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Everything posted by SIGreyLady

  1. I'm so sorry for the loss of Nina. Heaven gained an angel .
  2. Sorry to hear about Casey, it must have been painful. Glad to hear the surgery went well and the prognosis is good. Prayers for a speedy recovery and good appetite.
  3. Hoping for a speedy recovery and no problems with her teeth. poor girl - sending soft scritches.
  4. Sending gentle hugs to Tania and hoping for a quick recovery.
  5. Congratulations on the new house.
  6. Thanks for sharing the great scenery pics. Beautiful!! Your Ryan is so funny. Amazing some of the positions they get into.
  7. I'm so very sorry to hear about Zeus. He is running free now, without pain, and will be watching over you.
  8. Welcome from NY. Your Calvin is quite the handsome houndie .
  9. Sascha is very handsome. Welcome from NY!
  10. Sending healing thoughts to your little girl. Hope the vet finds the problem soon.
  11. Hi 2Hounds, I'd like to preorder a HFH t-shirt but I do not have a credit card. Can I mail you a check?? Let me know the total amount and the address and I'll get it out today. Thanks, Mimi (SIGreyLady)

  12. Congratulations on adopting Mr Dickie. He is very handsome Also welcome to GT!!
  13. Hello from NY. Congrats on adopting Nina. She is beautiful.
  14. Congratulations on the new family member (or should that be Royal family?)
  15. Congratulations on your new family member. He is such a striking looking boy
  16. Greetings from NY. Congrats and best wishes for your adoption. You'll find a lot of good advice, good stories adnd some great vendors of greyhound stull . Its actually a bit addictive
  17. Gentle hugs and skritches to your girl.
  18. Greetings from NY. Your pup is lovely. I love her name too. I see she has settled in really well .
  19. Greetings from NY. Your Rob looks like my Kelsey. He's very handsome.
  20. SIGreyLady


    You will always be remembered.
  21. Contined prayers and good thoughts to you all.
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