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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. Vets and myself first thought that EZ's scars was from a fall on the track injury, he has no fur on his chest and numerous other scars on his front legs, etc. Will try and check his out further to check those scars. I wonder how many of the pups do hit that rail.
  2. I know what you mean about at night and that is usually when he has his seizures. that is why I am so fearful having him in a kennel which I had to do when I was hospitized.
  3. Here is an e-mail I received this am about EZ No, he didn't race again after the fall. The first seizure that I know of was about 6 months after the fall, but that's not saying that he didn't have one before that.....he was in a race kennel and he could of had one there without being noticed,especially if it was at night. I don't know what happened to his front teeth. He never had the ear infection when he was at the kennel, but he had a pretty bad one going on when he got out of his first adoptive home. RE: Ear infection still had it when he came up to MD was treated there and here. It came back in a few months and it was determined to be a yeast infection.
  4. As of right now do not know what part of his body hit the rail but I can tell you that he has scars on his chest and front legs.
  5. The person who posted this information is a member of this message board so I hope she sees this and gives us some additional information. I wonder if the owner would know, I might be able to contact her through NGA.
  6. Read on another message board that EZ rain into the rail and was zapped when he was racing and the operator dropped the power long enough for him to get off the rail. The scars he has both myself and his vets thought were from a header but they are not they are from burns. It was also posted he was one lucky dog. I am now wondering if this is the cause of his seizures. His neuro vet is interested to see when his seizures started. How soon after this accident. Also, a radiologist where I work told me that is could be the cause of his seizures. Wish I knew when he started having seizures
  7. I hope that all of you using the cream are getting greyt results and your pups do not need surgery.
  8. Greyt news about the pups that they did not need to be put under and that the corns are coming out. No limping what a relief to both the pups and their care givers
  9. Would love to and it is about time that I am getting some good luck. 2009 was a bad year for me and 2010 started out with bad luck with EZ and his seizures and Hershey with her tail that they thought was cancer that was amputated so I guess I am getting some good luck for a change.
  10. Penske's visit to the vet with me thinking he needed a dental - Dr. O'Leary said no but would need some Keflex and that I can get it free at the Giant Eagle Pharmacy - hey some good luck I would say Hershey was woried about her eye with a white area that was getting larger - Dr. O'Leary said it was cholesterol and gave me drops to call him in 2 to 3 months to see how it is - more good luck EZ might of had a focal seizure while at the groomers - Dr. O'Leary suggested I speak to her and see what exactly was going on when this happened. Was she lathering him up as he loved massages or was the water a little too warm. He is a gofus so if she was lathering him up he could of just been enjoying it. Oh she said it happened in the bathing tub
  11. I am glad this cream is helping greyhounds stay off of the operating table to have corns removed. They do not need to be put under anesthesia if there is a treatment that works. I guess I am lucky that none of my hooligans have corns.
  12. I stopped to see Susan twice this week and each time I had one of my greys (TG no corn problems) and the reception from everyone in the pharmacy was fantastic or should I say greyt. Susan told me that she has send some of the cream to my Podiatrist as I showed him the literature that Susan gives out. I am thinking of trying it on my feet, I also found out that Susan who compounds EZ's KBr is very reasonable for what she charges me. I have been kidding her that I am going to charge her commission for posting this information on GT
  13. Thanks Jimmy its about time I got some good news
  14. Vet's office just called Blood work back and every thing is greyt. He does not have to see his neurologist for 6 to 12 months or if he has a problem.
  15. yes good boy especially when he steals a whole loaf of bread minus 2 slices I had taken out earlier. Bread is now in the refrigerator along with the bagels and raisin bread
  16. yes Dick Now to worry about the blood work Beryl
  17. yes and his half brother Penske weighs more than he does last time I weighed him he was 96 lbs.
  18. Vet pleased with his progress, not too concerned over his seizures every 2 months. Weight is good he weighs 91 pounds. Laughed about him stealing a loaf of bread yesterday and eating lettuce without dressing. Blood work should be back on Monday so will update you then.
  19. 1 year for Softee and 4 years for Phawn and it does not get any easier. I guess I will be a basket case when May 27 rolls along which is the day I lost my big blue eyed bear David
  20. hello just to let you know I was born in Paddington a few years ago

  21. Thank you Xan it has been very difficult and I am trying to cope with everything. I keep thinking if only David were here with me it would be so much easier
  22. you are welcome I also love that picture Yes even the ones I had to re-home after David passed away will bring tears.
  23. Here is Queen Softee with Xan - I remember Xan saying and she stood up to greet me. A beautiful sunset when we left Dewey that year. I wonder if it was an omen
  24. Thank you - It might of been easier if My Big Blue Eyed Bear was around but I was also griekving for him and my twins. Then the weather was nasty raining and very gloomy. Just hope today is better for me. I wrote this last year about Softee but I am still unable to write anything about Phawn who was only 8 1/2 when she passed from OS Softee It was September of 1998 that you came into our lives. Nikki, our collie/shep mix, had gone to the Bridge, and we did not want Shadow to be an only child. When we brought you home you just moved on in as if you had lived here all of your life. You bonded instantly to your dad and Shadow, which amazed Judy (your foster mom) and Jane Drellow,(co-founder of Going Home Greyhounds) as you had taken about two weeks to make up with your foster dad. We soon found out you did not care for men. There were only three men in your life at that time; your dad, little Ricky (my grandson who is now in 9th. Grade) and Santa Claus ... and who doesn’t like Santa? If a man came into your home you tolerated him for a couple of minutes, then gave him a look as if to say “You have been here long enough, when are you leaving”. If they did not leave as soon as you wanted them to go, you flew up stairs and stayed there until they were gone. Your little feet were like pistons but you never made a sound. They sure did give you a good name, Softshoesureshot. In time you learned that all men were not ogres and you started to warm up to a few that you decided were okay in your book. You loved taking trips. You made it to Florida, New Jersey, Ohio and Dewey Beach. You always seemed to know when a rest stop was coming up. I swear you could read especially when a sign came up saying there was a rest stop ahead. In 2008 you were made Queen of Grey Talk as the oldest female greyhound on that board, and you wore your crown with pride. At Dewey, you met some of your loving subjects, including Xan, who had done your Royal Portrait. Missing you Mom, Dad PS: Received your letter that you are safe at The Bridge
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