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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Absolutely. Sunny had to have one recently. The vet said that it might cause a "little bit of discomfort" but that was the understatement of the year! Screaming, trying to bite, huge amount of stress. Never again!!!
  2. I would suspect a neck problem and agree about a vet visit.
  3. That's what I'd do, plus I'd give him a small meal when we got home.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss ~ rest in peace, Beebe.
  5. Couldn't you at least try leaving him out of the crate for a while as others have suggested and see how he does - he might be absolutely fine. Leaving a dog alone in a crate for 9 hours is not something my conscience would allow (I do not use crates at all), and you are clearly unhappy about it too. Could you take some time off work when your parents are away, or just work mornings for that week?
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss . Rest in peace, Rocky.
  7. How dreadful - I'm so sorry for your sudden loss.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss ~ all those pictures tell the story of the wonderful, full life he had with you. Rest in peace, Mr Murphy, loved and remembered always.
  9. It's a common place for a trapped nerve, according to the greyhound vet we saw. Chiropractic worked for my boy.
  10. He sounds like he's doing amazingly well overall. You don't need to "scold" him for attempting to hike his leg in the house. A low-key "no" and then leading him calmly outside will suffice. Most greyhounds are extremely sensitive and Tripp sounds like he's a very good boy who just doesn't quite understand all the rules yet. I don't crate so I can't offer any suggestions there, though for me four hours is a very long time to leave him on his first day in a new home. I no longer have to leave my dogs unattended, but when I did I used to start with five minutes and build up very gradually so as not to cause any anxiety.
  11. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry Rascal had to leave you ~ you've been through so much loss . Rest in peace, Rascal
  12. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to her ~ she sounds very special . Rest in peace, Faye Oops .
  13. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss, and the dreadful shock of losing him so suddenly . Rest in peace, Malibu, loved and remembered always.
  14. I'm sure there are lots of possible causes, but the only time I had a hound with symptoms similar to Beth's, it turned out to be a pinched nerve at the base of the neck/shoulder area. Took us ages to find the problem, as our regular vet couldn't find anything wrong, but eventually a greyhound specialist vet found it and some chiropractic sessions sorted it out. If it keeps happening despite rest/painkillers, might be worth getting her checked over by a chiropractor - they often find things that vets don't IME.
  15. Hawthorn


    So very sad ~ rest in peace, Mindy.
  16. Hawthorn

    Nov. 21, 2000

    I remember Alan :grouphug
  17. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your boy - he was beautiful. Rest in peace, Copper, loved and remembered always.
  18. Hawthorn

    Red Tiger Jazz

    I'm so sorry for your loss of Jazz and your shattered hearts . Rest in peace, Jazz, loved and remembered always .
  19. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your bestest boy . Rest in peace, Dollar, loved and remembered always.
  20. Hawthorn

    Gustav's Gone

    So sorry for your loss . Rest in peace Gustav .
  21. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Hailey .
  22. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Ranger .
  23. Rest in peace Gwen/Etta . Condolences to all who knew and loved her.
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