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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Sending hugs and positive thoughts... :goodluck :grouphug
  2. Thank you for sharing with us... :grouphug :f_white
  3. Welcome from Maine! from Kerry the 'Whingeing Pom' and Woof! from Merlin the grey
  4. Sending positive thoughts... hopefully it'll turn out to be something minor. :goodluck Please keep us posted...
  5. MerlinsMum

    A Sad Day

    thinking of you at this time...
  6. Hey Shawna! Welcome from Maine! Please post pics of Hiro when you can - we can't wait to see your hound's cute face!
  7. Sounds like he's going to be fine... phew!
  8. OMG!! What a terrible story!!!! :angryfire I am shocked. I understand your anger, I would have been livid too. And you shouldn't have needed to kick up a fuss to get an apology. It's absolutely disgraceful. I had a crummy experience at the e-vet's once - but NOWHERE near what you went through. I was just put off by comments that appeared to be really insensitive. Merlin hurt his tail and it split open - blood everywhere. Poor baby. We rushed to the e-vet (which was a new place, they had just opened recently) and waited forever. We could hear Merlin in the back crying in his cage :cry1 and I was flipping out with worry, because he also has SA (and at the time his symptoms were much worse, so being in a strange place without us must have scared him). When we finally saw the vet, she told us he would need stitches and said in a (I swear I was not just being over-sensitive because of the worry) distinctly unimpressed tone, "Well he is not helping himself because every time someone walks by his enclosure he wags his tail and bleeds some more" - Merlin is a very friendly pup - "and we just painted these walls!" She didn't say this with a laugh or a smirk or anything like that - she was scowling. I was so taken aback I just gaped with my mouth open. Couldn't believe she would be so utterly insensitive when I was already so worried. I felt like saying, "well maybe you can pay someone to paint your walls again with the exorbitant fee you're charging me tonight". It just kinda left a bas taste in my mouth.
  9. Poor Logan. Hope he feels better soon. :bighug Please keep us posted...
  10. Welcome, I'm just north of you..!
  11. Hello! You'll love it here! Your boy is gorgeous :wub:
  12. Hello from Maine! Sam looks adorable. Here's something to welcome him too
  13. Oh poor, poor baby. Looks nasty. Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow's surgery goes well, and sending hugs to you and Logan.
  14. MerlinsMum


    :f_white :grouphug
  15. I'm so sorry. Not been through osteo... no advice to give. Just want to send hugs... :grouphug
  16. Merlin is very good. He never bugs me about his meals. In the morning, he'll sometimes come into the kitchen and look interested, but no whining or anything. In the evening, I nearly always have to call him, as he goes to his bed after his late afternoon walk and sleeps until his dinner is ready.
  17. Oh no. I'm so sorry. :grouphug
  18. It's clear that you had a wonderful life filled with immeasurable love... Now run free, sweet girl. :f_white
  19. You have a beautiful family. :wub: Thanks for sharing!!
  20. Sorry to hear this. Hope Munchie feels better soon , and will be keeping her in my thoughts.
  21. :wub: Cutie-pie. Keeping the lovely Darcy in my thoughts...
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