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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. George has lost weight. I attribute that to his muscles shrinking a bit. Just had him at the vet today; he weighs 65 pounds.
  2. This is what I've done, and my dog is not friendly with other breeds--he's not afraid, believe me... It's helped a lot! I'd also walk your dog somewhere else for a while.
  3. I'm so, so sorry. While I haven't gone through this, friends have. You're on the right path; pain meds and lots of spoiling. You will know when the time comes to say goodbye.
  4. Ditto! It's the real thing--there are imitation bag balms, but this stuff is actually meant for cow teats and it contains lanoline and a very mild antiseptic ingredient. Great stuff, and it won't hurt your hound if he/she licks it.
  5. Yes, it can be too dilute, but it sounds like, clearly, your dog has unusual drinking habits! If they're not concentrating their urine efficiently, it CAN mean they're not filtering out what they're supposed to filter out. My last dog had a problem with this--we switched him to special food and that helped him. They did have me withhold water for 12 hours, and then bring in the first morning urine at one point. Then they kept him for the day and tested him throughout the day--this was to check for Cushings I believe? Maybe you should get him a giant hamster bottle to drink out of so he doesn't "tank up" like that!
  6. So sorry for your loss.
  7. Very simple answer here, for immediate "relief." When you have people over, baby gate the dog into a room and tell people to leave him alone. For long term benefits, what Batmom said sounds very sensible!! I wouldn't consider what you're describing "aggression." Sounds like fear to me, and the growling is his only way of saying, "Back off." He needs a safe space where he can't be bothered to adjust to life on the outside! 3 months is really still pretty new in your home.
  8. You don't need a doggy dentist. Any vet can remove a tooth--if it even needs to be removed. And I seriously don't think a day is going to make any difference, and would not personally go to an e-vet for a broken tooth unless it was causing my dog pain.
  9. Welcome Harry!! Hard to believe George once looked (more or less!) like that!! Have fun Elizabeth!!!
  10. Sedated for a tail injury? I have way more experience with tail damage than I want! George's healed on it's own, thank goodness, once he was out of the crate. My other dog, Kramer, had an ultra long tail, and since he was having surgery for something else anyway, my vet amputated a few inches. It healed up just fine, there were no problems at all.
  11. Yikes! My old dog had a TPLO (involves cutting into the tibia). It would not heal, would not heal, would not heal... My vet sort of decided my dog was a "wimp" and didn't take it seriously. Turns out he had a bone infection at the surgery sight. Something to ask your vet about. He may need some serious antibiotics. Not sure how they detect an early bone infection?? I'm sorry for your hound.
  12. I should have mentioned that; George has been taking cranberry tablets now since the initial "cure."
  13. Fish oil really helps with dry skin; don't think it has any effect on shedding. I use a rubber curry comb I had left over from owning horses when I was [much] younger, and that works great.
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