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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. I know i have never met you or Riley in person, but I was devastated when I heard that he was gone. He was one of my favorite GT houndies. Absolutely beautiful, happy pictures that made me smile through the tears.
  2. :( Did you manage to speak to your vet about any next steps to take? Lots of good thoughts for Legs :goodluck
  3. Robin, I'm so sorry that Dustin is STILL having troubles too Let's hope he's not having a relapse :goodluck Thank you for all the great advice on this last page especially. I am still so new to IBD (if this is indeed what it is, and it certainly does appear to be), there seems to be so much information to take in, with one thing working for one dog but not another... He had bad diarrhea again this afternoon - I didn't expect anything different, but you know, you always hope The specialist said he could have Sagan's food if he wanted, but I wasn't happy with the idea, so I opted to try the home-cooked bland diet first. I bought some ground-up cow (I'm so sorry, cow ) . DH suggested trying to give him a few pieces of the Iams kibble Sagan eats, to see if he would eat it. I did. Within one hour he was vomiting violently His stomach made HORRIBLE incredibly loud noises. So I opened up the packet of ground-up cow and boiled it, and made some rice too. He ate it all, and didn't mind the Tylen. I gave him 20mg of Pepcid (the vet said to continue with that once a day) ,but even before it had time to work, his stomach had settled down. He is relaxing on the couch but both DH and I are apprehensive, watching him like hawks. Thanks for the advice on the Z/D, too, and on Purina EN. I'm jotting down notes from all of these suggestions, ALL of them, believe me! Thanks again.
  4. I'm glad to hear this, because I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing this afternoon when the specialist mentioned that an endoscopy should be the next step. I am just really not convinced that I want to put Merlin through that, he's becoming more upset every time we even go to the vet. Never mind the expense. The insurance company told me they want a "definite diagnosis" before they consider a claim. What the heck does that mean? That if I spend $5000 but they're still not sure what it is, I'm screwed? Whatever. The expense is secondary. I would go to the ends of the world for Merlin, but right now things are so desperately tight financially that expense has to be a consideration, unfortunately. At the very least I'd like to think that if we somehow find $1200 for a scope, that it's going to yield SOME answers. Amber - the problem here is that I haven't taken Merlin off the I/D - he just doesn't like it anymore. I have had to hand-feed him the last two meals (he will eat it if I hand-feed it to him, but not all of it.) So now I guess it's hamburger and rice. The specialist said that at this point I can try to give him Sagan's food, if that's what he wants I don't know. She switched me from Metronidazole (Flagyl) to Tylen, a powdered antibiotic I spread on his food. I bought some and will start him on this tonight, but to be honest I'm not really convinced that the Flagyl is the problem. He's been on it many times before and he's not had any issues with it. Dunno. Just dunno. *throwing hands in the air*
  5. That's interesting. It doesn't surprise me, considering that animal digest is a nice word for "whatever crap is swept up off the slaughterhouse floor". I am going to try feeding him the bland diet. I spoke to the specialist just now and she is going to put him on a different kind of anitbiotic - a powder I'm going to pick up this afternoon. Sigh. I have my doubts. He won't eat the I/D and he needs to take the meds, so the specialist said to go ahead and give him Sagan's food if that's what he wants. I don't know. She says the next step is an endoscopy. I don't have $1200 for something that may not even yield any definitive answers. I literally don't know what to do anymore. :headwall
  6. Thanks, Lucy, I just posted in your thread about Legs, pls keep us posted! The latest is that Merlin has gone off the I/D and he's had diarrhea (no blood) since yesterday afternoon, even though he is still on antibiotics. I am at my wits' end! I just want to know what's wrong with him!! I guess I'll be calling my vet again tomorrow. And most likely the specialist too.
  7. Thanks so much, Kerry. Legs was only on Flagyl for 5 days. He seems to be feeling normal, but his poop is not good. No blood though, so I don't know how worried I should be. I think I will try to get more Flagyl from my regular vet (who did not treat him, so I don't know if she'll just give it to me) on Monday. Did Merlin lose weight? My apologies for only replying now, I've not been able to check GT properly for a couple of days. Yes, as of a week ago he had lost nearly 3lbs, but I can tell he's lost a little more since then. It could also be the food he's on, though. The latest is that he's gone off the I/D - doesn't want it anymore. No stomach gurgles, and seems very interested in Sagan's food and cookies, so I think he just doesn't like it anymore. But his diarrhea has returned even though he is STILL on the antibiotics. So I'm not sure what to suggest regarding Legs - clearly I have so few answers myself - but I do think that talking to his vet, even though he didn't treat him for his current issue, would be the best option. I have found some vets to be on the stingy side with Flagyl - luckily my vet and even the specialist I saw a week ago are not reluctant to have me keep extra at home just in case - but in any event if Legs is still having diarrhea, something is off and I'm sure your vet is going to want to get to the bottom of it. Poor boy. Keep us posted! :goodluck
  8. What a beautiful tribute, Donna. Greta was a lucky girl. Just think - she was bounced at age 8 yet ended up in one of the most dedicated and loving families of houndie-nuts in existence. I call that hitting the jackpot. Run free, beautiful Greta. We will never forget you.
  9. Thank you!! He is doing okay, will be on the Flagyl for another 3.5 weeks. He completed his 3-day course of Fenbendazole (Panacur) last night. Once he's off the anitbiotics again, we'll know more. If he has a relapse after that, we will have to do a scope. I hope it doesn't come to that
  10. Lucy, if I were you I would talk to your vet ASAP about getting some more Flagyl. I'm going through the same issue with Merlin (bloody diarrhea and a diagnosis of HGE) and he was on Flagyl for only 8 days. Just three days after taking the last pill he had a relapse. He is now on Flagyl for 4 full weeks. Every dog is different, but if Legs is still having diarrhea it sounds as though he shouldn't be off the antibiotics just yet. Either that, or the antibiotics are not treating the cause of his sickness. Poor boy I hope he feels better soon.
  11. I'd be interested to know too, since I just started Merlin on Panacur tonight for the next three days. Dustin
  12. Amber, thanks for updating on my behalf! Thanks to everyone who has been thinking of us. I'm sorry it's taken me a while to update, I was expecting to make it into work this afternoon and I didn't, so I was frantically trying to catch up with my emails. Sorry to hear about Rocket's issues, but thank you so much for the advice on the food! I've made a note of it, because at some point I'm hoping to take him off the I/D. Glad to hear Rocket's doing so well on it So many peeps have posted great info and I so appreciate it. I'm sorry about Jamey I started Merlin back on the Flagyl right away, as soon as I got home. Even though it's supposed to be taken every 12 hours, the specialist told me to give him one at 1pm and then another before bed. Tomorrow he'll get one with each of his usual meals. I'm also giving him Panacur for the next three days. This house is now officially a drug factory Actually one of the things I was grateful for was that the specialist seemed to be of the opinion that it's always good to have some extra Flagyl lying around at home just in case, so although she knew I already had some from my vet she gave me the full 4-week dose and said I should keep the extra stuff at home for emergencies. He had horrible and bloody diarrhea again this afternoon, but the specialist told me to expect that, as she saw it in the ultrasound. She said not to worry too much about it - it had to come out. He certainly seemed very happy to have gotten rid of it afterwards, and his tummy is not grumbling at all, so fingers crossed...
  13. Thanks for your input, Amber. Your experience with Soul is helping me figure things out. I'm still clueless but it helps to know there are people here i can lean on who've been through this before - even though I wish no one hadto go through this with their pup Well, my appointment was for 11am and the ultrasound place has a really hot, cramped waiting area, and we waited for 35 minutes to see the vet there. I was getting cranky because I haven't slept since Monday night, the dogs had nowhere to lie down and were panting - finally I just asked how much longer it was going to take. They were actually very nice and explained that they'd had two emergencies that morning... Which of course made me feel bad for even asking. What if Merlin had been the emegency? I apologized. Merlin is in there getting an ultrasound right now. The consultation with the vet lasted about 4-5 minutes and they are charging $130! With the ultrasound it will be around $570. Good thing he's insured... But at this point I just want some answers! The vet said that if the ultrasound Is clear, she thinks Merlin should be on Flagyl for a good 3-4 more weeks. Thanks for all your nice comments & advice.
  14. As Anne said, the treats are designed to be given with the I/D diet. The head vet tech thinks it's highly unlikely that they caused the problem, she said clearly something else is going on. They managed to fit us in at 11am, so I'll be taking Merlin for an ultrasound shortly. I also got some more Flagyl from my vet. Can I just say once again how AWESOME she is?? Anyway... I'm glad I have some more Metronidazole. Can't imagine a second night like last night. Apart from the worry, I'm so sleep deprived I can barely stay awake right now.
  15. Thanks all. We're at the vet's, waiting for Dr. Katie. Really hoping to go home with some more Flagyl. I spoke to the head vet tech and she agreed that it was time for an ultrasound. She is calling the place -- they don't do them at my vet's -- to see if they can fit him in today. We had a rough night, but he did get some sleep. He seemed to draw comfort from having my hand stroking him, and would often grow restless if I stopped, so... didn't stop all night He had dark diarrhea this morning with a drop of blood in it. What's weird is that his stomach is quiet this morning. No growlies, and he ate 1/2 can of I/D. He's in good spirits...
  16. I've already given him two - that's what I gave him at 6pm. He's still not himself... but his ears perk up everytime I go into the kitchen. He's clearly hungry, but I'm not offering him any food at this point tonight. I'll let his stomach rest, and we'll see how he feels tomorrow. Right now he is on his bed looking sleepy, so... wish us an uneventful night... thanks. ETA - just saw your post, duncan41 - thanks! Merlin weighs 77lbs. I guess that means I could give him another if I really needed to... We'll see. If he gets bad we're goig to the e-vet anyway, I'm not taking any chances.
  17. Thank you for your thoughts - so appreciated. I'm hoping someone here is still up and knows if I can give him another Pepcid during the night...?
  18. Oh my gosh, I"m just seeing this. I'm so terribly sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  19. I don't think it's the dry I/D... he's been on it since day two or three and it's been about two weeks since his episode. He took his last dose of Flagyl on Saturday morning, the head vet tech said to keep him on the Pepcid for a while longer. I switched him from 20mg a day to 10mg a day since last Friday. Not sure if that's too soon. I sure wish he was still on the Flagyl or that I'd asked for some more to keep at home when I was there on Saturday I just don't want to give him more Pepcid if it's going to make matters worse. And yes - you're right - my stomach is in knots, worrying about my boy Sigh. I just want to know what's wrong with him. I hate this.
  20. When we came back from his afternoon walk, Merlin's tummy started to get really LOUD again. Since pooping large amounts of blood and being diagnosed with HGE two weeks ago he's been on nothing but the I/D - wet and dry. A few days ago I bought (from my vet's office) a bag of I/D hypoallergenic treats that are ok to give with the I/D diet. Not sure if that's what caused tonight's upset stomach In any event - I gave him 20mg of Pepcid as soon as I heard the gurgling because I could tell it wasn't just hunger. I took him out again as he paced and refused his dinner, and he wanted to walk and eat grass. He pooped again and his poop was absolutely fine... I don't know what's going on His tummy seemed to calm down around 7.30pm - I think the Pepcid finally kicked in. He's been resting since then.. But if his stomach starts getting loud again, is it safe to give him more Pepcid? How much is too much? I'm calling my vet to schedule an ultrasound for him tomorrow morning.
  21. Keeping Jabari in my thoughts... Hugs to you :grouphug
  22. Beautiful Zema A year already, doesn't seem possible. :grouphug
  23. I finally got rid of my Cesar Millan book - bought it years and years ago before we had Merlin, and before I figured out how awful he is. Of course it went into the recycling - I wouldn't just throw paper in the trash, and I don't want to give it to Goodwill as I don't want to promote his inhumane and ignorant methods. Accompanying him is Grogan's Life with A dog Named Marley or whatever it was called). Ugh. Still get angry when I think back about how he kneed his dog in the chest Of course he was featured on a Cesar Millan episode later too. Figures. Buh-bye! I hope that paper is transformed into something USEFUL this time.
  24. Big hugs... :grouphug
  25. MerlinsMum


    Me too... I think of Alan often, Susan, he was a special boy and I know how much he meant and will always mean to you. I am finding it so hard to believe it's been two years already. Many hugs to you.
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