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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. I can't get it to play either. Is this something that is suppose to prevent corns from coming back or to remove them? Can somebody post what it does and the name of it? Please. I just had a corn removed from Nadir's foot, and at the cost of $700 I'd like to know if there is something I could use to prevent any from coming back. I had trouble with it also, but kept trying, it does have an advertisement first and will keep buffering. If you still can't get it to play you can use this e-mail. info@MurrayAvenueRX.com If you go up to my first post try there and go to WPXI news story
  2. you are welcome I have been lucky that none of mine have had corns.
  3. I am glad that I could post this for all of you. Please cross post as not everyone is a member of GT. Here it is. I had a little trouble finding it at first myself. Dick Thank you posting the link
  4. http://www.murrayavenuerx.com/ This is where I get EZ's KBr compounded and they have a breakthough on the treatment of corns.
  5. That's when Sophie tends to have her seizures too. People on the EPIL-K9 list say that melatonin supplementation is supposed to help with the night-time seizures. Have you tried melatonin? ~Lindsay~ no I have not tried melatonin - he was just put on KBr and I do not want to add too many meds at one time. His phenobarbital level is next month and his KBr is in May.
  6. Thank you The snow here is up to his and the rest of the pup's belly and he is having a blast in this snow. It is still coming and I understand that other places have much more than what I have. My satelite tv is out, my son called they do not have power, and my daughter who lives across the river does not have power or telephone called me on her cell. Wet heavy snow bringing trees down. Me I am in for the duration, have milk, bread, vegetables, meat and TOILET PAPER :
  7. Sorry I have not been posting but I have problems logging on to GT but I just found out that Trudy fixed it. Now I wonder if she can fix the weather here. EZ right now is doing okay and I have been making him get off my bed especially at night and if I am on the computer will not let him go into a deep sleep. It seems as if he is in a deep sleep he will seizure. Last night I lost power and was very aprehensive I was worried that he might seize and I would not be able to see him His neuro vet only had me give him that extra dose of phenobarbital for that one time.
  8. Have not been on as EZ had another seizure Monday night and fell out of bed again and over to my computer. During the seizure he pulled some wire and knockled me off line. Just had a tech come in and fix the damage His neuro vet told me to give him his 7 pm dose of pheno and then at 10 pm another 2 grains of pheno. So far so good.
  9. I have been reading about the epi dogs on the epi board and I am lucky that EZ does not seize the way theirs do even though they are very scarey. He did take longer than usual to come out of this one but the vet is not worried right now....
  10. Vet just called no change in medication at this point. He is due for his phenobarbital level in March and his KBr in May. I do have some rectal valium but not liquid. Will have to ask about the liquid valium am to contact him if he has another seizure. Last one was November 2.
  11. At 1 pm EZ had another seizure lasted about 45 seconds but took a couple of minutes to come around. He is very vocal and had to make at least 3 trips outside . He had been sleeping for awhile and was in a deep sleep. I have a call in to his neurologist and am waiting to hear what he wants me to do.
  12. I don't think they let him sleep when he was in the hospital. All he has done since I brought him home is sleep and then opens his eyes when I call him as if to say why did you wake me up. First thing he did when we came home after his potty break was curl up in my bed... Poor Boy
  13. Ultra Sound Normal no problems noted. Give him his meds plus some pepcid every 12 hours.
  14. I wondering too Jimmy and the object was about the size of a piece of dog food that was still in his tummy. So when he threw up why did some come up but not all of it?
  15. Vet called at 6 am and she told me that x-rays taken at 8 pm last night is not showing the opaque object. I wonder what happened to it, he is eating and drinking and no vomitting. This vet did suggest still having the ultra sound done due to his seizure issues. I hope this is good news for me. I do not need another 2009. Now I am just wondering how high is this vet bill going to be and how I am going to pay for it or maybe sell "The Farm"
  16. Vet just called want to do an ultra sound on him tomorrow and now they are not sure of what is in his stomach. Praying that it is nothing to worry about
  17. We ended up with a 30" e-collar which cost me $36.00 and she beat the heck out of it and still tried to get to the tail. At least the biospy said it was not cancer so now I call her Stub Tail Hershey. I have been trying to get a good pic but she moves everytime I get the camera near her
  18. I wish I knew what he got, as he eats those brown popsicles I keep a racing muzzle on him when he goes into the yard but then they do know how to get around things. Praying for a good barf too and they get out what is in there.
  19. Hershey had her sutures removed and everything healed up well. There was a scab on one of the sutures that bled a little so we had to keep her cone collar on for a little longer. She is doing greyt and is still is very sassy and demanding. She has now decided that she will eat her breakfast in two sittings....
  20. This morning EZ was vomitting - gave him his med as I normally do in cream cheese within 1/2 hour he threw it up. When I was getting breakfast ready for the other pups he decided he wanted to eat so thinking he might of had something caught in his throat I fed him breakfast with his meds in the food. With a 1/2 hour he threw that up also. I was ready to panic as I did not want him to have a seizure and I called the ER vet and talked to one of the techs that is involved with his neuro vet and was told to bring him in to be checked out. When i arrived his Neuro Vet had an emergency so they directed me to the ER. ER decided to give him IV phenobarbital as he has very bad seizures so bad he rubbed the fur off his rump and do x-rays. X-ray revealed an opaque object in his stomach with some food, they are going to induce vomitting to see if he brings it up and are hoping that I can get him either later today or in the am. Please pray for EZ that this foreign object does come up.
  21. I don't think so as he was laying there as calm as a cucumber and looking at me. I really think he was saying to himself "What the heck does she want now"
  22. Some hounds are okay with epi pups and some aren't. My pack will immediately attack also. Glad to see EZ just fell out of bed. I'd take that over a seizure any day. Yes falling out of bed is better than a seizure and we have been seizure free now since November 13. Those seizures really do a number on me knowing I cannot do anything to help them. Both Penske and Hershey will attack an epi and do so also when Belle had a seizure
  23. yes they will and that is how EZ ended up in the hospital when Penske bit him. That seizure cost me almost 2 thousand dollars. My vet for the initial exam and treatment and then the ER vet when he did not look good later that evening. When we got to the ER he had a high fever and an infection.
  24. yes from sleep to full alert and full muscle power to move any other pup that is in the room away from the epi pup
  25. checked his out for seizure activity, no slimy slobber on face and legs were okay. Now I am dead tired and ready for a nap
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