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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I came to EEG this morning so hoping that there would be good news about Whiskey. :( This is not the news I had hoped for. To GALT and all those who touched this boy's life with love and caring in his last days, Thank You, the world is a much better place with people like you in it. Holly :grouphug thank you for letting us know about Whiskey, I know times are especially sad for you right now.

  2. The Life That I Have


    The life that I have is all that I have

    And the life that I have is yours

    The love that I have of the life that I have

    Is yours and yours and yours.

    A sleep I shall have, A rest I shall have

    And death will be but a pause

    For the years I shall have in the long green grass

    Are yours and yours and yours.


    Leo Marks


    Holly bless you for giving CrackerJack the life he so deserved.


  3. however the Vet's office said.. it would not be a problem... that they could use a needle and aspirate urine from her bladder thru the abdomen.

    Is this safe? is this common practice?

    anyone ever have this done to their hound?

    if so, how well does the dog handle this???


    any input would be greatly appreciated... I'm a nervous for her and want to do the right thing ...


    thank you


    I had this done with Nadir. They took him into another room, but I've been told it is very safe and painless. It is also the best way to get a clean, uncontaminated sample. Nadir was just fine when they brought him back up.

  4. Definately needs to be checked out. Could it have possibly been caused by the vaccinations? I know she didn't receive the vaccinations there, but her body could be having a reaction to them. I truly hope it is nothing. Sending lots of white light her way. I'll be checking back to see what you find out about this.

  5. Keep praying, it's working!!! My only dog is now spleen-free!


    Just got back home and the vet called to say it went as well as it could have. He said the mass was all confined and limited to the spleen and they were able to remove all of it.


    We were worried about him bleeding out and/or having a reaction to the anesthia, but he said he did great with that. And came out of it well. His job tonight is to rest.


    They'll call me around 9am (EST) in the morning, but it will probably be Tuesday before he can come home at the earliest.


    After all day of each step becoming worse than the one before indicated, I was preparing myself for the worst. Thank goodness, the tides appear to have turned.


    Please keep the good thoughts flowing. :D


    I'm just seeing this now and so glad to read that things are making a turn for the better for Cougar. Sending lots of white light for continue healing and improvement.


  6. A couple of weeks ago I posted about Emmy getting out because the landscaper guys left the gate open ---> link.


    OMG one of the guys just came over to my side window and peed on the side of my house!!!!!!!!! :angryfire:angryfire What the heck! I know they can't see me in here but still. I'm fit to be tied!


    I know your under enough stress as it is and I don't mean to scare you unnecessarily but leaving the gate open so your dogs get out could be something this guy is doing on purpose. Your dogs serve as a warning to you if someone comes around your house, I imagine especially at night. Men rape woman not for the pleasure but more for having a sense of power over them. The fact that he urinated on your house outside your window almost sounds like he is trying to mark your house. I would call the lawn service company and ask them what kind of background check they do on their employees. Please be very careful.


    I'm so sorry Emmy got hurt. I hope her feet heal up quickly.



  7. He's out of anaesthesia, and on a drip, he may yet have to stay overnight at the vets on the drip. I have to ring back in around 3hrs to see if they're discharging him. His stomach is peppered with tiny ulcers and very inflamed, there are also some cells which may be or may not be cancerous, although Katie says they don't appear to be malignant to the naked eye. I'll do a fuller update later, but my brain isn't functioning as it should at the moment. I've been up for around 30hrs straight now. So I'm going to try and get some sleep for a couple of hours shortly. I swear to God I felt the power of all your prayers at 4a.m this morning. Thank you all so much.


    I have been sending healing thoughts to Joey and will continue to do so. I was just talking recently with a local apitherapist and he was telling me about the use of bee propolis for the treatment of IBD. Following is an article I wanted to share with you on the treatment of ulcerative colitis using bee propolis.

    Bee Propolis and Ulcerative Colitis

  8. I am so sorry about this news so soon after the loss of your dear daughter and that of Buddy. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and just hold you and let you cry as long as you wanted to. Life is so damned unfair sometimes. I will keep you and Rascal in my thoughts and prayers.


  9. Claudia I am so sorry that I have not been able to post anything before now. I've been thinking all weekend about what I would write here and nothing seems to be adequate. Misty is going to be missed so much by all those that came to know and love her through your postings of her. I still find it so hard to believe that she is gone. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss and wish there was something I could do or say that would ease the pain of having to let her go. All I know is that everything you did for her, even letting her go, was done with the utmost love for her on your part. She was one lucky girl to have a mom as caring and devoted as you.




  10. Molly was diagnosed with bladder cancer today. It is also felt that she has an autoimmune problem. We opted for no further testing and to just try to keep her comfortable. She's on Rimadyl and Tramadol along with the Baytril. Hopefully we will at least have the weekend with her. Unless there's some dramatic change I don't think she'll make it past early next week.



    I'm so sorry. Make the most of the time you have with her :grouphug

  11. Claudia my dear friend, I cannot even begin to tell you how much I hurt for you :weep . I wish there was something I could do to change the way things are going. I am praying for a miracle :hope , but whatever happens, as I have told you, you will not be alone. I may be many miles away but I will be with you by your side :grouphug.

  12. Arnica gel may help with the bruise. Hope she's feeling better soon.


    Just a note to say that if you do use the Arnica gel make sure you do not get it anywhere near an open wound. It's my understanding that it is extremely painful if you do.


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