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Everything posted by 4greyhounds

  1. It sounds like he is getting better , we will continue to pray and he will be in our thoughts and you too.
  2. Happy Birthday at the Bridge Diggers!
  3. She looks Greayt!!!!!!! We will continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers.
  4. She does not go under the gum line, I think it might be ok as a in between but if you are paying for a in between why not do it yourself or pay to get it done right, dogs don't have smokers tint or coffee tint, to me it is a waste of money that could be put towards a full dental or etc. and I agree with Carol. Just my 2 cents whatever it is worth, but I would not rush my dogs to her when their is so many other things we could put the money to good use for, but on a positive note the peroxide is a "GREAT" idea.
  5. Thank you. Yes, we are very excited! If you shop at the Laurens Road petsmart you may see us...we do meet and greets there every 3rd sunday now. You are Welcome! I was there last Saturday, we may have already met! Laurens road pet Smart is just around the corner from us. We were the ones that was waiting for the haul and taking the babies to Charlotte. I had read a lot about the group and wanted to meet the directors and I think they are "WONDERFUL" people that do a lot for the greys. I can tell you that you are with a "GREAT" Group. I look forward to being able to meet you soon. Lots of happiness with your babies!
  6. Sending lots of prayers and white light and many hugs!!!!!!!
  7. Hi Shannon, Welcome from Greenville South Carolina! It is a small world, your babies are adorable!!!!! You are also involved with one of the "BEST" groups in the world. Maybe we will bump into each other some time, Congraultaions on your new Galgo that is coming.......
  8. That is GREAT news! Bless his heart he is on the rebounds, he is a little fighter, you go CASH!
  9. Hi and Welcome to the group, do you have pictures of yur babies? We love pictures on here!
  10. Thanks so much for the update, he has been on my mind and I often wondered how he was doing, we were so very sad to hear that the other 2 had lost their lives. We will continue to pray for him and keep white light.
  11. 4greyhounds


    I am so sorry about Joker!!!!!
  12. Wow, "GREAT" pictures of the babies on the beach. It is soo Pretty there, except for the car!
  13. I am so Sorry. Run Free Train
  14. Both him and the human little one are Adorable!!!!!!
  15. A Beautifil Tribute! Run Free Sophia
  16. I agree their is def. something wrong I would get her to another vet and get her on a antibotic right away. You don't want that to get worse it could get really bad. We will be praying for her.
  17. 4greyhounds


    That brought tears to my eyes, bless your heart I could never imagine not knowing where one of mine was..... Lots of hugs to you. I hope one day you will get a happy ending. . Happy Birthday Pinky wherever you maybe......
  18. WOW!!!! What a HUGE difference!!!! The house looks GREAT!!!!!!
  19. Happy Birthday Sweet Angel!!!!
  20. Congratulations!!!!!! Welcome to the group, she is beautiful!!! Don't worry she will settle in it takes them a few days to settle into the new routine. Lots of Happiness with her. Keep us posted and we love pictures......
  21. Aladdin and Jasmine have bad bellies and even if I don't chenge anything with their diets, if they eat grass their bellies make a horrible noise.
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