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Everything posted by Houndmommy03

  1. I just noticed Silver scratching at his eyes and the area around them is puffy. I'm wondering if he's having an allergy isssue. My vet is closed and I'm wondering if I can give him a benadryl. Seems like I remember giving it to my first greyhound for something. Thanks.
  2. Houndmommy03


    So very sorry for your loss. Loved your pics of her - what great ears!
  3. So far, no indication of a probelm with the chicken bones. I also haven't found anything in their poop. At what point can I feel like we are out of the woods? Thanks for your help!
  4. Okay, have fed him lots of bread. Thanks! Please send him some positve energy - he's already had a rough couple of days and for an old guy it's been extra traumatic. Sunday he was at the emergency vet because he tore a nail (had to be removed) and then yesterday he ended up at the vet again because his leg (different from the leg with the torn toe nail) was red and swollen. Xrays don't show anything so they think it's an infection. And then, last night he eats chicken bones! I'm a wreck!
  5. Silver got into the garbage tonight and ate 2 checken leg bones. I had planned to take the garbage out right after dinner and then forgot. I've always heard this can kill a dog due to splintering. Any thoughts? I'll call the vet in the morning. I feel awful and can't believe I forgot the garbage. THanks.
  6. I'm so sorry. I just lossed my 8 year old grey (very suddenly as well) so I know how sad you must feel. Hugs.
  7. My beautiful, sweet Holly went to the Bridge on Thursday (12/13/12). I'm still in shock - she was fine early Wednesday morning but started coughing later that morning. Vet wasn't too concerned - thought she had a virus or maybe had irritated her throat. She went downhill fast during the course of the day. Xrays at a late night trip to the emergency vet showed a large mass near/on her lungs and many little masses throughout both lungs. The meds they gave her didn't help so I had to send her to the Bridge on Thursday morning. She had no symptoms until she started couging on Wednesday. I just can't believe she's gone. It still takes my breath away. Dear Holly, I miss you so much. I will miss your roaching and chattering; how you would sneak up behind me in the kitchen and give a loud bark, scaring me half to death, when you needed to go outside; waking up in the morning to find you sharing my pillow, sometimes with your head and sometimes with your rear (!); your spins and jumps when you were excited; your daily attempts to take your stuffed animals on our walks; how you used your stuff toys as pillows; when you got bored and would shred rolls of toilet paper; your "off-key" roo - I'm pretty sure you were tone deaf; how much you loved people; your curiosity; watching you sun bathe in the summer; waking up to see you standing over me and staring at me when you would "sneak" into the bed at night - what were you thinking when you were looking at me?. Silver misses you too. You were his rock. I'm not sure how he's going to do without you. You sweet, silly girl. The hole you have left in this house and in our hearts is huge. We love you.
  8. What I'm noticing in Silver is that is backbone and ribs and MUCH more pronounced plus today when I looked at him he seems almost "sunken" in the area between his ribs and back legs (not sure how to describe). He just looks sooooo skinny. I'll be anxious to get him off the prednisone (next week is his last pill) and see if he gains his weight back. It's so hard not to worry.
  9. Thanks so much for the input on weight loss and prednisone. I feel better (have been thinking all kinds of scary things!). I will just increase the amount of food he's getting and weigh him in a month like the vet suggested. I knew I could count on Greytalk folks to help! Yes, Sam is a handsome fellow! Love the picture. Thanks! Kim
  10. My 11 year old, Silver, has been healthy up until the last week and a half. I came home a week and a half ago to find he wouldn't go up stairs and he would cry if you touched his back end. The vet was REALLY concerned as she had never seen a greyhound cry that much. During the exam he cried in pain and his back end just seemed to collapse. Xrays didn't show disc issues or bone cancer in the painful area. She decided to treat with prednisone, gabapentin and tramadol (if necessary for pain). After a couple of days he got back to normal for the most part. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and he will do stairs and runs around like his crazy self. But, his back end just isn't stable (don't know how else to describe). So that is one issue. Oh yeah, he is still on Gabapentin and we are currently tapering off of the prednisone. When I took him for a follow up back appointment, 4 days after his intiial appt., he had lost 2 lbs. Later in the week I noticed that he just seemed skinnier so I took him to be weighed on Saturday and he had lost nearly another 2 lbs. That was nearly 4 lbs in a week. Plus, I had actually increase his food by a cup a day back in Novemeber because he was looking skinnier to me. The vet did a senior blood panel and everything came back fine. He does take thyroid meds but those levels are good as well so it doesn't appear that his meds are causing the weight loss and need adjusted. She said maybe the current meds he is on could be causing the weight loss but I thought prednisone and gabapentin had a tendency top cause weight gain (is that because you are hungrier and eat more or is it because they slow down your metabolism?). So, the vet wants to just wait and see if if weight increases when he is totally off the meds (about a week from now) and then weigh him in a month. That just seems like a long time to wait. Any thoughts about all of this? I'm also considering increasing his food some more but not sure if that is the right thing. Sorry for the long post. Thanks for reading! Kim and Silver
  11. So is human glucosamine okay or do I need to buy it from the vet (a 2 month supply is over $70!) I was going to buy it at Costco.
  12. The vet recommended glucosamine for my 10 year old greyhound - does anyone give their grey this? Do you give the human kind or buy from the vet (very expensive!). Also, does anyone give fish oil and if so, how much. Thanks! Kim and Silver
  13. Lucky, we sent you to the Bridge 5 years ago yesterday. I can't believe how much it still hurts to think of your passing. You were so young - stupid cancer. Little did I know that I would face my own battle with cancer 3 years later. You were our first greyhound and will forever hold a special place in our hearts. Love you and miss you.
  14. The heartworm meds (Interceptor)for my 2 hounds costs $200/year. I was looking online and see that I can order there cheaper. Is it safe to order it online? Seems like I remember hearing a number of years ago that online pet meds weren't safe. I don't want to do anything to harm my dogs but I'd sure like to get this med cheaper. Thanks! Kim, Silver and Holly
  15. I love the picture of him in the water. Hugs to you and Kelsey.
  16. Houndmommy03


    So sorry for your loss. Hugs, Kim, Silver and Holly
  17. Thanks everyone. Holly is fine, thank goodness! She scared me to death when I discovered what it was she had been chewing on. Thanks again! Kim
  18. Thank you! I will give her some bread incase she ate some plastic (which probably happened). I feel better hearing what you said. The e-vet was so quick to say it was okay - which is why I was nervous. They must get a lot of these calls (glad I called first - I was ready to just take her in). Kim
  19. Holly ate an ant bait trap (I have the plastic and it still has "stuff" on it). I called the e-vet and they said not to worry about it. I looked it up on the internet and it turns out the main ingredient is peanut butter and that it wouldn't be harmful to a large dog. Still, I'm concerned. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks, Kim
  20. Fun is probably it - just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. She loves to pull the stuffing out of her toys if she can get a hole open to do it. Thanks! She will have her annual vet check up soon so they will check her teeth at that time. Thanks. Maybe I'll have to get her some tennis balls! Kim
  21. Holly is 5 1/2 years old and we have had her almost 3 years. She has always been very good. Several months ago she started getting into the bathroom garbage cans and tearing up boxes and tissues that she finds in them...We put the cans out of reach. Next she took a roll of toilet paper off of a shelf and shredded it (she did that twice). Another time she took a magazine off of a shelf and tore it up. None of these things is a big deal (except I don't want her to get hurt) but I am worried that one day she will destroy something of value. I don't understand why she has started doing this. We have never caught her in the act but we know it is her because she takes the item to her bed to tear it up and then falls asleep with it She gets 2 walks a day, has a fenced in back yard, I'm a SAHM with 2 kids also at home and she has lots of toys. Any thoughts? Thanks, Kim, Silver and Holly
  22. Sending lots of hugs. I have been there several times and know how difficult it is. Have someone drive you to and from. Sit in the back seat if you need to be "alone". Hugs, Kim
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