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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. There you go, calling him tiny again! George (64 pounds!) resents that!!! I was actually in on the initial "conversation" between Deb and Susan when Deb told us about this returned hound, and it took Susan about 10 seconds to say "I think he needs to come home with me." That was after Deb said, "Oh, and he's black." Before that we were both told he was 11, going blind and going deaf. I don't think any of us believed he was at fault for snapping at children (if in fact he ever did) since we all assumed he was left with the baby unsupervised. Imagine our delight when Deb sent a photo of a gorgeous black hound clearly in tip top shape! It makes me so happy to learn of his wonderful, cheerful disposition. I think that it's Susan's reward for being willing to take a broken down old hound--that Jonah is the opposite of a broken down old hound! May all of our 10 year olds be so chipper! It's sad the lesson these people have just taught their children. Oh, Susan didn't mention that the new bride got a puppy of her own...who of course they're keeping. :angryfire Oh, and she says "We're dog people." Argh! Welcome Jonah!!
  2. I just adore Pudge! It could be something down there--some sort of grass seed or such. Or an infection. I feel CERTAIN they will put a glob under the microscope (it always baffles me how my vet justifies an addition $30 charge for this when it takes her 30 seconds). I expect you'll get some ear drops initially.
  3. Miss Amanda, When the specialist I took George to for his "hitch in his gitalong" told me he had a mild (thusfar) case of LS, I asked her it would cause him to be incontinent. She said that fecal incontinence is common, but not urinary. Perhaps she has a touch of nerve damage in the hind end? My parents 13 year old English Setter has the same problem. She has access to the outdoors any time she wants, but has been pooping in the house more often. She has never peed in the house. She just can't feel the poo comin' down the chute! I suggest you wear socks with your saddles, and carry on! (inside joke)
  4. Maybe he read George's saga about the Ebil Birds of the North and Chikken Arms and the Poo Slinger? That's one of those things I tend to just ignore and make my dog deal with. Sometimes dogs have quirks, and I know there are people who give in to them, but I'd be inclined to act completely normal and perhaps distract him with a cheery voice and a "let's go!" and off on your walk!
  5. Hmmmmm. George and I watch his god daughter race all the time, and she clamps her tail between her legs during the post parade--and trust me, it's pure excitement, although it does look like anxiety! That girlie LOVES to run! Sounds like excitement to me too. My last dog LOVED the car because we always ended up somewhere that he got lots of loving from someone besides me. It got to the point where he whined in this horrible high pitched tone that made me absolutely NUTS. Nothing could keep him out of the car! In fact he had major orthopedic surgery, and when I picked him up from the hospital, with 27 staples running down his leg that was surgically cut in two and pinned back together, I had purchased a ramp for him to get into the SUV. As I was setting the thing up, he had already flown into the back on his three legs! Now I have George, and he's great in the car. I have a pretty big SUV now. I keep all the back seats folded flat, and a layer of memory foam over them, then a blanket, and on top of that a dog bed. I figure if he falls over (he likes to ride standing up) at least it'll be cushiony.
  6. I'm so sorry. From what I've learned by reading and from friends who have gone through it, there isn't anything you can do but manage the pain. Just enjoy the time you have left and keep him as comfortable as possible, and spoil him rotten.
  7. There was a news report here in Boston recently that said something about a cruelty case and a "Greyhound." Well, it was an IG. Maybe this lady is a total newbie to the hound world and she figures her dog is a "greyhound" just small?
  8. A housebroken dog doesn't start peeing in the house for attention or just for the heck of it. Trust me; you WANT this to be a UTI, probably mild at this point. Easily cured with two weeks of antibiotics. Behavioral? Not so much!
  9. The most beautiful dog we've ever had was an English Setter named Jeb. He was a show dog, and he was gorgeous with a beautiful coat, great muscle tone, good energy, etc. He ate Puppy Chow and Dog Chow. Milllions of dogs and cats do just fine eating "supermarket" food. If your dog does well on Iams, there is no reason not to feed it to him.
  10. Crazy thought--if his only issue is nasal discharge--did the vet look up his nostrils??? It is not impossible to think he got something stuck up there.
  11. I would have the vet check her ACL. Kramer's ruptured completely simply running straight on a flat, grassy surface. I can easily imagine a dog tearing/straining her ACL doing zoomies!
  12. I'm not sure how your vet came to the conclusion that possible nerve problems were related to a thyroid issue? Your dog may have lumbar sacral stenosis if he is having problems in the hind end. (My dog has it, FYI.) Sounds like you might look into a new vet; LSS is not a condition limited to Greyhounds. A good dog vet would know how to check for that quite easily, and would follow up with x-rays. According to Dr. Couto (Greyhound expert), low thyroid is the most over-diagnosed condition in Greyhounds. Unless your vet is familiar with the breed, a reading that's normal for your dog would lead him to believe there was a problem.
  13. Not sure, but I have given George generic Chlor-Trimenton with my vet's blessing. No problems. I found for George two Benadryl twice a day was VERY helpful. FYI, allergy testing in dogs is somewhat iffy in terms of a useful result. And the shots don't always work. Here's an article: Allergy Link I opted to simply control the symptoms in my last dog, a mixed breed, because my neighbor, with an English Bulldog, spent a small fortune on his dog and shots, and the dog itched anyway. I'm not sure what the statistics are on inhalant allergies, but I then adopted a Greyhound with allergies! I've narrowed it down to most likely ragweed, based on his itching kicking in right when the pollen reports were citing high levels of ragweed pollen in the air. The Benadryl has been pretty effective, and I also had a long sleeved shirt made for him because when he scratches himself, he was really damaging his skin. The t-shirt prevents that. And I think he likes it! He runs over to me when I pick it up. Good luck!
  14. I think that's one of those myths that just won't die! A woman at my old condo, who was from Russia, informed me that "They use cattle prods on them so they won't sit--Greyhounds won't sit!" and I looked at George and said, "Sit," and he did, and she was HONESTLY amazed. While many hounds may choose not to sit, that doesn't mean they CAN'T sit. And your hound might not give you a perfect sit (big butt muscles and long legs make it a bit funny looking!), but you can teach it. Goerge is a very stubborn and independent minded guy, and if HE can be taught to sit on command, I think most any dog can! I used the good old tuck and fold method, and since he's highly food motivated, I used treats. Only took three days. Now when he REALLY REALLY wants something, he sits and looks up at me hopefully! I have never seen him sit on his own, but he will sit when I tell him to, or when he's in super beg mode. He doesn't stay seated--but he won't stay laying down either when I tell him to!
  15. You feel guilty? For caring enough to follow through on a problem with an anxiety ridden dog? Please don't! I think it shows a lot of caring that something you might not normally do you're willing to try because you believe it might help. Nothing to feel guilty about.
  16. Could just be a case of OCD at this point. I personally don't believe a food allergy would cause one itchy spot on a dog's leg. Food allergies tend to manifest as itchy feet, and inhalant allergies as itchy ears/armpits. You could try dosing her up with Benadryl for a few days and see if there is any change. We had a Lab who licked both front legs raw. We spent thousands of dollars on him, and even took him to Tufts to see a specialist. They put him on antidepressants! Absolutely NOTHING helped. He spent months wearing a cone too. Finally we gave up and he started wearing a long sleeve cotton turtleneck with the ankles taped shut (and the neck split as he had a massive head! Once he couldn't actually lick them, he stopped trying. But as soon as we took his shirt off... He got out of the yard once (very rural area) and was running around in the woods. A neighbor called us and said, "Uhm, there's a dog in a turtleneck in my yard. Is it yours?"
  17. I took George in with a limp, and the first thing the vet said was, "Because this is a Greyhound, I suggest we go ahead with x-rays immediately, and repeat them in two weeks, and possibly again in two weeks." Apparently the pain (limp) can start before there is a clear sign in the x-rays. I don't believe other veterinarians need to pay to speak with OSU; I hope not. Did she take digital x-rays? I understand they're much better and they can be emailed. We were lucky--neither the first nor the second set of x-rays showed anything, and it was "just" LSS in my dog's case.
  18. She shouldn't be in a "drugged stupor" if the vet uses the proper protocols. Modern anesthesia wears off quite quickly. And at my vet, an overnight stay would add at least $150 to the bill.
  19. My dog raced until he was 5. He "stallion pees" half the time, and lifts half the time. Not sure why you'd care one way or another?
  20. If your dog has been vomiting for two days, you should probably take him to the vet.
  21. George had chronically loose poop when I got him. I had read something that said even if your dog has tested negative for parasites, if he's had loose poo since leaving the track (or farm!), go ahead and treat with Panacur D. So I did. Ta dahhh! Much better. Than I switched him to a beef based food, and he's had great poops ever since.
  22. Not sure how to stop him inside Lucy, but marking outside is perfectly acceptable to me, so I would let him. As you may know, I give George a tiny piece of biscuit every time he pees...OUTSIDE!!
  23. Well, in my lifetime, we've had exactly TWO female dogs. My mother has always been the primary care giver (old fashioned traditional household; Dad went to work and Mom took care of home and hearth!) of all creatures, great and small. I would have to say that the first female was devoted to Mom, the one they have now thinks the sun rises and sets with my father--and poor Dad is senile now, and barely notices her--and yet she keeps a sentry position by his bed night and day. All of the other dogs thought my father was their supreme exhalted leader! I've only had male dogs myself.
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