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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. As much as some of you may hate me for saying so--I personally feel better a day too soon than a day too late. Have you the ability to physically carry her to the car if you let her get to the point she cannot walk? I didn't with my dog. I knew that I had to make the choice before we got to the point that he couldn't walk. Good luck, and I know we all understand how hard it is.
  2. I work 40 hours a week, and my drive time is about 30 minutes total per day, so 42.5 hours I have no choice, but honestly? The rest of the time I am with George (or he is with me) unless he can't be for whatever reason. I take him to the auto dealer when I get my car serviced, I don't really go places on weekends unless he's welcome. I just prefer his company to that of most people. I have my groceries delivered 'cause I have a bad shoulder and live on the third floor with no elevator. I take my dry cleaning to the office. I bank by mail or computer. I shop via the internet for clothing--I just prefer to be doing what I WANT, not running stupid errands all weekend. Because we get up at 5:20 (for our long walkies! And 'cause we have flex time at work so I work 7-3:30), in the evening, I'm really too tired to go do anything--although I have arranged things so my life mostly is delivered!!! So, the answer is a LOT!
  3. Thought I would mention that the restlessness at night COULD be something you haven't thought of; an animal if your yard, a squirrel in the attic you can't hear but she can-- We had a dog once we thought was going nuts--digging in the floor on our screen porch! Turns out we had a very bad case of TERMITES that he could hear munching our house to bits!!
  4. I'm surprised your adoption group didn't also warn you that slippery surfaces should be covered with throw rugs at least in the beginning. Glad you figured it out! All will be well now!
  5. I'm laughing over this-- My last dog was a mix, and I swear, all I had to do was THINK "out of my way" and he moved. George doesn't. There's nothing in it for HIM to get out of my way. Like a 64 pound cat. He has no desire to please me. He's a working dog who did his job and did it well, and now he's finished, and it's my job to get out of HIS way! We have discussion about this... Now a NORMAL dog would respond to "move please" and a toe tap or something, and eventually learn. George??? Not gonna happen! He won't even move for the vacuum!
  6. The stuff they typically spray for roaches isn't toxic to dogs once it's dry. My old dog and all my cats survived many a treatment in my old basement apartment in Boston! Ask to see the labels if it makes you feel better!!
  7. Dogs don't even use those teeth for eating kibble. I'm sure they do for catching and tearing meat, but... If she recently had a dental, I'd be concerned that they accidentally caused a gum infection when they were poking about. Take a good look in her mouth and consider a vet visit.
  8. Did you buy it from the vet? I get mine at www.omahavaccine.com I buy the HUGE bottle of it, and it's $235, but that's for 90 100 mg. chewables. My dog gets a half a pill per day. They're very good, but you DO need a prescription. If your vet won't price match, ask him to write you a script or ask Omaha to contact your vet and request one. And P.S. Did your vet sell you the Tramadol? Tramadol is not an expensive drug. Get a prescription and have it filled at the drug store. I take that myself and have for ages.
  9. I would not bother changing foods; just give him Omega 3 supplements. The potential stomach upset versus the amount of stuff they put in the food isn't really worth it. My dog has been on Omegas since I adopted him; I buy the Grizzly salmon oil in the big old pump, and it's great stuff!!
  10. I personally think you can wait until Monday, but I would look VERY carefully for any sort of puncture she might have suffered in the water...it's a long shot, but... I hate to pay double for the e-Vet unless it's really necessary.
  11. Is she getting any exercise? It is stressful for dogs to move, but I don't believe dogs have the ability to "act out," but if she's bored, restless, not getting enough attention for any reason, her pent up energy might SEEM like acting out. Why is she closed in the bedroom?
  12. George has had that before; never did figure out what caused it, but it went away on it's own after a day or two.
  13. Teach him how to heel. When you're walking (as in to get from point A to point B, or for exercise) he should keep YOUR pace, not vice versa. Just 'cause he wants to stop and sniff doesn't mean he has to! Any book on training a dog will cover heeling/leash walking quite nicely.
  14. Exactly! Having a yard and toys is great, but most dogs need interaction, not stuff! Is it possibly you've gotten very busy with the kids and stuff and maybe she's trying to get your attention any way she can?
  15. George wasn't really GEORGE for 18 MONTHS. I personally would never suggest a Greyhound for anyone as a first dog--they're quirky beasts! But hang in there, and remember not to be too needy with the dog. Let him come to you. He'll relax, and eventually I'm sure you'll have a wonderful companion.
  16. Greyhounds are famous for bad teeth; I believe the general thought is genetics, not poor dental care. Much like Siamese cats are famous for poor teeth. My dog was at the track for three years; he was five when I got him, he had his teeth cleaned then, did not do well with anesthesia, and hasn't had them done again (three years). His teeth are great, but I'm just lucky.
  17. My dog is on cranberry tablets, but my understanding is that what cranberry does is to help keep bacteria from "sticking" to the urinary tract. I am not aware of it being effective for curing crystals. We buy a veterinary formulation from Especially For Pets.com--I cannot remember the name--I think it's called Pala-Tech? Anyway, he gets two per day, and has been for two years. He had some sort of weird urinary issue the first year I had him, and my vet recommended he get on and stay on cranberry.
  18. What a beautiful tribute! Run free sweet Diamond.
  19. Allergies in dogs manifest as itchy skin; I've never heard of a dog coughing from an allergy. Coughing can be a symptom of some very serious ailments--I'd have her looked at if she were mine.
  20. Uhm, can I state the obvious answer...bring them inside???
  21. No you don't, because OSU has been keeping track for a long time. I believe it's about 1 in 5 NGA hounds that ends up with bone cancer. Virtually ZERO AKC Greyhounds. Gee, you think it's genetic??? How many of us own dogs who have literally THOUSANDS of half siblings? Imagine if you will that one or two of those prolific studs carries the gene for bone cancer, and it's easy to see how and why this is most likely happening.
  22. No strong reason to believe that's FOOD allergy versus inhalant allergies. Plenty of dogs have "hay fever," just like we do, and this is a very bad time of year for some. The legs look to me as if he's been nibbling them because they itch; he could also have a severe flea allergy; one flea would be all it would take. The ears appear to have been scratched raw; another classic sign of allergic itching. It's talk to your vet about seasonal allergies. Yes, it could be food, but it could also be the other, so before I went all crazy changing foods, I'd consider pollen first! Having lived through one dog with severe allergies, I know how tough this can be on both human AND dog! Don't forget the pred will make the dog thirsty and make it pee more...
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