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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Thank you for being such a loving and responsible greyhound guardian. Many would have given up on Nadir or been unwilling to deal with continual incontinence.


    So glad it is solved!

    Agreed! :)


    Thank you to both of you, but I don't think I'm doing anymore than others here would do for their own. I have to give a lot of credit for maintaining my sanity through all this to the belly bands that I got from Cara Lea of Critter Cozies. I couldn't understand why others who were using the same incontinence pads on their dogs were not having a problem with leaking. I would come home everyday to not only his pad being soaked but also a large puddle on the floor that I would have to clean up. Cara Lea's belly bands were wider than the ones I had previously ordered from another vendor and I guess they were able to keep the pad in place better. I never had a problem with overflow after I started using them.



    VERY cool.


    I think Nan Lassiter said she'd seen an article somewhere to the same effect. Zema's diet change fixed her problem, too; she eats 98% meat.



    WOW great info!!! I am so glad Nadi®s ;) problem has been fixed! That is wonderful and probably such a relief to both of you!


    Streamer has had a bit of this kind of problem before, looked like it was going to be recurring but finally subsided on its own. I will keep this in mind for future problems!





    I would never have thought of changing food for an incontinence problem.

    Good sleuthing on your part.

    If this ever comes up, it would be worth a try.


    Nor would I, and I don't even understand the connection but it sure is worth having the info

    Great info! Who'd a thunk to change food! So glad you found something to help Nadir! :)


    First of all, I don't want my post to come across as putting down the use of antibiotics. I just think it's something people should consider if they have had urine cultures come back negative and still have gone through a normal course of antibiotics and there still have problems. Before starting a long course of antibiotics I think this is something definitely worth trying. With Nadir I really didn't have a choice about giving him a long course of the Baytril because it was causing him to start have seizure-like tremors when he was on it. I'm not sure if that was because of possible damage that the chronic case of Toxo he had may have done to his central nervous system, but I know that Baytril can cause seizures in dogs that are prone to them. If it is indeed a grain induced problem your going to see the results fairly quickly, with Nadir the issue was resolved within a week.


    Can't take credit for any real sleuthing prior to finding this fix, I just knew that what I was feeding him wasn't helping and it was taking quite a bit of time to prepare. I had the grain-free food at the house because I recently had switched Bruiser over in an effort to see if he had an allergy to grains. I vaguely remembered reading about grains causing intestinal problems so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try it. I have since done a little research on it and have found that in some dogs an allergy to grains can irritate the bladder by causing inflammation of the urinary tract. It seems that with Nadir once the grains were out of his system and his bladder was no longer irritated he was more comfortable and better able to control his urination.


  2. I have made numerous trips to the vet with Nadir concerning his incontinence. Had several urine tests, urine cultures (which always came back negative for bacteria), two 3-week courses of Baytril and a 6-week course of Clindamyacin back around Nov-Dec of last year trying to "fix" what was wrong with him. I even took him off the Canidae I was feeding and put him on a special home-prepared diet for the past 4 months. I would still come home from work everyday to find that his belly band and incontinence pad was soaked. Since it didn't seem that the diet I had him on was doing him any good and it was taking me so long to prepare I decided to try feeding him the Timberwolf Organics Ocean Blue that I had originally bought for Bruiser. After 1 week on this food he stopped having the accidents and has not had one since. Where they had been a daily occurrence for nearly 6 months, it has now been 3-weeks with not a single accident. I have made no other changes to anything I'm doing. The only thing that I can attribute this to is the fact that this is a grain-free food and evidently this is what was causing Nadir's problem the whole time. I just wanted to share this with others to give those whose dogs are having problems with incontinence something to possibly consider. One more benefit that I'd like to add to this change to a grain-free food is that Bruiser who couldn't hardly wait to finish pooping before he's start snacking on it has not even attempted to do this anymore since changing him over.


  3. Claudia, I am literally sick at hearing this :cry1 . I have had my eye on that girl ever since she came up on their website. Something about her when straight to my heart. I had convinced myself that I needed to take the steps to see what I needed to do to bring her home when I got the call about keeping Nadir's littemate Anna while her mom was deployed from April through October. I knew at this point that 5 dogs in my house would have been too many. I'm so sorry that she died without having a home she deserved. I feel in some way that I let her down :( . Her birthdate by the way is April 25, 2000.

    Hope you don't mind but I wanted to add a picture of her so others could see how easy it was to fall in love with her.




    Fiji, I'm sorry I never brought you home, there will always be special place in my heart reserved for you.


  4. Robin I wish so much that I could offer you something more than to tell you how awful I feel :cry1 that this is happening to you and Polli. I wish there was something I could do to take away her pain and your heartache and make it all better. You have been through so much lately with both Polli and Beau and I had so wished that things would have turned for the better for your girl.




  5. Patti dear heart we're here. I know how scared you are. The tumour is going to be removed. The margins will be clear and that little girl will dancing on the table for years to come.


    A beautiful, positive thought worth echoing. :grouphug and lots of love to Pave Maria and her family.

  6. I am so very sorry for your loss :(:grouphug . Thanks for sharing a little about your sweet boy to remember him by. From his picture it looks like he could easily have melted many a heart.


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