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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. First a grouphug.gif for your loss of Lena. I'm so sorry about this. Sending lots of white light candle.gif and healing thoughts hope.gif for Monarch.


    I wish I had advice... but I'm sending many, many prayers and hugs to you!


    Oh I did think of one thing... I've heard that Manuka honey will help heal the wound... It can't hurt to try!


    I'd like to second this about the Manuka honey. Recently Nadir got a terrible infection from a splint he had to wear. When the vet cleaned out the wound he was left with a large open wound that was about an 1-1/2" in diameter and 5/8" deep, which was coincidentally at his elbow also, that could not be held with stitches. I used a healing Manuka honey with a UMF of 15. I applied the honey to a sterile telfa pad and put that over the wound and wrapped his elbow/leg up with the stretching type bandaging to hold in place. The tricky thing was not to wrap it too tight so as to impair circulation. Anyway the Manuka honey did a beautiful job of healing this wound and he is only left with the tiniest of scars from this, considering how large the wound was.

  2. Hilda,


    I too remember this time last year. I had no idea at the time when Gogh came home earlier than Pipi and Gabby that he was coming home because you had learned he had cancer and did not have much longer. Learning that we were going to have to say goodbye to him was one of the saddest moments in the BDR club that I can remember. They are never replaced but I hope that bringing Smiley home brings some healing to your heart.


  3. I was just sick when I read this, especially knowing how little time you have left with him. Please try to relish every moment you have together with him, lock it away in your heart, and he will always be with you. My heart is aching for you right now knowing what is before you.

  4. And yet another person who has been robbed of their beloved grey by that monster cancer. My heart goes out to Adrianne. I've been following along with Wilbur's progress and I know that she fought so hard for him, this is just so devestating.


    Rest sweet Wilbur, your pain is gone.





  5. I'm glad to hear that Kelly aka His Stripeyness is doing better. I wonder if when you start him on the kibble, if you were to soak it until it actually gets soft if that would help with the digestion. I did this when my bulldog Bruiser was having a problem. It takes awhile to get it soft so I so I would soak it overnight in a covered food container that I kept in the refrigerator and then add hot water in the morning to warm it up. I would then start soaking his meal for the evening the same way. I was just thinking it might be easier on his stomach than trying to digest the hard kibble.

  6. Must be brave today. Indy is my first dog, first greyhound, and heart dog, which makes this all the more difficult. Hugs to all of you who have already been through this - now I understand. brokenheart.gif


    What difficult steps are love forces us at times to take.

    I will be thinking of you and Indy today and holding you both close in my heart. grouphug.gif


    Judy cry1.gif

  7. I would say that at a minimum they should go out at least 5 times to start. As was said in another thread you want to bookend their meals with potty breaks. This would give you 4 times and then the last one would be right before retiring to bed. You could possibly reduce it to 4 times later by waiting to do the after dinner potty break as the one just before bed. Nadir was a little tougher to housebreak because of marking issues, but Beanie and all the fosters I have had were housebroken within a week, usually less than 3 days and that is with me working full time.

  8. I have decided to say goodbye to my beautiful brindle boy "a day too soon, rather than a day too late." No chemo, no radiation. Indy wouldn't want any of that. I want him to leave with his dignity intact.


    And although this is breaking my heart, I guess it's his time to go.



    The love it takes to make this unselfish decision is immeasurable. I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to youcry1.gif. I will be keeping you and Indy in my thoughts tomorrow. May his passing be peaceful.

  9. I was lucky enough to be able to listen to Dr. Couto speak in Atlanta recently and the love and compassion he has for greyhounds radiates from him and just seems to fill the room. I hate that Smiley is facing this cancer but I can't think of a more wonderful group of people than Dr. Couto and his team for his care. Sending loads of white light for Smiley and the surgical team. May his recovery from amp be quick and painless and may your time ahead with him be measured in years. Hugs to you and your family.



  10. Alisha, I just wanted you to know how saddened I was when I saw that Ducky had started a Bridge List for 2010 and saw Iceman's name on it. Definately not the way any of us wanted this year to start. The love you had for him showed through in so many of your posts. Sending warm hugs and healing thoughts for a broken heart.


    Rest sweet Iceman knowing you were loved.

  11. Please convey my deepest sympathies to Maris and Yogi's mom. I cannot even fathom the heartbreak and pain she is enduring having witnessed this tragic loss of her dear hounds lives. Please let her know that she is in my thoughts.


    Rest in peace sweet beautiful souls, Maris & Yogi.

  12. Jan,


    My heart is so ripped for you.


    There is a special place in our hearts and souls where we store the sweet memories of our words of love to our beloved companions, especially knowing we may not have them with us much longer. It is a place that produces a lot of tears, a place that holds the depths of pain, a place that produces warm memories, a place that is ruled by love. You are finding that place now, as painful as it is, it is there.




    Enjoy the moments you have with sweet Bailey, and know there are many of us walking by your side as you walk this most painful personal journey in life. bighug.gif


    I don't think I could say anything more touching than this. Like so many others my thoughts will be with you and Bailey as you make this painful journey.

  13. If you have';t picked up Nadir yet, ask the vet for a used IV bag. Cut off the very top and thread some gauze through holes to tie around his leg when you go out. They look pathetic but it does help keep the foot dry.


    Dude says to give Nadir a manly hug for his broken toe!

    chris wink.gif


    Thanks Chris. The vet that saw him actually gave me some of these with the gauze already threaded through to take home to use for this reason.



    Checking in on Nadi® this morning. How's he doing?


    Thanks for asking Claudia, he is doing great. He shocked me last night when he jumped up onto my bed. I thought for sure the cast, which goes up to his elbow, would prevent him from jumping up on my bed which is fairly high. Well not this boy, one leap and he was up there and snuggling with me. This morning when I took him for his morning walk to take care of business I had to jog to keep up with him, that boy hops on 3 legs faster than he walks.




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