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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. I personally don't crate beyond the housebreaking stage unless a dog NEEDS to be crated for some reason. Maybe consider leaving the door open and see how it goes?
  2. I have to say, I think most dogs will do this if they get away with it--but aside from George scoring a cupcake while under the care of my mother, he's never gotten anything when I have him because I KNOW he will try it. You just have to be smarter (and quicker!) than the dog. Short leash and vigilance!
  3. A dog who is vomiting, whose stomach is making noises, and won't eat needs to go to the vet. I hope he's OK.
  4. I might also suggest that if he ENJOYS walking, and you get in the habit of stopping the walk the second he poops, he may hold it on purpose. It's best, IMHO, to do the boring "let's go potty" part of the walk, and then do at least a LITTLE something fun.
  5. Not a bad dog. You left food unattended and within reach. What did you THINK was going to happen?
  6. Funny Judy and Heather (two of the largest packs on GT) both say the same thing. This must be the Greyhound upper body workout! Shoving dogs out the door in the rain! Feel the burn!
  7. I'm with Chad. What does "tried to attack" mean? If you're talking about a growl/air snap, that's pretty normal stuff in a new pack.
  8. I'm with Chad. What does "tried to attack" mean? If you're talking about a growl/air snap, that's pretty normal stuff in a new pack.
  9. It's partially in your attitude (body language) and tone of voice, IMHO. Rest assured, she was turned out in the rain at the kennels and the track. And she was not wearing a coat. Put on your own gear, leash her up, and tell her in a bright and happy tone, "Let's go for a walk!" You might try taking her for a spin around the block or whatever until she realizes you're not going to buy the "I'm going to melt, it's raining" nonsense! Then she should be good to go in the yard. Sounds like she's testing you to see what she can get away with.
  10. What do you want her to pass? Sounds like she's finally normal. If she's pooping at least once a day, leave her diet alone!
  11. Please purchase and read a home veterinary manual--you've taken on the responsibility of a living craeture, and you really need to know some fundamentals like how to take its temp, and what its temp should be, what human meds can be used in a pinch, and which can be deadly, how to apply a bandage, etc. I recommend this book all the time: Book Every Dog Owner Should Have What you describe is certainly not an allergic reaction and is certainly not normal.
  12. Exactly. My old dog used to take tranquillizers for flying on small planes with me. As he aged, my vet would no longer give him Ace, so he gave me valium. The dog had never been louder on the plane! The vet later told me valium tends to loosen a dog's inhibitions, so a dog already inclined to be loud could easily be louder. She had a busy, stressful day. Next time you have a gang over, just baby gate her into a room where she can see things going on, but the small children cannot approach her.
  13. Just an FYI; you're really not going to want to take your Greyhound "everywhere" if you're leaving him in the car. It's too cold during an average winter, and too hot during the average summer. If you're taking him places and taking him in with you, then by all means, carry on. I don't think your boyfriend understands dog behavior. And if he doesn't think you're doing a good job with his dog, tell him to take care of her himself. It's hard for me to imagine why you got a Greyhound if you live with this man and care for him, but he didn't want one? But I'm an old maid who lives alone and would never. ever, ever let a man tell me what to do with my dog...
  14. A couple would be fine, but our dogs have never liked them.
  15. Oh boy. My mixed breed dog torn his ACL. What a nightmare! He had a TPLO, and ended up with a bone infection that nearly killed him. He had to have a second surgery to remove the hardware and take out the broken screw... I don't even want to tell you how much it all ended up costing. And he had to be in an x-pen, only outside to relieve himself, for 12 weeks. Not fun stuff. I hope your niece's dog has an easier time.
  16. I taught my dog to sit the way I'd teach any other breed of dog to sit. Anyone who tells you greyhounds "can't" sit is just wrong! They might not choose to, and it might not be graceful, but they can do it.
  17. FYI, there is no link between racing career length and LS. LS is NOT a "greyhound thing." All breeds of dogs, and even people, can suffer from LS. Some routine bloodwork and an NSAID from the vet might go a long way toward making her comfortable.
  18. George LOVES Taste of the Wild Pacific Salmon. As to the Deramaxx, I expect that it does different things to different dogs, but George has NO side effects from it. My last dog, Kramer, got violent diarrhea from it (but did fine on Rimadyl).
  19. Used to take stitches out of my horses/dogs all the time. No problem! If they seem "stuck" you could use a bit of Bag Balm or some neosporine to lube up the holes! You might consider putting her muzzle on in case she's sensitive.
  20. It looks to ME as if he just "skinned" that pad a little. See how it looks like an indentation? At least to my eye--as if the top (black/brown) layer was ripped off in that small area? Just keep your eye on it, and it grows, have the vet look at it. If it starts to heal over, then you'll know my guess is right!
  21. Oh dear. No, you can't leave him in the yard. I understand he's doing damage--I feel your pain, I do, but he could end up killing himself outside. A chip and a tag don't help if your dog runs in front of a car. I'm so sorry this is going on. My dog had SA when I got him, but he was just LOUD, not destructive. You said you're READ the books; have you don't the alone training? If you're home "most of the time" it seems like you could give it a good go??
  22. It most likely is a wild animal. I don't believe he'd be frightened by a coyote--my boy scared the fuzz right off one that made the mistake of coming near us! Could there be bears in your woods?
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