


    If I can figure out how to post pix I'll post as soon as I take some of her.


    Welcome home sweet Lola!

  12. Waking up to a world without Wendy seems...empty. I so greatly appreciate all of your support, thoughts and prayers. They mean more to me than you will ever know and are sustaining me through this difficult time. Thank God for GreyTalk and the GT community.


    We plan on driving out to Friends of Greyhounds today to visit with the available dogs. With any luck, we will be able to fill the Greyhound shaped void in our hearts with another wiggle-butt, needle-nose who will inform us that, "I am yours, you are mine".

  13. At approximately 5:25 a.m. this morning, Wendy went into cardiac arrest and did not respond to CPR. The knowledge that this was coming sooner rather than later does nothing to dull the infinite ache in our hearts.


    Almost 10 years ago, DH and I went to Friends of Greyhounds fully intending to adopt a large, male Grey. Wendy knew better. She saw us, we saw her and the rest is history. This tiny, 47 lb. pixie-dog was on her back in her second-story crate, stick-legs flailing, butt squirming, huge smile on her face letting us know in no uncertain terms, "I am yours, you are mine". Indeed. All three of us have been smiling and wiggling our butts together ever since!


    My girl, my old lady, the Duchess of 23rd Terrace has gone home. What a joyous day it will be when we are all three together again. I love you, my girl. Run with the angels, my darling.





  14. Thanks for all the feedback. Wendy's poops are good and she is quite healthy. It may be that she is too well fed. I feed Wellness CORE with canned food added-in. She's going on 12 years old and is definitely needing less food. Perhaps her usual diet has become too rich. Huh...will talk to the vet on Monday if she thinks a change in diet might be a good idea.

  15. We all know the our beloved hounds are fart factories; it's part of their charm! :fart Wendy's paint-peeling gas has been well controlled for the past 10 years with FortiFlora but that's no longer working. Yogurt doesn't help. My house smells like a sewer. :riphair We're going to the vet on Monday for rabies vaccination so I'll bring up the gassiness.


    What do you GT'ers give your Greys to control their...um... noxious emissions?

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