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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Checking for an update. Any news?


    Vet just called a bit ago. Lenny is awake and I can pick him up at noon. :yay Poor guy lost a big molar that my vet said must have been really hurting him.

    When we took him in, poor Lenny was so scared and shaking so bad he couldn't walk. Tech had to carry him in.

    He needs to stay very healthy because Ekko has been beside herself since he's been gone. :(


    Thank you everyone for the good thoughts and prayers, I know dentals are routine, but ya just never know


    Oh Claudia, I'm so happy to hear that Lenny is awake. Anytime one of our hounds has to go under anesthesia it is nothing routine. Hugs to you and kisses for sweet Lenny.

  2. Oh Patti :cry1 , you and Fred have had more sorrow heaped on you in a short time than any person should have to endure. My heart sunk when I read the title then realized that it was the beloved Flashman. My heart aches :weep for you and your beautiful boy.


  3. Sharon,

    please try to remember that you didn't do it "to" him, you did it "for" him. A selfless act and our final act of love.


    You're in my thoughts


    This couldn't be put more simply or beautifully. Sharon, you are not alone in your grief. So many of us feel for what you are going through. I wanted to post something yesterday to let you know that you and Juneau were in my thoughts but the thread had been closed. May every tear that falls slowly mend your broken heart. :grouphug




  4. She was sick again this morning...but she ate most of her mush and she drinks a lot of water and appears to be perkier.


    This morning I was laying on the floor with her and she laid her head on my chest under my neck (first time ever!) and we both fell asleep like that :wub:


    :wub: Glad to hear that she is doing better this morning. I hope that she continues to improve.

  5. You know something? I give my hounds Fresh Factors-which has bee pollen in it - and have never had a corn problem. Interesting. Maybe you should call it something else and sell it as a corn remedy and get rich!



    Too bad that doesn't work for my two! They both get Fresh Factors....I guess what works for one doesn't always help another.


    Propolis and pollen are two different things.


    Oh and thanks to everyone that posted a reply to my question re whether to give the propolis orally or to apply it topically. I will have to get some aloe and start making a paste I can apply to Nadir's foot.


    Speaking of whether or not dogs get corns the last vet I took Nadir to in order to try to find out why he has been limping for 2 years now. seems to think his limp is caused by the "corn" on one of his center rear toes. I had never imagined that this could have been causing him the pain it was. Prior to taking him to this vet I have had him at 5 different vets, including having an MRI and spinal done to try to determine why he had such a problem with walking to possibly find out that I've spent about $4000 because of a "corn" that some vets think that dogs do not get :blink: . The funny thing is is when I took him to Auburn for the neurological exam and MRI they noted that he had a corn on his foot but never suggested to me that this could be the reason for his problem. When I took him to this newest vet he actually took time to observe his walk and the way he was standing. He mentioned that it could be removed surgically but was very supportive when I told him what I had read here about the use of propolis and wanted to try it first. Incidentally one of the vets I was taking him to last year was giving him accupuncture treatments for his pain. It really seemed to help him at the time, so I'm not sure if you could say that accupuncture helps with corns per se, but I will say that if it works propolis is a heck of a lot cheaper.


    Incidentally I got propolis capsules from Beehive Botanicals. Right now through July 31st they have a buy one get one free promotion on all their products.

  6. She's probably not peeing in the house while your home because your picking up on her cues that she needs to go out and letting her out. She has no way to get outside if your not there and so if she feels the urgency to go, she does. I had an long on going incontinence problem with Nadir. Took him to the vet several times and they would find blood and other nasty things in his urine. He was put on a 3 week course of Baytril, followed by a 6 week course of Clindamyacin (for Toxoplasmosis), but was still having incontinence issues daily when I would leave him while I worked. I took him back to the vet and had a culture done, which came back negative. The vet and I decided to try another 3 week course of Baytril. After he finished that course he still was having the same daily accidents. I remembered reading that allergies to grains in the diet could cause problems affecting the bladder and kidneys and decided to try eliminating these from his diet. Within 1 week of removing grains from his diet the accidents stopped. Not saying that this is Posie's problem, but if she's not on a grain-free food it is worth giving it a try.


  7. I'm a little confused as to which method to use regarding the propolis. I assumed that because people were buying the capsules they were giving them internally, which is what I have been doing for about 10 days now. I went to the Yahoo Cornhound forum yesterday though and it seems that people are mixing the propolis with aloe and applying it to the corn itself.

    I was reading the information that Xan posted about propolis concerning safety and allergic reactions and was wondering if taken internally would increase the chance of developing an allergy to it.


    I would really like to get rid of Nadir's corn using the propolis but am not sure which is the best method. What are your thoughts.

  8. Holly,

    First of all, poor Cabby :( . The cranberry pills may very well help him. When Nadir had his ongoing incontinence problem I had him on Baytril, cranberry pills and was homecooking (hamburger/rice/veggies) for him and it did not clear up until I removed grains from his diet. It seems that Nadir's problem stemmed from an allergy to grains. Might be something to try if the cranberry pills don't work for the Cabster.

  9. It is a crying shame that our beloved pets have to pay the price for someone elses carelessness and irresponsibility. It's bad enough when their lost to things that are beyond control, but this should have never, never happened :angryfire . My deepest condolences to you :( .

  10. Tom,

    I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. When I saw Jed's name, my first thought was that it was another greyhound named Jed. My heart sunk when I saw your name when I opened the thread. My good friend lost her greyhound recently in a similar manner, fine one minute and then without warning gone.



  11. June,

    I am so sorry to read about this. I know both you and she tried very hard to pull her through this. What you ultimately gave her was the gift of release from her pain. A big :grouphug to you, I know the days ahead are going to be rough for you, even though you did what was right by her.


    Sweet dreams darling Penny, you can rest now free of pain.


  12. I'm sitting here almost in disbelief. I had just read over your thread in H&M and was going to come back to reply when I saw this thread in Rememberance. I am so incredibly sorry, its bad enough when we lose them over something terrible like cancer but when its over something as simple as a dislocated toe :( .

    For you :grouphug


    For Bessie :f_pink



  13. This is such wonderful news :colgate. I can't begin to tell you how happy I am for you. Sending more healing thoughts and white light her way. Here's to hoping that the improvement continues and that soon she is able to put some of that weight back on, but for now the fact that she is no longer losing is a very, very big plus.

  14. Just read about Penny late last night. Glad that she is doing a little better and hope that the improvement continues. As far as the worms goes, she may have had them longer than the 3 weeks, even though she came back with a clear fecal 3 weeks ago, hence the reason the infestation was so bad. No fault of yours though. Sending white light for your sick little girl and a big :grouphug for you.

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