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Everything posted by 6greyhounds

  1. EZ scared the ???? out of me at 5:30 am this morning. Heard the classic noise of a seizure, Hershey with her 30" cone on started to lunge to where he was at. I managed to grab her so that she could not get near him. Got Hershey out of the room and checked on EZ and there he was laying on his side on floor beside the bed looking at me as if to say "What do you want?".. He had fallen out of bed and knocked a few things over with those long legs of his.
  2. Thank you. I jusst hope this merry go round I am on will let me off. I do believe that my car is auto pilot to the er vet
  3. Vet called to let me know that surgery went well and she can come home in the am. She will be on an anti imflamatory/pain med and an antibiotic for at least another week. That girl is going to be the death of me yet. She managed to rip out her sutures with an e-collar on when she was spayed for the second time so he had to re-sew her with sutures
  4. Hershey had been ripping off her bandages and caused some damage so she had surgery and I just got off the phone with the vet came through surgery okay and can get her in the am
  5. Hershey is back in the hospital and will be having surgery by one of the surgeons. She did do some damage to her tail so they have to re-suture it and the ER vet thought it would be better to have one of the surgeons do it. More money but what can I do?
  6. yes it is Leslie but I don't know if she did any damage to her stubby tail
  7. I am ready to shoot her - When I went to work she was e-collared and I secured it around her collar, when I got home the bandage was on the floor, I re-bandaged it thinking it might of fallen off. Within minutes she had that one off with the e-collar on. I now have the e-collar on her along with a muzzle. I will only de-muzzle and de-e-collar her when she is eating. That girl is going to be the death of me. I should of remembered when she was spayed the second time that she could get the staples out with the e-collar on...
  8. An early Christmas present even tho she will have a stubby tail, the way the vet talked there was nothing else to do about the tail but to amputate due to the fracture and the suspicious tumor
  9. One of Hershey's vets called this morning, the tumor was not cancerous but if not treated in time could of developed into cancer, we still have to keep a close eye on her incase she developes other tumors/masses. Maybe my luck is changing
  10. I am ready to shoot Hershey took her e-collar off as I was getting their dinner ready and she ripped off her bandage. I managed to re wrap it with bandages from my stash. I caught her before she had a chance to do any damage
  11. yes I was told about it and tried to contact that person but have not had a response
  12. Just back from the vet, tail healing well, return on Wednesday for another bandage change and re-check. continue with the antibiotic. My son took me in his truck as my street is still a mess and my car is still full of snow
  13. Where she had the amputation they told me that they have had quite a few dogs with CA of the tail and they had chemo at the oncology unit there. I am trying to find out more info on that. A vet who is very greyhound savy (has a pack of her own) has never heard of it either but said knowing greyhound and they don't read the book this is very probable. remember the tail is a digit and has bones.
  14. Xan No the weather did not hold off for me - it started about 10 pm Friday Night, we are expecting 3 to 5 (not as much as south and east of us) and right now we have a litte over 1 1/2 inches on the ground (it is 7:21 am my time). My grandson has a Jeep so we will try and get there with that. Told him I would give him gas and I have a gas card that I am getting $2.20 off a gallon so it would be to my advantage to just pay maybe $0.40 to $0.50/gallon to get her to the vet.
  15. Thank you I really appreciate all the kind/good thoughts, prayers and well wishes for both Hershey and myself.
  16. I hope so Xan I need some good luck. bandage change tomorrow and we are under a winter weather advisory, hope it does not hit until after I get Hershey to the vets and back home..
  17. Xan Thank you for the chant - I needed that RE: Hershey: she is getting back to her normal self (minus part of her tail) demanding to eat this am and barking at things outside which I think were blowing leaves LOL. I put her e-collar on last night when I went to bed, kept her in the dining room, Penske in the living room and EZ in bed with me (this is new since the third seizure) he would always jump out of bed when I got in.
  18. She is starting to be more responsive and ate for me tonight. Right now I have her e-collar off but will put it back on before I go to bed.
  19. Hershey is home and does not like her e-collar. I guess when I am not home or in bed I will be using 3 rooms to keep them apart. The boys wanted to check out her tail. Dressing change in 2 days and suture removal in 10 days. It will take 7 to 10 days for the biopsy report to come back
  20. Just off the phone with Hershey's vet - came through surgery okay, took tail off 2 vertebrae above the tumor, will send out a section for biopsy, platelets were good and chest x-ray clear. Has anyone here heard about cancer in the tail? But then only weird things happen to me and my pups....
  21. Just back from the ER vet. Hershey's tail had some blood on it Sunday I thought she bumped it while outside. Cleaned it up and continued with her meds. Monday noticed a small lump and cried a little bit when I touched it figured it was swollen from an injury. When my grandson Adam came tonight I asked him to see if she would let him check it and he discovered a hole on the underside of the tail. Decided to take her to the ER Vet and they told me it was cancer and are going to amputate the tail above the tumor. Hole was about the size of a dime. Will probably get her home in the am. Won't know what type of cancer it is until the biopsy report comes back
  22. Glad he is home also and he can get his carrots this evening. Vet said that the carrots help clean the teeth and his teeth were not as bad as some greyhound's teeth she had seen. He has been sleeping most of the evening
  23. EZ is home and has had two small meals, he had a root canal, vet did not want to put him through the trauma of an extraction. She thinks when he had his accident when he was racing that he probably went face first down on the track the way his teeth were cracked. No infection except the one she did a root canal on. To get another dental x-ray in a year unless he has problems. She also said he was a very good patient but I think he was mad at me when they brought him out he did not come to me but went to another woman that was sitting waiting for her cat.
  24. EZ had his dental today not sure if he had a root canal in the past will x-ray to make sure there are no infections. His creatin was a little high but nothing to worry about. VET just called EZ is waking up from the anesthetic and she had to do a root canal on one of the canine teeth. She did not want to put him through a trauma of extraction. Everything went well. I can get him at 4 pm.
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