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Everything posted by SIGreyLady

  1. Great news that Charlie is home and adjusting well. Give him lots of hugs and kisses!! Dogs seem to handle Chemo a lot better that humans. My Fritz went through it for Lymphosarcoma and had no ill effects.
  2. My deepest condolences on the passing of Ryan.
  3. Bev, Just reading this. I'm so sorry for the loss of Poppy.
  4. How is your girl doing? I went through the same thing with Sterling. I tried to let it heal up but it didn't and we ended up amputating 4 - 5 inches. It healed up beautifully!
  5. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and Mercedes.
  6. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Flash.
  7. Glad to hear the procedures went well. Sending prayers for a good biopsy report.
  8. Sending prayers for you and Merlin for the surgery and a quick recovery.
  9. I guess i got lucky. Sterling and Kelsey very rarely toot .
  10. Welcome to GT. Your Merlin is very handsome!!
  11. So glad to hear she is better today. Maybe get her a book to eat, ah, read while she is resting.
  12. Claudia, How is Ekko doing? Was she able to keep the food and water down this evening? Gentle and to her.
  13. Sterling's urinalysis came back normal. He has been his regular old self the past 2 days so we will take a wait and watch atitude with him. My vet said she is going to do research - contact OSU and see if anything turns up. It is a puzzle! Thanks again for the support and good wishes.
  14. Sorry to hear about Dino. He knew he was loved. Congrats on adopting Usher. I know he will help heal your heart.
  15. Sending good thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery.
  16. No experience with amputations just to you and Avery.
  17. Sterling blood tests came back - all is normal. Should get the urinalysis back today. That's good but doesn't explain what happened. I'll be talking to my vet later today. Today he seems his old self. Appetite is good, walk was good, playing with his stuffies, etc. Thank you again for all the good thoughts.
  18. Good thoughts going out to Ekko. Also PR on High beams.
  19. I am so sorry to hear about Jack - so unexpected .
  20. He seems better but did 1 "slow down" on walks this AM. Didn't eat much for breakfast. Took a urine sample to the vet for testing. Now we wait till results are back.
  21. One of the tests we are waiting on is his red blood count. I, too, agree, it doesn't sound like seizures. I agree with Judy on generilized weakness. I'd keep him quiet, and cool, and let him rest until the blood work comes back, and go from there. Anemia could not only cause weakness, but a fast, irregular pulse as well. Also, how are the color of his gums? They should be pink and moist. Sending prayers and hugs your way! His gums are normal and he has "good capillary function" ( meaning when you press on them it goes white then back to pink. Thank you for all the good thoughts. He's been good today.
  22. This past week Sterling has been a little weird on walks. He'll walk along nicely then just stop. I have to coax him to walk again, he'll take a few steps and then stop again. Yesterday morning we were at the park we go to (off leash) and he was walking alittle slowly then stops, his back legs start trembling then he plops down. i got him up a minute or so later and he walked a few steps then stopped. I did coax him to the water (thinking overheating) and he gingerly went in but only ankle deep. He usually runs in and goes up to his belly - he loves the beach. After a few minutes he came out - walking slowly - and his legs started trembling again and he plopped down on the sand. Now, I'm worried because this is not him. I managed to get him to the car- walking with frequent stops. He did not want water or his treats. I called the vet and said what had happened and brought him in. She took blood for various tests, his heart rate is good, blood sugar is normal, x-rays show organs are all normal - no enlargements, bones are excellent. She thinks maybe it was seizures (which can take various forms) but we need the results of the other tests. She wants me to get a baseline pulse today and if it happens again to take his pulse then. Also to bring in a urine sample. So, we can use some good thoughts. Also - Has anyone every heard of something like this? Could use some advice. Thanks
  23. Very sorry to hear about Miss Poppy. Run free and fast pretty girl
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