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Everything posted by racindog

  1. I know exactly what you mean. Slim was a FIGHTER. In fact he loved nothing more than the possibility of a good fight. For him not to have responded aggressively would have signaled something terribly terribly wrong and we would be on the way to the e-vet. a lot of folks have a hard time envisioning a greyhound so aggressive- I myself didn't think it was possible- before I met Slim. Hope she is feeling better soon! PS -I have had outstanding results with accupuncture especially where pain is concerned.
  2. Griffin, your Mom could probably use a "sign".....run free and fast sweet baby.
  3. Oh what a lovely lady. What a blessing she is to have sent you the puppy! The really really really really special heart dogs are like that.
  4. First I would find another vet. One that doesn't think they know everything. I questioned a vet one time re: steroid use and dosage because her recomendations did not jive with those made by the several PhD. greyhound experts in the noted "Care of Racing Greyhounds for Trainers & Veterinarians". She answered the same as your vet. Got snooty and said I was wrong to question her - that if she says it- it has to be right! I thought "Sorry Tutts, but you don't have the qualifications to overide those PhD greyhound vets! " So I never went back. Later I found a not so arrogant board certified vet that actually used the same book for reference himself. No way would I let your vet practice and learn on my dog. And yes the commercial food is largely garbage and can indeed cause a myriad of problems. I prefer raw but due to the convenience & expense also feed Solid Gold foods. They are not full of trash like most of the other kibbles and my dogs do well on it also. There are wonderful people here who can share their actual experience and knowlege and that is probably your best bet. Healing prayers going up!
  5. Prayers going up for sweet sweet Gracie. I remember when Ivy needed the expensive chemo treatments etc. I just made up my mind that if I had to make payments the rest of my life I would- I knew that she would do no less for me. It is years later now and the expense is now irrelevant but knowing I went "all the way" with her is priceless.
  6. Oh my heart breaks for you. I am praying for you and Gracie. Remember how much He loves you AND Gracie.
  7. Cash's whole muzzle swelled up once. I rushed her to er and they said she was bit or stung by something. They gave her a shot and had me give her Benedryl and she got better in a couple days.
  8. Wouldn't accept my answer either. But Ivy had 6-9 very good months after amputation and chemo.
  9. Prayers for a quick recovery Sahara. Goldie had to have part of his amputated too. I was told and with him they did amputate around 6" up from the injury site to make sure the amputation area is not compromised by the original injury. It healed fast with no problems. A hair curler protected it while it healed.
  10. I think Zeke's heroic rescue should be submitted to Hero Hounds too. Facts is facts and he jumped in and protected her at great personal risk to himself. He is a brave courageous boy dog! And not to mention being obedient and breaking off and coming to you when you asked him to. I don't think there are many that would do that.
  11. My deepest sympathy! You are in my prayers. I have found peroxide works well. Test on a small section first but it sometimes does NOT bleach my furniture/carpet etc..
  12. I'm so sorry. He must have been really special to be called home so early.
  13. It wasn't your fault! Those varmints are designed to be stealthy and undetectable. Prayers going up for Fiona's fast recovery and please give BRAVE ZEKE a giant attaboy for protecting his little sister! What a courageous and faithful hound he is! Not to mention obedient-not many dogs would have even heard a "call off" with all that excitement.
  14. Hope Emmy starts to feel better soon. I learned a long time ago that NO ONE, especially various workers, can be trusted with access to the hounds because they simply don't care. They don't love them or care about them at all. In fact in Louisville you'd better have your hounds fence padlocked because many brats think it is funny to turn peoples dogs loose and watch them get hit and will deliberately open the gates or even try to scare them or worse while they're inside the fence. There are also quite a few dogs stolen as bait for fighting pitbulls here. I spent a year as an AC officer in Louisville and I know of what I speak.
  15. My deepest sympathy. Run free & happy Merlin! .....with One Headlight!
  16. I am praying for you now. I know the unique pain of such a sudden unexpected loss as my beloved soulmate Slim at 6 suddenly and unexpectedly crossed over as well. I guess our mind just reverts back to the last time you seen them well. I still say "He was fine, A-OK when I got home" and then just hours later.... I hope he sees fit to send you a message to comfort you. Clearly his "mission" was complete and it was time for him to cross over. I love that quote the other greytalker points out about you never know when you are entertaining an angel because they ARE among us. God bless you and your family in this time of terrible tragedy.
  17. This has happened to ALL of my greyhounds that spend any amount of time at all outside in the sun. With mine it is just a greyhound suntan. I got no idea why they turn black instead of tan but all of mine wil do it irregardless of their base color. When winter comes and they're not outside in the sun anymore than they get pale white or fleshtone again(like me.)It is striking though how black it is-like a real dark shade of grey.
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