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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. That's exactly what the specialist told me. Although she said "a much older vet." She didn't say anyone was a quack (and if you read Dr. Stack's explanation of the shots, it's not "her" protocol as someone taught it to her), but she did say that while relieving inflammation NEXT TO the spine might help temporarily, since LS is the compression of the spinal column and the squishing of nerves INSIDE the spinal column, the shots actually do nothing for it. Her exact words were "bad science." And as someone else pointed out, they're long acting and not reversible. I also have a friend whose husband is a neurosurgeon, and while it is possible to get steroids into the spinal column where they'd actually help, you'd need a neurosurgeon to do that, and it would be very risky.
  2. My brother had Babesia. Ended up in the hospital. He lives on Nantucket, one of the hot spots for tick borne diseases. My sister in law and father have both had Lyme disease too.
  3. Jackie, there are no words. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Not sure why a vet would say that--a belly band can be a very useful tool for a newly adopted dog who isn't aware that peeing in the HOUSE is unacceptable. The OP has a newly adopted dog who is marking in the house. Ultrasound seems a bit extreme at this point before working on housebreaking! The OP doesn't give any information that leads ME to believe this dog has a thing wrong with it other than being a newly adopted dog who hasn't full learned the rules of pet life.
  5. I don't travel with my cats. They stay at home. There are far too many opportunities for a cat to get away if you do. Perhaps she'd consider leaving it at home just this once?
  6. I took George to someone who specializes in surgery and pain management--and did her surgical residency in Jacksonville at one of the clinics that badly injured racers go to--so she knows Greyhounds. She has Greyhounds. However, this is NOT a Greyhound condition. Any breed can get it. People get it. So I would not be terribly concerned about a vet who is "greyhound savvy" for this particular issue. Our doctor told me that she would not do the steroid shots, and that she didn't know anyone who would. She gave me her reasons, and they made sense to me. However, you hear about cases like KennelMom where they seem to help--I was willing to give them a go, but as she said, I am unable to find a vet willing to do it. She said she could fix it surgically--but I wouldn't even consider spinal surgery, I opted for simple conservative treatment and managing the symptoms as they arise. So far he's doing really well, although I do find that if he does to much, he suffers that night and the next day.
  7. Probably, specially if it's not a lot of urine. You need to 1) make sure there isn't a TRACE of urine left in that spot--you'll need special cleaning stuff to get rid of the smell so he can't smell it, and 2) I'd personally make it impossible for him to GET to that spot, and 3) consider as a temporary measure a belly band.
  8. I had to take the day off when I had Kramer neutered because I was so concerned, and he was just a "regular" dog! No anesthesia worries. Hoping your boy is fine and dandy!
  9. You didn't do anything wrong--but it would be wrong to take this dog back. You tried. It didn't work. I agree with the poster who said move on, and let her move on. No one is faulting you for anything. If you were to ask for her back, and get her back, and she bit again, it may well end up being her last chance. Don't do that to her. She would do well in a home like mine; one dog at a time, no children. I'm not that rare a dog owner. Someone will come along who can handle her. Please don't feel guilty.
  10. It's possible that her hearing isn't what it was, it's possible that she might be developing mild cataracts--there are age-related things that MIGHT make her seem more anxious. But I would not say it's a normal part of aging.
  11. Do you know the difference between marking and just plain old peeing? He could be marking-- Is there a pattern to this? Is it in the same place. We need more details, please!
  12. I doubt very much anyone teaches this game--you've seen how dogs play with each other, right? They bite! Best way to make the point that it's not acceptable to bite your human is to scream like a dog would when he does it. Respond in a manner that he understands.
  13. Very sad, but true. Dogs are considered property under the law. She's apt to spend more on a lawyer than she recovers, and her heart won't be any less broken.
  14. Did you discuss lumbar spinal stenosis? Knuckling under is one of the symptoms, and is what George did that led me to seek a specialist. You might also ask about Gabapentin for nerve pain. George takes 50 mg Rimadyl in the AM and 100 mg Gabapentin in the PM, and so far is doing really quite well.
  15. I'd be a little leary that your vet lacks confidence in his/her ability if they're refusing to do what I think is a fairly common thing--it totally makes sense to do them both at the same time.
  16. Probably doesn't help much, but I had a CAT who arrived (a stray) with a shattered hip socket, and he had a FHO. He came through it just fine, and was walking the next day (of course he went from what had to be intolerable pain to a lot less pain!). Not sure about long term as he ended up being put down for another serious health matter about a year later. I would consider, if I were you, having those x-rays sent off to OSU before you make your decision.
  17. I'm guessing most people would Google for an online source to buy them. You know, versus killing a deer for them.
  18. George takes Heartgard Plus. My vet talked me into trying something else--it was a huge "chewable" pill, but he would not eat it, and it was pretty big for shoving down the old bikkie hole! So I asked her to let me go back to Heartgard, and she did.
  19. My advice is to go ahead with the "x ray." I cannot imagine an x-ray of the belly costing $237--did you mean an ultrasound? Or some sort of scoping procedure? I'm so sorry about your boy. I think anyone would just be wildly guessing to give you suggestions without any diagnosis on the table right now.
  20. Agree with Batmom. "Weak bladder" is typically a symptom of some underlying problem. A healthy dog should have no trouble holding it through the night.
  21. I totally disagree on the shaving part--and YES. Keep it wrapped for at least two weeks after it's stopped bleeding. You need the fur near the wound to hold the tape. George's took naerly 2 months to fully heal, but has been fine since. My last dog's tail bled for 16 weeks before we gave up and had 2 inches removed during his major orthopedic surgery.
  22. My friend gave me some of that when they didn't work on her dog. So I tried one. It didn't work but I think it has a loading period because it is basicly an anti-depressant. I doubt my vet would give me a prescription for it I am learning that my vet is very, very conservative in her treatments. She wouldn't even give me the dosage for Melatonin tonight and suggested I try Arc Naturals' 'Happy Traveler' Pet Calmer. The ingredients are Valerian, Camomile, Kava Kava, St John's Wart. The only problem with that is you can't use it long term due to the Valerian. So the Ace is for long road trips only, at this point. Find a new vet. The level of anxiety you describe for TWO YEARS is not something that some silly herbal concoction is going to fix. She should be open to working with you. At one point, in a course of treatment I wanted to try but my vet disagreed with, she asked me to initial her report that said she didn't believe it was a beneficial plan, and I was happy to do so. But it's MY dog, my money, and if she won't work with me, I can take my business elsewhere. I don't just pull my ideas out of a hat--and she knows that. Maybe I'm lucky? But I've never had a vet flat out refuse a reasonable course of treatment as yours seems to be. Clomicalm can take weeks to work, so giving your dog one pill wasn't going to do anything.
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