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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Unless he's peeing in the house at night, there is no problem here!
  2. Exactly. You've heard the expression "if nothing changes, nothing changes"? Do something different. Yes, ideally he'd get over it. But why stress both of you? Feed him in a room with carpet out of totally different dishes.
  3. I hate to be the only one to say this--but this really doesn't sound like the right dog for someone with anxiety issues who has never had a dog before. You need a happy go lucky, "bomb proof" dog, not one that needs to be worked with since you don't know how to work on these issues. No one should be fearful of their pet. This boy sounds like a relatively simple "project" for someone who is experienced with Greyhounds. Not a dog for a total novice. I mean you no disrepect. And I'm sure he's a nice dog. But even I found my Greyhound stumped me, and I had an entire lifetime of dog experience (48 years, at the time) never having lived WITHOUT a dog. They're just not like regular dogs. George took 18 MONTHS to settle in. You're stressed that it's been a couple of weeks and things are still rocky. There are so many hounds who are bounced out of homes for no fault of their own and integrate into a new home as if it's nothing-that would be a proper match for someone like you. Just my opinion.
  4. I get all my dog and cat food on Amazon because I'm a Prime member too.
  5. Henry doesn't understand "Greyhound" is my guess, having been raised like any other dog. Retired racers, even ones who flunked out early, live a TOTALLY different life and know how to get along with their own kind very well. No doubt Henry is unable to read the signals the others are sending out due to his different upbringing. Many people with multiples keep them muzzled during the day. If you don't want to do that, I'd keep Henry separated from the other two since they get along just fine.
  6. The simple answer is stop going to dog parks. Sounds rather clear he is getting nothing positive out of the experience. Perhaps YOU are, since it's easier than walking him and I know it gets awfully hot in AZ, but he has no NEED to go, and it doesn't sound like any fun for him at all.
  7. I don't know why everyone assumes FOOD allergies. It is that time of year--fall allergy season. Sounds like a pollen allergy to me. That isn't NEARLY enough Benedryl, and if your vet thinks it is, you need a new vet. Dogs can take two Benedryl up to three times a day. George has allergies every August - Sept. Benedryl keeps them in check, but I do have to keep up with the pills.
  8. You really CAN'T rule out osteo because one set of x-rays is clear. I know someone who just KNEW her dog had osteo. The tumor didn't show up until the third set of films... Your boy is pretty young, so it's probably not. But when George was limping, my vet said, "Because he's a greyhound, I want you to bring him back in two weeks and we'll do another set."
  9. NeylasMom has got this covered for you! I took George to a specialist who had done her surgical training at clinic in Jacksonville where many of the good racers are treated. She took x-rays--standing. Took a ton of them an only charged me for 2. No anesthesia. She said he just stood there! She told me the only 100% sure way to diagnose LS is the MRI, which here in my area runs over $2,000 for a dog. I asked the vet if her recommended course of action would vary if she knew 100% versus her very educated preliminary diagnosis, and she said no. Since the only reason you need a 100% sure diagnosis is if you'd consider surgery (which would run at lest $10,000), I saw no point in doing it (even if I had that kind of money to spend). Anyway, she recommended the following: avoid jumping onto and off of things, when possible. Keep the dog slim. Keep the dog muscled. Several shorter walks are preferable to one long walk. Try to avoid zoomies and other spazzy behavior. So we do the best we can, but I'm not going to make him stop enjoying life. The collapsing hind end on ear scritches MAY just be pleasure! George does the same thing, but I've seen plenty of dogs do that! It's a different form of "eargasm." I just found a sore on George's weak leg--between his paw pads. Looks like his toes are scrunching up on his worst leg and one nail has rubbed a sore on his other toe. Poor guy. Not sure how to treat it? Looks almost like he needs a little sponge between his toes to keep them apart. Anyone have any ideas, not meaning to hijack.
  10. Your dog is clearly ill. You spend money and took her to the vet. Please CALL THE VET if she's not improving. It could be serious. I'm stunned they suggested feeding her at all. Normally 24 hours of fasting when a dog has diarrhea that badly is called for.
  11. I'm curious why your vet didn't just draw some urine if he's concerned about her kidneys? At her age, frankly I'd let her eat anything she wanted. Worrying about long term consequences in a teenage dog is probably not worth the angst.
  12. Minor correction: it's not a "Greyhound thing," it's a dog thing! It's even cuter when an English Setter with big droopy flews does it (that's what the "lips" are called--flews)!
  13. I would let them work it out themselves. If you think about it, you telling them "no" sternly was sort of wrong--they really didn't do anything wrong. They communicated like dogs communicate! They learned more from their minor skirmish than they did from you correcting them, I assure you! Obviously if they're having a fight, you break it up. But the only way for one to learn the other one doesn't want to get stepped on is for her to tell her. And since she can't send a text message.... My dog growls at the cat all the time. I assume dog is like a foreign language to a cat, as the cat doesn't "get" what he's saying AT ALL. That, and he's obnoxious!
  14. He is adorable, and I do think he's fat. Lots of leash walks in your future I think!
  15. It may just be a coincidence. I can't imagine 15 minutes making any significant difference.
  16. I didn't know what that methocarbanol was, so I looked it up--it's a muscle relaxer. Tramadol is a good pain reliever, but what LS is typically numbness and nerve pain, and I am not sure how well those things respond to Tramadol. I give my guy Gabapentin and Deramaxx (for overall joint pain) and he is going really well!
  17. Ain't that the truth!!! George started limping two weeks ago and I am immediately thinking, "Osteo and he fractured his leg!!!" He had the "cap" of an acorn stuck on one of his paw pads. You'd have thought he stepped in a bear trap!!
  18. For what it's worth, George has a cast iron gut, and Blue Buffalo gave him the runs!!! I'm glad your Airedale is doing well on it, but I wouldn't switch Fenny if you have no other reason to.
  19. Would you not feed your kid breakfast if you were running late? Please don't minimize the importance of your dog being able to relief herself. I would sooner be late for work than short change my dog on his outings!
  20. Please call the doctor and get this straightened out. You just paid an expert to help your dog. If the answer was unclear, keep asking until you understand!
  21. It's very important to take any new pet family member to the vet when you get it. I'm really shocked how few people do that. My adoption agreement actually required me to do it. You need to have your dog seen by the vet, checked for parasites, put on flea/tick preventative, and depending on where you live, heartworm preventative. You also need to find a vet who is somewhat greyhound saavy. It's not important that you like your vet. It's important that they know what they're doing!
  22. So now Andy is at home without having gone outside to go to the bathroom at all?? Oh dear! I am guessing you've never had a dog before? If possible, have someone from your group come to your house and show you the ropes!!
  23. I'm sorry that this happened. But it's not your fault. Even if it was someone's pet. Anyone who is foolish enough to allow their cat outside in today's world--well, frankly, what happens, happens. I have two cats. They are part of my family. I would not allow a 10 pound animal to roam loose and unattended for any reason. Dog attacks are one reason why!
  24. You don't say how long you've had him, but every newly adopted dog should be taken to the vet for a check up--if for no other reason than for your vet to see him when he's not sick.
  25. This is not a tumor or cancer unique to Greyhounds. My last dog died of this same thing (but he was 12, the tumor was huge, and I did not have it removed because it was just too large). I don't think every malady requires a Greyhound specialist.
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