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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Seriously?! Hypothyroidism is not all *that* rare. It happens. On this point, I don't care what Dr. Couto purportedly claims. Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to all kinds of things. It's irresponsible, IMO, to dissuade people from pursuing further testing.
  2. I'm sorry for your loss. Angel seems like an amazing hound.
  3. Hi there! Welcome from Kent, right up the road!
  4. greyhead

    Bindi Bug

    I'm so shocked, sad and sorry! Gentle hugs to you, your family and Dazzle.
  5. We top-dress with compost once or twice a year. (Works itself in in a couple days without effort on our part.) We also reseed the parts that get wrecked, but that only happens because the sun drops so low in the winter here in Seattle, and it's so wet, that it's hard for grass to keep a purchase in the shade of the fence line. Other than that, the grass grows really well.
  6. Hm, so Matlock did turn out to be an IBD dog too. FWIW, Spencer lost a lot of weight on prednisone, which he was only on briefly. He was put on budesonide instead, which targets the gut and thus avoids the broader spectrum of pred side effects. The only SE to budesonide is fur loss, and that did occur. But Spencer is doing wonderfully two years later, so we just use sunscreen in the summer and a coat when he's cold. I'll be happy to tell you more if you want or answer any questions. (He also takes Tylosin and, until recently, metronidazole. He only eats venison, and one-third of that per day is raw.) Thanks for the update, and Happy Holidays to you too!
  7. Please tell me you've received my new donation and it just hasn't been posted yet. According to what shows up in my info on the Index page, I expired two hours ago. I've received confirmation in other places, like my email, so I hope it's not really a problem. Many thanks for all you do for us!
  8. Yes, the initial improvement was so subtle we weren't even sure it was improvement! He had been almost lethargic before the a/b and not very responsive to his name or to touch; so the initial improvement was that he became easier to rouse and slept somewhat less. It wasn't until the third day that he became perkier.
  9. I'm just coming out of a migraine, Dee, and seeing this for the first time. I'm so sorry for everything you and your pups are going through.
  10. Shane was recently started on AmoxiClav-Potassium even before his culture came back positive for E. coli. It took three days before he was notably improved, but this UTI had been going on for a while, I think. Even at that, he's needing a second round of the a/b just based on behavioral observations. We'll retest after that. (He was off the a/b for a day and a half, and he perked up in 12 hours after it was restarted.) Maybe Baytril isn't the right a/b? ETA: I was concerned at no improvement by second day. Vet then said it could take 72 hours to see improvement. Fortunately, it didn't take that long!
  11. I'm very sorry for your loss. Joe knew you acted out of love and did your best. Run free, Joe.
  12. Oh my gosh, hon, to say I'm sorry doesn't begin to cover it. I wish there were more I could do than offer my most sincere sympathy. You're front and center in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Lexi was indeed an adorable girl. Thanks for including those lovely photos. :f_pink
  13. Maybe your vets can find another vet with experience with the shot? Are you out in the boonies or near a metro area? I don't blame you for being nervous! I imagine you're talking about a depo medrol shot.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. Spencer has been treated for LS for two years with acupuncture and chiropractic, no meds at all. We started with weekly, shortly went to every two weeks, and now go every month. He just turned 10 and has done greyt! His internist says she uses depo medrol as a last resort. I'd previously heard at the DM shots only work for a period of time -- like a year or two -- and then no longer have any effect.
  16. Prayers, white light, all possible good thoughts coming your way.
  17. Yes, how is Willie? Hoping for an update and hoping all is well.
  18. greyhead


    I'm so sorry. Logan was a beautiful boy and well-loved. I'm sorry he couldn't stay.
  19. Thanks for bringing this up, Carolyn. Our dog didn't do well on Proin so we stopped it fast. We've had good results with a product almost identical to yours that we got from the vet. But yours is cheaper! Interesting, Claudia's formula is entirely different. So if one of these things doesn't work for a given case, one could try the other! I love options!
  20. Sounds like a UTI to me too, which we have just gone through with one of ours. Though the urine didn't appear cloudy or anything, a culture showed E. coli. He too had the restlessness and inability to settle that your dog has, only it took him longer to show it. The needing to go out a lot and accidents came first.
  21. We just had to take one of ours to a rehab vet, where it was discovered that his difficulty walking is only at slow speed. He does better at a trot or a run. This slow-walk pattern has been going on for years, but we're just discovering its probable basis in an old injury now that his hips have become visibly skewed. This may not be a popular reply, but I always lean toward trusting the dog enough to consider that he's doing the best he can -- at least until and unless I can definitively find out otherwise.
  22. When we discovered after adoption that Shane had a dropped thigh muscle, vet said rest him for two weeks -- no walks, leash for doing business. Other than that, nothing to do.
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